does anyone know when it comes in germany?
ОтветитьToo bad the main characters gay or lesbian or whatev
Ответитьspawns in a level 10,000,000 Giga
ОтветитьDoes anyone else think they should have used the in game fear roar?
ОтветитьHow did you get the clups im a editor btw and have paramount
ОтветитьSomebody make the r34 of that villain
ОтветитьThat doesn't look like yuty :'v
ОтветитьShivering timbers😂
Ответитьyo this serie its 30fps same the game wtf so fidelity
ОтветитьIs it out in uk?
ОтветитьMean while the Acro 🗿
ОтветитьWo kann man das guvkne
ОтветитьI like paleo ark more tbh
ОтветитьOoooooo yutytytanus
ОтветитьWhere can I watch the animated ark series ?
Ответитьthey shoulda had some dude whos speed stat is maxed out and is js the flash smh
ОтветитьJWE2: With it's formidable presents and ferocious roar the Yutyrannus instills fear into it's enemies
ОтветитьYutyrannus. Holy sht dude!
ОтветитьIs it out???????
ОтветитьWhen insecure men find girl on girl 'woke' 🤡
Come on brothers, tell me you love D some more why dont you.
Where can i see it?
Ответитьsaw the woke haircut and stopped watching the rest of it.
Ответитьthis show is so unrealistic.
every single person who plays ark knows that the characters are supposed to be ugly as sin
and built like popeye mated with a severely disabled chimp and you are its offspring
Nah the Yutys roar is lame as all, they should have made it sound like one of those rex's real life sound. Not some kind of turtle moaning kind of sound
Ответитьthe creator be liking every comment on here hahaha
ОтветитьWhy did the ending make me burst out laughing 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьWhites Bad!
ОтветитьYutyrannus was the first large carnivore I ever tamed on Ark
I named her Nightshade
She actually killed a Rex one time that attacked my base
Ironic, since Yutyrannus in real life was smaller than Carnotaurus and Allosaurus (yep!). But Ark is still peak though.
ОтветитьIronic, since Yutyrannus was smaller than both Carnotaurus and Allosaurus in real life. But Ark is still peak though.
ОтветитьBro this show already released?
ОтветитьSo if we have Gaius Marcellus Nerva, was that Girlus Marcellus Nerva?
ОтветитьActually sounds better than the game
ОтветитьWhere can you watch this?
Ответитьthere is a big difference between show and game tho
ОтветитьAll the Dino’s look goofy as hell
ОтветитьThe animation suck it’s awful
ОтветитьTribe Member with a Giga 😏
ОтветитьIf season two comes out, I really hope the Acrocanth is in it
ОтветитьElody Flats
ОтветитьCheyanne Roads
ОтветитьJoyce Court
Ответить2 people fall off from the ankle in the background.
ОтветитьWhy it just didn’t chomp her off instead of head butting her i mean its ark she’ll respawn
ОтветитьRex will defeat the yutyrannus