6 Things Women Say That Are Red Flags (Every Guy Needs To Watch This)

6 Things Women Say That Are Red Flags (Every Guy Needs To Watch This)

Courtney Ryan

2 года назад

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Arhon Ankhkara
Arhon Ankhkara - 18.10.2023 18:43

Habitually speaking negatively of others. These kinds of people are never happy. And so true, definitely a sign that you will be next.

Phillip Matthews
Phillip Matthews - 18.10.2023 18:02

This is my DIL

Abhay Vadhavkar
Abhay Vadhavkar - 18.10.2023 15:01

Totally accurate.

davek0974 - 18.10.2023 12:59

On a date and you hear "I need a lot of 'me' time" or "i have a very busy social life" - run a mile because there is no room for you...

Christopher Van
Christopher Van - 18.10.2023 12:15

Red flag of note is if she sees a motorcycle and doesn't say how amazing that would look in the living room. Run!

Tryksta 724
Tryksta 724 - 18.10.2023 10:44

I've watched most of your videos. For me personally, your fashion tips help the most. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) I usually already have figured most of this out for myself. But that FORTE hair pomade does wonders just by itself. Over the summer a lot of girls ran their hands through my hair! 😂❤

Greg Slone
Greg Slone - 18.10.2023 06:48

It's too late for me. I've already been through two bad marriages. But I found myself nodding emphatically to pretty much all of these. Too close to home.

tom darco
tom darco - 17.10.2023 21:46

Right On

Virgil Prock
Virgil Prock - 17.10.2023 21:39

Hello. Darlen. ❤. 😮

Cam Massey
Cam Massey - 17.10.2023 18:33

some women that talk really load pisses me off

John333 Doe333
John333 Doe333 - 17.10.2023 17:01

Hey Courtney ...really appreciate the way you show up..

practicaltheory - 17.10.2023 17:00

It has become a moral imperative to dump these chicks hard.

White Walker
White Walker - 17.10.2023 16:29

Just met such a girl at my friend's function. She was all these signs back to back! All of them. The saddest part is she's from an Ivy league + a big 5 tech company. She has attention seeking pictures all over her Instagram. She was the only one constantly talking about herself the entire time all of us were together. She never paid attention to what others had to say or were passionate about. Never listening, always interrupting, taking everything personally and competing, always gossiping bad about others and their photos and their lives, never had anything positive to say, etc. Her closest friend was super "self unaware" and bitter as well and I think they were co-depenent. Basically everything you said and more. Maybe she was excited about things. I don't know.

Vratisłav Ślężny
Vratisłav Ślężny - 17.10.2023 15:28

Listen! STOP it! I'm not so bad person as you tying to display in this languige of hate...
You are so critic and negative.

Kyle Lonsbery
Kyle Lonsbery - 17.10.2023 15:05

Me 2 crazy as frick

Stumpy the Dwarf
Stumpy the Dwarf - 17.10.2023 02:03

"I hate men!" /flee

Bushido Blade Warrior
Bushido Blade Warrior - 16.10.2023 21:55

My ex-girlfriend gaslighted herself and her bare minimum was being loyal and good. Her standards were simply grandiose and too high. She was crazy, and possibly narcissistic. I was with her for almost three years

Scott Edson
Scott Edson - 16.10.2023 21:42

I met one of the good ones 32 years ago.

Slap Fight
Slap Fight - 16.10.2023 13:08

My wife said one time - that all me are "genetic waste"... It was not enough red flag for me... Things like - "all men are trash" were few times... But tell me - what it means about her like person... What problems I can get ?
We are currently 27 years together, 19 years as marriage... Sex - once per moth or rarer... I think she is having romance for six years... All psychological clues are fulfilled. For 3 years - no sex... I'm in so severe pain...

Gulf Marine
Gulf Marine - 16.10.2023 00:13

Excellent and very useful information 😊

dannyplaysguitar - 13.10.2023 12:17

She's absolutely gorgeous 😍

Richard C
Richard C - 12.10.2023 17:20

So basically, dont marry any woman which is really the best advice men sace your money, buy your home, truck, boat, get a dog and be happy. Women hate seeing men who are happy and they will want to marry you

Good Faith
Good Faith - 12.10.2023 07:08

“When women say, I am a real bitch.” They mean it

TIC4848 - 12.10.2023 00:59

"I'm going to get married and...


