Why 95% of Dating Coaches Are FRAUDS

Why 95% of Dating Coaches Are FRAUDS

A.G. Hayden

2 года назад

19,544 Просмотров

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Jacinda Peters
Jacinda Peters - 21.09.2023 19:05

Red pillers don't get beautiful women that's a fact.

Charlie L
Charlie L - 17.09.2023 09:54

Actually 100 percent are.

Jared Vaughan
Jared Vaughan - 08.09.2023 19:54

Sometimes you can teach others something you can't do well yourself.

Matthew Scanlon
Matthew Scanlon - 05.09.2023 14:06

Don’t insult Corey Wayne have you read his book 10-15 times? Then you would having sex every day with any woman That motherfucker has zero evidence, he charges $3000 for a phone call. and idiots pay it 🤦🏻‍♂️😆😆

Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo - 03.09.2023 22:15

Coach Melannie cringe for example. Using Christianity as a selling point to her coaching program. I got fooled out of $500 on her "once in a lifetime access deal" to sit through hours of her basic course advice on things every guy already knows. No real solutions or direction just like with every other dating coach, it's all about the money.

Говорит и показывает Гринч
Говорит и показывает Гринч - 25.08.2023 10:59

Let me guess - you're not in that 95%?

George S
George S - 02.08.2023 02:43

Gen X here. Every generation prior to and including mine figured out how to carry on the species without “dating coaches”. What is so f***ed up about Generation Selfie that they can’t get together without unscrambling a ridiculously complex set of rules and psychological mind games?
Help me out here

Ursa Bella
Ursa Bella - 31.07.2023 22:14

Relationships come and go. But love is forever. Be yourself. Don’t listen to dating coaches. Not even a few good ones if you want to be sincere. Our ancestors didn’t have these scammers.

rudee gruenberg
rudee gruenberg - 23.07.2023 02:38

Matt cross is the worse

TopFlightSecurity415 - 15.06.2023 19:41

i only take a few "gurus" advice with a grain of salt and i NEVER buy any of their courses....idk why buy them, the advice they give might not work for you because it doesn't match your personality

Earth Last Day  Bible channel
Earth Last Day Bible channel - 26.05.2023 17:14

you Badboy and Vince Kelvin are the real deal

charlie - 26.05.2023 15:37

hey man i noticed that you don't really have a editor i can more than happily take that roll for you ,I make high quality videos that add to your videos and plus i could probably have them ready for you in less than a day i can do 1-2 videos a day for you and make some short form content to help grow your page for you .reply if you are interested

Charles Victoria
Charles Victoria - 18.05.2023 06:03

I had a “consultation” with a coach and their mood changed once I backed out of a non guaranteed 3k fee. After being pushy and forcing me, I felt I graduated from “alpha university” by saying NO to that ridiculous fee.

Jordan Alexo
Jordan Alexo - 03.04.2023 17:40

Corey Wayne advise screw me in several situations with women in the past. Especially the one about messaging women after several days.

Nina Waryaro
Nina Waryaro - 06.03.2023 00:10

There is a coach who pretended to love me but I noticed he wanted money from me.FRAUD

Hack Media
Hack Media - 19.02.2023 09:18

what's messed up is they charge more than Doctors, Lawyers, and Engineers make per hour. That's the most insane part of it.

Kalas Atwater
Kalas Atwater - 02.02.2023 11:05

Worst mistake I did was following dating coaches advices haha

Ricky S
Ricky S - 22.01.2023 19:49

This was pure fire bro, your a real one!

Marcus Fossa
Marcus Fossa - 08.01.2023 00:01

I would go a step further and say 100% are frauds. The same day I decided to reject all help I became free to be myself.

Sandra Salinas
Sandra Salinas - 06.01.2023 00:48

Corey Wayne is not red pill.

StackAttack - 28.12.2022 20:56

AMS is probably the best overall as far as getting the women but isn’t the best for relationships . Corey Wayne is good but corny and the way he talks to women on his show sometimes makes me cringe

Shawn Chouinard
Shawn Chouinard - 12.12.2022 21:01

Corey Wayne is 100% legit. He's been around for years and has arguably built the best brand in relationships. Calling him a fraud isn't the move. I think it actually discredits you.

Kelly Moore
Kelly Moore - 03.12.2022 03:37

You're tripping on Coach Corey Wayne. His stuff works

MarketingOpsWill - 30.11.2022 23:21

well said. Daniel Jacob is one example of a fraud with bad testimonials. and Dating by Blaine too. and Courtney Ryan

Angelica Joy Trygar
Angelica Joy Trygar - 30.11.2022 17:35

As a woman I appreciate this video . I fell scam to a female dating coach. The advice she always gives is to lean back and do nothing .. even during a disagreement.

Jake Judy
Jake Judy - 24.11.2022 04:34

Yeah i keep getting spam called by one. I just need to travel.

Damien - 13.11.2022 14:55

You are ALL frauds.

