This needs to have a sequel, I'd watch this for hours.
Also, add props like action figures in the room, and 2 more people each side, let's make it 3v3,
sh*t, i'm convinced. I'm a dc fan now..
ОтветитьDC guy had more knowledge of Marvel stuff than the guy that represented Marvel
ОтветитьWhere are the comic fans
These are just movie fan boys
Superman is the most iconic, like most superheroes now are just made based on his abilities and likeness, i mean look at Homelander, Omni man and the rest
Stop putting spider man on the same table as supes please
Warner bros started the superhero movies way before marvel had got their act together to make a good superhero movie
ОтветитьThis is unfair as shit. The marvel dude was basically a film fan nothing else.
But he was right. Spider man (comics) ALONE beats ALL DC villains. The symbiotes, specifically Carnage? Literally the craziest and most awful villain on earth. You think Joker is bad? Peter parker had to team up with his arch nemesis to defeat cleatus and carnage, and still lost.
DC fans are just sick.
Ответить"Dc movies will never catch marvel" , news in 2024 RIP DCEU
ОтветитьBruce can't take on the one above all. He can't take on Superman as Batman. Lex can.
ОтветитьMen are simple minded
ОтветитьDamn the movie round didn't age well 💀
Ответитьthe iconic question really made me think! DC WINS
ОтветитьSuper nerd vs Casual fan
ОтветитьIn one comic batman gets suddenly attacked by a literal god (with no prep time) and wins with ease. Batman doesn’t just need prep time, he is already the smartest and best fighter in the universe (in his comics where he fights outside of just gotham) with prep time he beats pretty much anybody from any version of anything
ОтветитьWithout god there would be no Batman. God solos both universes simultaneously
ОтветитьDude on left is just an MCU fan, like a lot of Marvel stans these days. Guy on the right is just a comic book fan in general that strongly favors DC and is clearly a Batman fanboy, but who isn't? Batman solos.
ОтветитьIron Man has had his armor from the beginning. Batboy got his because the delusional writers at DC gave him one. DC turned batboy into Superman, MacGyver, and Mr Spock rolled up in one man. Take away all of batboys gadgets, and Daredevil would waste him. The whole prep time thing is a joke. If you get into a fight with batboy, tell him the code word Martha. Stops him cold
ОтветитьDc heroes are more iconic lol the only iconic hero from marvel before the mcu was spider man. Dc had superman batman the flash even aquaman and wonder woman. Also dc existed b4 marvel sooooo yuh
ОтветитьBatman is not even a superhero he's just written to win all the time, it's a bit too ridiculous
ОтветитьBatman is a mary sue the fact that takes on superman is so dumb
ОтветитьI am both so i am forever neutral except DCEU vs MCU at public reception
ОтветитьDespite disappointment that both don't know anything about the marvel dc crossover comics , both can agree on this:
With another Spider-manless Spider-man film , Sony , by taking every wrong lesson it can from MCU and Spiderverse films , will show everyone how to make Razzillion dollars
A new Marvel Razzie arrives
Its Razzieing time
The IMAX presentation of the first two episodes grossed $3.5 million worldwide.[120]
"Nobody is going to root for a cast of characters who stand for discrimination, eugenics, and racism." with 5 out of 8 episodes having zero plot and zero character development -Inhumans review
Lowest rated MCU Razzie=Inhumans -11%
Worst of Marvel=Fant4stic-9%
Highest rated DCEU Razzie(0%-50%)=Shazam 2 -49%
Worst Superhero film ever-Catwoman -8%
Lowest rated DCEU Razzie- Suicide Squad(theatrical)-26%
The marvel guy feels like he doesn’t know what he is doing. While the dc guy looks like a pro. The marvel guy said spider man villains better than Batman laugh out loud. He thinks hulk is more popular and thinks cap came before Superman
ОтветитьJoker can beat any villain
ОтветитьThe villain question was an interesting one. I'd say that Batman has the best rogues gallery (Spidey is a close second), but Marvel has more overall threatening villains that aren't so character or team specific, like Thanos, Magneto, Dr. Doom, Apocalypse, Galactus, etc.
ОтветитьDC needs to thank Batman. Been carrying the company for decades.
Ответитьbatman>>ironman idc
ОтветитьThis just proof bunch of so called Marvel fans is just some dudes with 0 knowledge about what they spoken without a valid backup with their statement:v
ОтветитьOne thing I never hear people argue about, in regard to villains in DC versus Marvel, while they're both equally thoughtful in their development, one thing is never addressed: Marvel villains tend to believe they're the protagonist, and there is a good deal more gray morality involved.