A) Have my husband pay all my bills

B) Be a housewife

C) Just have children and not work."

"I'm never going to call you; so, you HAVE to call me."

...or, alternately...

"I'm never going to call you first, the guy has to call me first."

Girls who won't ask guys out or pay for dates.

Those are the first few that come to mind, I'm sure I'll think of some other things later.

Paulstluke - 11.10.2023 22:41

A lot of women are like this, it’s a shame, but the dildo industry love it so many being sold,

Fred J.
Fred J. - 11.10.2023 22:37

I hate women. Period. NO more involvement, ALL ONLY want young, buff, 'well-endowed' , tattooed, muscled men, NOT old crippled guys that are romantic. ALL women ONLY want men for their MONEY and so they can 'fix things for them'. MY experience only. ALL are 'gold diggers. NEVER again. Better 'ALONE' than 'Badly Accompanied'. MY experience. HER and Her Family tried to take me to the cleaners.

Abubakar Siddiqui
Abubakar Siddiqui - 11.10.2023 14:09

When she is ok showing of her cleavage⛳️

Marissa W
Marissa W - 11.10.2023 07:57

It’s my 50th in November…it’s my “birthday month” & I’m going to celebrate myself every day of it 🎉😊

Gracious Mubanga
Gracious Mubanga - 11.10.2023 06:41

Am glad that you are a female who is wiser than most of this modern generation girls

ExaltedDuck - 11.10.2023 04:09

The mind reader talk one... pet peeve of mine. If someone says to me "I need to put this in the trunk" instead of "Could you put this in the trunk" guess what, they just claimed it as their own task and I'll respect those wishes. I don't allow passive aggressive.

Salt N Paper
Salt N Paper - 10.10.2023 17:34

I want wife like you.. You are the best.

Doug B
Doug B - 10.10.2023 17:07

I can't count how many times I told my wife I can't read her mind. I will happily do what she wants to please her. Just tell me what it is. Please give me a hint. Show me a pic. Point something out to me. If she wants a man who can truly understand and read a woman's mind, then she should have married a gay dude. I think what ruins women is watching the nonstop programming with gay dude designers. They think this is how a man should behave and that we should all have the gay-designer gene.

Ernest - 10.10.2023 16:18

You forgot number 7 only the women can justify her bad behavioral I see that in 95 percent of the women I have come in contact with and I am currently 60yrs old

biff phuddle
biff phuddle - 10.10.2023 11:13

How do i meet a nice girl like you ?

Elijah Perrin
Elijah Perrin - 10.10.2023 03:41

if you pay attention to what people say they often will warn you... believe them.

Tom Jordan
Tom Jordan - 09.10.2023 18:03

" It is either me or the motorcycle.".......she witnessed the longest wheelie she ever saw as I disappeared into the horizon...... ...NEXT.....Listen to those V twin pipes sing !!!

Zekiel Fialho
Zekiel Fialho - 09.10.2023 16:50

Wow, where you been all my life Courtney? If I'd heard this 13 years ago I could have avoided so much trouble and loss. Lol. About fell out of my chair listening to it. Recently divorced, and she has a hard legit four of the six red flags and one of the remaining two is debatable. I subscribed immediately and starting my journey listening to more of your content. Thank you so much.

Teolulz - 09.10.2023 07:55

this video describes every American woman I know! I married abroad and never looked back. my wife is younger, beautiful, loving, caring and feminine.

Diplo D
Diplo D - 09.10.2023 07:52

basically a narcissist

Tom Underwood
Tom Underwood - 09.10.2023 04:42

Reminds me of the classic “crazy hot matrix”. These red flags will of course increase the crazy score.

graysonbr - 09.10.2023 02:53

Sounds like several features of borderline personality disorder.

brett strohl
brett strohl - 09.10.2023 02:44

This encouraging to hear in a way. I just assumed these were things women all did and I just have to deal with it if I want to be in a relationship.