Mike Young
Mike Young - 10.10.2022 04:46

I would say 100% all of them are you shouldn’t be not be taking any advice from nobody on relationships only yourself even if it takes forever remember love is rare you need to be yourself or else things will backfire on your big time like with me, I literally lost someone Kind of being myself and listening to these coaches online reading articles. It just made me overthink things and I wasn’t being authentic about it.

welshhibby - 06.10.2022 23:12

All dating coaches are grifters.

GetBenched - 23.09.2022 22:14

I've seen my share of love coaches online and there is not ONE that didn't flex about having a rich sugar daddy for a husband paying for their failed business.

thelethalhunter177 - 23.09.2022 08:33

This needs to be said but honestly I think Anthony Recenello is the biggest piece of shit of a “dating coach.” He’s a nice guy but he gives useless advice. I’ve actually talked to him before and I’ve taken some of his advice and it doesn’t work! When he does his betas podcast, he always ends it whenever he wants to (No doubt it’s because he said that he wants to go have dinner. I mean have dinner before you do your podcast God dammit). I sense some some sort of entitlement with him because he thinks because he lives in LA, he thinks he’s some hotshot dating coach. When I see his betas podcast, he would allow people to come on to talk to them or do these mock dates. I used to come on his podcast a lot but after I realized how full of shit he is, I completely stopped coming to his podcast entirely. Since then I’ve gained a strong hatred for Anthony Recenello. Every now and then I would watch his beta podcast, and the people who would come are all the same people that I’ve seen before: average, not interesting, definitely not attractive, and it seems the only reason they come on is because they got nothing better to do and they look at this guy as if he’s the expert in figuring out the dating scene and being able to help you find a partner. All the advice he would say to people is just the same basic bullshit that we all have heard multiple times. “You need to keep putting yourself out there.” “Keep trying, don’t give up.” “You’re talking to the wrong people.” Also anything you mention about why you have a red pill mindset, he immediately loses his temper and goes off on you just because you have a certain viewpoint on the dating scene. The way I see it is the reason why some people listen to the red pill mindset is because these people have had bad luck on trying to attract the opposite sex so they try to figure out why they’re doing so poorly and they end up discovering the red pill philosophy and following that because it sometimes honestly relates to their problem with dating. I could go on longer but at this point I could write a fking novel. I wanted to say all this about Anthony because he was someone I could trust but unfortunately he just ended up being just another typical and pathetic dating coach with no useful advice on how to find the love of your life. I already had a hatred towards dating coaches and I wanted to give Anthony a chance. But he just ended up being another useless and terrible dating coach. From now on, I will forever hate dating coaches. Fuck you Anthony Recenello.

Eddie Liusa
Eddie Liusa - 05.09.2022 08:38

Ever find it funny how every PUA is calling other PUAs trash?

Erx fav
Erx fav - 02.09.2022 11:20

@A.G. Hayden could you do a video on age?

Whether age is important or how much of a factor you’ve found it to be…

Marti Frey
Marti Frey - 24.07.2022 15:59

You don't even seem to know or purposely care what the black pill is all about. It exposes guys like you and all the other dating coaches

The King of this World
The King of this World - 13.07.2022 21:28

Surprised there is no mention of either Kevin Samuels or Rich Cooper in these comments.

Chuks Azu
Chuks Azu - 12.07.2022 12:19

Yo Alpha m has to be one of the worst dating coaches. I knew he was a fraud for years now

Chuks Azu
Chuks Azu - 12.07.2022 11:49

Darius M is legit tho. He’s always speaking facts

James Marshall
James Marshall - 28.06.2022 04:21

Excellent stuff:)

Steve De Roeck
Steve De Roeck - 28.06.2022 01:16

I love your content,but I think there’s a difference between game and pick up advice,or relationship advice. I follow your content because I need to improve my pick up and game.For relationships I believe I have enough value to offer.keep up good work

Matlockization - 27.06.2022 12:49

De Angelo was shit.

Sozzy Surrealism
Sozzy Surrealism - 28.05.2022 07:53

The David D'Angelo days were filled with a lot of mental masturbation. Good video

Daniel Carey
Daniel Carey - 20.05.2022 02:55

You're so right. Especially about Corey Wayne lol

Foreign Substance
Foreign Substance - 19.04.2022 20:52

AG is a simp hunter who exploits mens anguish for profit like most dating coaches !

Mehmet Tan
Mehmet Tan - 15.04.2022 18:06

After this video i subscribed to your channel. What is your opinion on social anxiety and low self esteem? Would you recommend therapy or coaching on that? I struggle with this man, really. We do not want to invest our money on fake ones but surely on real guys out there.

helpfuLL - 12.04.2022 16:46


Fenrir Wolf
Fenrir Wolf - 08.04.2022 10:33

David D was a charlatan. Not many people recognise this and think he is amazing but I went backwards when I got into his stuff. He was a great marketer though.

Lang Pira
Lang Pira - 08.04.2022 07:07

How about dan Bacon? He's a good coach too