While this is not written in stone, with characters like Mr. Freeze having a good - if selfish - intent behind their pursuits, Marvel villains tend to see themselves as doing what is necessary - even if it could be considered evil - to do a greater good.
Think not? The pursuit of the Anti-Life Equation, for instance, is more about domination than about what's best for the universe or multiverse as a whole. While Thanos' goals in the comic book were remarkably different than the cinematic version - impressing Lady Death by inflicting death in the comics to court her, versus wiping out half of all life to preserve the other half - and the finite resources they have at their avail - it shows that Marvel has never been afraid to alter key motivations to make a villain more compelling.
Joker, the one that's seen as so iconic, only wishes to feed chaos and nurture his own desire for amusement. Riddler wants to selfishly test his mental mettle against the world's greatest detective. Lex Luthor legitimately sees Superman as a threat, but ultimately is also about domination and control of the world around him, subverting will rather than altering the landscape to benefit Mankind.
This is a limitation of many of the DC villains and, while momentary motivations may take precedence in any given moment on a microcosmic level, they tend to be less flexible, and more obviously evil even under more rigorous examination.
I made mention of the cinematic Thanos' motivations for just this reason: the original motivation he had doesn't hold up as fantastic storytelling, especially as a retrospective, and while the war for the Infinity Gems is cool to the mind of a child, it seems much more empty and hollow when you look back on it with older, wiser eyes. Some might disagree in this regard, but I believe the rewriting of Thanos' motivations in the cinematic version are far superior when it comes to storytelling, and creating a more compelling, more believable character.
I think this is something that's important to consider when comparing the quality of villains in both universes. Almost every DC villain either wants chaos, domination, subjugation, or control. Marvel villains have a tendency to be trying to create a better world, but the method and means by which they intend to do it are morally gray or black.
Marvel villains are Evil versions of the heroes Thor Loki hulk abomination winter solider captain America iron man iron monger spider man and venom wolverine sabertooth 😮
Ответитьeven with prep time how can batman beat spiderdman spidey sense is automatic it just works quicker than prep time
ОтветитьI am saying just To me my X men f Dc
ОтветитьDefeat god himself... wow thats some heavyweight delusion there. You cant have an 2 sided discussion with someone like that. They arent interested in rational, intelligent discourse. They are just going to continuously raise the volume until you back down, leave or assault them lol. They arent even capable of intelligent, rational thought. Only their point of view ,and they will never ever back down no matter what is presented to them. Waste of time talking to them. This was an idiotic video, CLEARLY staged and stacked to incite a specific outcome with unequal opponents. And the irrational side given the most knowledgeable person so as to appear valid. The fight between batman and iron man would be over SOOOOOO much faster that the murder of bruces parents. Maybe Gotham would have a chance to heal if someone did take batman out.
ОтветитьI hate that this was about cinema and not actual comics. Not even the DC animated movies were considered!
ОтветитьPepper pots has an auto defense suit. She doesn't know about. You couldn't capture her. An army of autonomous suits plus her suit. Not going to happen!
ОтветитьJesus is Lord
ОтветитьEvery dc guy has went to the university for so much we know marvel like the back of our hand
ОтветитьUm actually Superman isn’t this og superhero🤓
ОтветитьYeah DC guy took the dub for DC universe.
ОтветитьThe DC characters iconic considering many people use it's references daily without even realising like every time hacking or protecting identity Vendetta mask is used to the reference to amazonias to wonder woman and even the superhero genre itself is created by DC so in a sense marvel is referencing DC all the time even many manga nime characters and stories are based on Batman and DC stories and Characters like Berserk, The Big O, ReZero even jojo's refernecs are DC references, that much iconic Are The DC characters, stories and lines!
ОтветитьJoker is overrated. Not even second rate villain, just overused.
ОтветитьThere are more movies and TV series about DC villans than Marvel villans, hahahahaha
ОтветитьThe “Superman has fought nazis” hair tuck moment has stopped time for me
Ответитьbatman wouldn’t stand a chance against Dormammu or the Scarlet Witch😂 facts
ОтветитьThis is silly.. there are more intelligent people on Marvel Earth who make Batman look like a child suffering from Downs.
ОтветитьTHIS should be the next presidential debate in 2028.
ОтветитьBatman was based off the Scarlet Pimpernel , Zorro , the Phantom , the Shadow , the Bat (1926) . there was another character came out in the same Month as Batman . his name is the Black Bat .
ОтветитьThis is the most casual conversation about super heroes ive ever seen 😂