SeniorFeliz - 08.10.2023 07:39

" I'm crazy you know that " 😂😂😂😬😬😬

SeniorFeliz - 08.10.2023 07:29

I think some people have birthday weeks just because of the fact that a birthday is just one day it's too short😂

Scotty Sevens
Scotty Sevens - 08.10.2023 07:07

Hi guys:) I'm a 58 year old man. I'm not in anyway an expert on women. But, I've had some experience. I'm single right now. By choice. Am I dead? No. Would I like to have a healthy relationship with a the right woman? Yes. Do I base my self-worth on whether or not I am in a relationship. Nope. Let me give you some advice, take it or leave it. If you are watching this wonderful woman's videos and trying to figure out how to "act" to get a woman, okay:) But that's all you are going to be doing. Just acting. And you will be jumping through hoops and she will dangle carrots in front of you and then laugh or smirk or just feel badly for how pathetic you are. Women want a man who does not give a fuck about what they think. They want a man who is dominant, sure of himself, who they want to serve. Yep. You nice guys out there, how many times have you said to yourself< 'why do these women always chase after bad boys and men that treat them like shit? "...and there you are, trying to be the nice guy who does things for them, listens to them, hangs out but never makes a move. Always respectful. You know why women do that? Because they actually want to be what they desire. It's the psychology of animus and anima. If a woman dates and settles for bad boys who are edgy and shitty to them, it means that deep down inside, that is what they are themselves. It comes from an environment growing up where they watched thier Dad ( or whatever males thier Mom was "dating" at the time) either be too weak or they were abusive. If you want to learn about why women do what they do then start studying psychology. Bottom line: be yourself. Don't jump through hoops, be yourself. Don't try to impress anyone. Be yourself. If a woman throws her panties at you, don't take that bait. You wait. you ask questions. You take your time. Do not let her get sexual with you until you have developed a rapport that is( emotionally intelligent). Now if you are just needing to get laid, okay. But ake it as it is. If you want a quality women, pay attention to who she had dated, watch how she is in public. Don't give her too much attention. She will eat you for lunch. Don't grovel and buy her things. She will eat you for dinner. Basically put women about third on your priority list if you are single. Work on you. Then, work on you some more. After you have done that..make goals, set bounderies, take joy and energy in your dreams and journeys. And still put women on your third place in your list of priorities. Make your goals and dreams first, your health first. Oh and this wonderful woman here is telling the truth about the red flags. Oh you can think you will 'save the fair damsel" and teach her what real love is. Don't bother. She will eat you for dinner, find ways to sabotage when she is done with you, make it look like you did something wrong, when really she is just being passive aggressive and a poor emotional manipulator, needing to be able to blame you. Oh btw, most women are narcissistic, despite waht they try to portray. Watch it. Bottom line again. Be yourself. Don't chase, ever. Oh and all women lie. They either lie outright or just avoid telling the truth. Facts. There are about 10 pct of the female population that are actually good partners, good mothers, good friends. Sorry but it's true. And if you want to know how to get that women, you start here: be yourself. Build a good "you"> Even if you are just a mundane side order cook. Be happy as a "whole you". See yaz! Good luck!

Street Freak Patrol
Street Freak Patrol - 08.10.2023 01:56

Red flag: "You are 2 minutes late, where have you been?"

Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 07.10.2023 22:25

If one goes fishing, should one listen to a fish about the ways to go about catching a good one?

Tim Mitchell
Tim Mitchell - 07.10.2023 22:02

As a guy who spent a lot of time whining about how women say they want a nice guy but always go after the *ssholes - I need to add that I finally figured out women are NOT the only ones who are guilty of this sort of contradictory behavior. Every behavior you just described in this video is exactly the sort of female behavior we as men say we hate - and yet these types of women are NEVER lacking for boyfriends and/or suitors who make themselves miserable trying to please them. Men may be from Mars and women may be from Venus - but both Martians and Venusians nonetheless seem to love *ssholes.
