I think my main gripe graphically with CS2 is how bright everything is. All the colors seem to pop and are oversaturated. Some, maybe most, like this but for me it doesn't feel like a CS game. It almost hurts to look at (FOR ME!!!). Just the transitions in this one video from each version is tough on my eyes.
edit: Its not just the lighting itself, but also the color choices for the sceneries
I dissagree when it comes to collors. Seems to me, when compared with previous version. that they changed the palette of the maps but not the players. Which makes players more visible against the any background. Shadows and hightlights are more muted, while players are not.
ОтветитьNo hamster ? 🤔
ОтветитьCS2 office looks like its coloured after backrooms
ОтветитьThe "eerie Source Era Atmosphere" is a perfect description of why these games are so timeless..
Ответить2D skyboxes with a moving texture mesh still look great to this day. They sky in Thief 2, Unreal and Quake are good exsamples.
Ответитьcs2 and also go are such a bad joke. so fucking ugly and yet so many bugs.
Ответитьwhat an absolute abomination cs go was jesus christ
Ответитьi cant believe the hostages have the exact same hurt sound effects. those lazy basterds hahahaha
ОтветитьThey will delete it because of you😅😅😅
“-Oh! Too match to fix… Fuck it!”🤣
the map no one wanted. while cobble still not in the game.
ОтветитьIs it a new counter-strike 2 from 2023?
Steam says the cs-2 release date was 2012 hm
so thats why i got only 100 ish fps
ОтветитьI wish office got more attention, it doesn't deserve the hate it gets.
Ответитьman... were it not for you Valve would´ve gotten away with misaligning an entire ROAD! thank you, oh guardian of levitating props. Shall ye save us from these tyrant, gravity-defying overlords!
Ответитьi wish my office look like this
Ответитьlol the arma music
Ответитьoffice is so hilarious to me. The more competitive it gets the more predictable it is. T's just smoke the halls over and over again and make the CT's just sit there for half the round. And then they push with names and mollies. If the T's got all shotguns and on AWP down sidehall usually the hold it very easily unless one of the T's tries pushing or doing something stupid or all the CT's try pushing the awp on sidehall.
ОтветитьThey should add if you shoot fire exthinuster it will shoot out fume kinda like mini smoke that is white.
Ответитьi think its interesting that they removed the comma from the "Layoffs, anyone?" mug. unfortunate that valve cares so little about the map's history
ОтветитьI think Office is nailed. Source Office was the best, but the tile edges on the blue carpet never made any sense whatsoever.
Ответитьthe current office feels so warm unlike the csgo one which was cold and fit the maps theme
ОтветитьPhillip has stereo mixed the side by side comparisons to have respective sound effects come from the correct ears. This stuff is why he’s the goat
ОтветитьI was talking with friends the other day about the new office, personally I am a huge fan of the CSGO and CS2 versions of office. A lot of the counter strike maps feel so isolated and desolate, but Office feels like you're isolated in a completely different way. You can see the skyscrapers around you with lights glowing as it approaches dusk, but because of the blizzard, the back alleyway, and the fact that most of the action happens indoors makes it feel like even though you're in a life or death situation, the outside world is just entirely oblivious. You know that the action taking place is going to make national headlines, hell you're in a hostage situation in the USA, but for just those few moments per round you're the one of maybe a dozen people on the planet aware of what's going on.
Even maps like Overpass don't capture this feeling. Maybe it's because the streets are already so empty, when they maybe shouldn't be. Of course the industrial back alley of Office is deserted, it's a blizzard and the few workers who did show up are now tied up in a tiny corner of the building, everyone else has either left for the day or never came in in the first place. On Overpass you still see the buildings around you but it feels like the stage has been set if you will. Everything and everyone has been cleared out in order to make the perfect stage for the game, but Office feels like everything just happened and you're reacting as quick as possible. Even other maps in urban environments struggle to capture the claustrophobia of Office. Assault comes close but maybe the open roads kill the illusion for me, I'm not sure.
The only thing I'm sure of is that the vibes of Office are just one of a kind, and I think the CSGO and CS2 versions nail it the best. I do have nostalgia for the CSS version but the overcast and general haze of the newer versions of Office will always be the definitive version for me.
Even office dont have a third version cuz valve dont like the number 3
ОтветитьDamn you forgot to add the tv in the conference room that if you shoot it in csgo it fall off but now in cs2 it doesn't move
Ответитьlove the older skyboxes so much more than the more recent ones , makes the map feel super secluded and mysterious
ОтветитьThis guy looks so impressed by every little thing
Ответитьthe projector graphics comparison are insane
Ответитьwow I forget how boring cs2 office is looking back old maps new just feels like empty
ОтветитьI've always wished they added just another path to get down long somehow, just so the snowman room and side trash tunnel room were actually used when playing the game. Such cool areas just always and forever wasted.
ОтветитьCS Source textures and details were crazy, seems like a labor of love for the artists and level designer
ОтветитьCSS is the best
ОтветитьOlder game graphics were expressive because the artist was able to get away with representing reality nearly symbolically and making bold ideas happen with few blurry pixels and stretchy poligons. Now, the artists are supposed to mimic reality as is. It's so boring, I can't understand why people don't see it.