Hearthstone cards that were removed from the game

Hearthstone cards that were removed from the game

Zeddy Hearthstone

10 дней назад

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@djharris6822 - 16.06.2024 16:02

Good Morning Zeddy, and fellow hearthstone enthusiasts.

@robertlupa8273 - 16.06.2024 16:10

I've been waiting for this one ever since you mentioned it in the "cards that were completely different" video!

@hhharu6881 - 16.06.2024 16:21

What about the chicken cursor card

@fixpontt - 16.06.2024 16:23

Mana Spring Totem was removed because of the interaction of Knife Juggler and 2 x Youthful Brewmaster was infinite damage, how can you not know that

@selin1255 - 16.06.2024 16:36

in his hand. thank you hearthstone for assuming my gender

@InternetGravedigger - 16.06.2024 16:40

Fade does make a bit of sense... priests as casters are squishy, and as such are supposed to have others (tanks) keeping the attackers away from them while they heal the defenders up.

@tarille1043 - 16.06.2024 16:46

Prayer of Fortitude would have made some sense. Priest was all about keeping their minions healthy, they often had high health and they had ways to heal them. Having a mass buff for 1 mana would have been pretty decent. I know it certainly would have been excellent in my Holy Zoo deck from back in the day.

Mental Collapse would have been BUH-ROKEN. Given its wording it would scale incredibly with spell damage as it would be +1 damage PER CARD per spell damage. So just a Thalnos + Mental Collapse would be 2 damage per card for 4 mana... I can already see the dumb Malygos shenans by the time BRM came out with a Thaurissan tick, casting double Mental Collapse for 6 damage per card each...

Fade makes sense based on the Warcraft class of Priest. Which had a spell called Fade that reduced their threat (Basically made everyone else a higher priority target). Hence giving minions Taunt and then drawing a card to make it cycle. It would have fit with the whole "Heal your minions" style of Priest (If they bothered to make that a thing for more than 0.1 seconds)

Mana Spring Totem would have been cracked. We already know the shenans that Summoning Portal created with its discount on only minions and "Not less than (1)" stipulation. I suppose it would have been held back by Shaman's infamous lack of draw (But once we got Spirit of the Frog, all hell would have broken loose...)

Jadefire Satyr might have actually seen play. Warlock has always had those janky Demon buff cards, you know the likes of Demonfuse, Demonfire, Bloodfury Potion and Demonheart. Dropping down a 5/5 stealth would have been a good target for these buffs, because it would have been difficult to remove before you could make it massive (And unlike Doomguard, the Satyr wouldn't discard your buffs)

@doublejesusful - 16.06.2024 16:48

That hunter card could of been nuts, a lot of old people remember the only way to f2p HS back in the day was to win 30 games a day to get your 300 gold. So the prevailing strategy was to just run face hunter or zoo lock in unranked and you either win by turn 6 or you just conceded.

@ViciousViscount - 16.06.2024 16:56

How about you start begging for likes and subscriptions at the end of the video, like AFTER I've seen the whole thing?

@naspacrew1459 - 16.06.2024 16:56

Art on old cards is something else...

@norbelarchilla5578 - 16.06.2024 16:59

Happy father's day Zeddy

@HYCheng-yj3ef - 16.06.2024 17:05

東尼換牌堆 是非常強的卡 直接改效果也算...

@norbelarchilla5578 - 16.06.2024 17:17

I could see Death wish make a return at some point of HS life cycle, once Odyn rotates out and Warrior needs a finisher. Incredibly busted tho but still cool nonetheless

@vecsia3811 - 16.06.2024 17:38

inner fire not a fire spell smh

@ansg1050 - 16.06.2024 17:42

i really enjoy videos like this, refreshing in between all the meta decks, problems with the game and gamebreaking bugs lol. keep up this content man

@S1eth - 16.06.2024 18:28

Reminder that Greater Healing could deal up to 20 face damage if you play it with Auchenai Soulpriest

@lowlycalvin5644 - 16.06.2024 18:32

"Imagine if this card was in the game right now" What do you mean Zeddy, it is? It's called Odyn. /j

@ghalomandron3841 - 16.06.2024 18:40

use text from dark summoner for brann...

@Eyeduka - 16.06.2024 18:56

These cards were removed, but why we get fake editions on this showcase xD where are the original image files

@bryantrafton7848 - 16.06.2024 20:08

Really looking forward to Boomboss Thogrun and Helya being added to the “Removed from Game” list.

@andrewcaplan3511 - 16.06.2024 21:38

Very interesting! You’re making me wish they brought back classic Arena!

@Meca-Mat - 16.06.2024 21:59

Funny how Druid and Priest basically exchanged a card.

@extremepsykosis - 16.06.2024 22:39

Irrelevant nonsense. Hard pass.
None of this has been relevant for at least six months....

Are you running out of ideas? Are you washed up? What's the deal?
You lose your "spark" when people started calling you out for being a liar?

@Cuestrupaster - 16.06.2024 23:43

Savannah Highvalue*

@TalkingWithBob - 17.06.2024 01:03

Zeddy hearthstone posted to have our passports ready at ten am tomorrow hope your ready with a video

@Aganie. - 17.06.2024 01:19

Soon: Demon Seed

@phatal4573 - 17.06.2024 03:18

nah since face in wow is basically an threat/aggro drop it says
"Fade out, removing all your threat and reducing enemies' attack range against you for 10 sec"
blizz would probably make the hero stealth for one turn or something toxic like that

@phatal4573 - 17.06.2024 03:23

death wish + odyn? sounds fair right?

@ShardsOfStone - 17.06.2024 06:55

One thing to note Zeddy in the early days of hearthstone there was alarm o bot that was used to cheat out big minions which heavily changed deck building to cheat out large minions or ones that facilitated those tech minions that don't care about losing battlecry.

@flamingblits - 17.06.2024 10:18

Hey zeddy, I would recommend. Previous card design video. Maybe you can get some original content from the devs for this video :) from this I mean cards that were changed before they were released, looking at old versions.

@user-gg8wk9ti3i - 17.06.2024 10:54

Hey Zeddy could you address something that is actually totally unfair. If you draw the TNT from Tho'grun and use it to blow up a TNT card, the blown up card still serves its purpose, but the cards say that it is only cast when drawn. Anyway, I'm absolutely unlucky when it comes to drawing these cards. You should also be a bit lucky, as are my opponents when it comes to drawing plagues

@shawn4387 - 17.06.2024 13:49

The old art on the cards was so much better than the current art

@ak0shak - 17.06.2024 14:07

Zeddy, please make a video about unclearable solo adventures
Such as due to changes of Snowfall Graveyard

@just2mad4u88 - 17.06.2024 15:40

Wild priest op standard sucks

@Lovyxia - 17.06.2024 18:47

Mana Spring Totem would've been terrible back in the day and just an eventual problem for Wild, yeah.
Also the joke about the use of "his" in the in-dev writing for Mental Collapse was a bit rough, Zeddy. I don't like being reminded of twitter drama with the "triggering" and bigots in a lighthearted Hearthstone video.
Before anyone thinks I'm OfFeNdEd, nah, just tired of social media and giving my feedback on such references and jokes cause I like Zeddy's videos <3.

@alexpiecyk3292 - 18.06.2024 10:30

Breaks my heart to see the amazing art on these old cards compared to the childish garbage we keep getting expansion after expansion now..

@Alpha13yt - 24.06.2024 22:03

It's intresting to see the art of the old cards compared to the Disney cards Blizzard prints nowadays
