Does FFXIV need damage meters?

Does FFXIV need damage meters?

Work To Game

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Chris - 12.07.2021 05:41

hell... I dont think i've met someone that doesn't have them that actually cares about the game and the content.

Chris - 12.07.2021 05:39

OHHHH and FYI EVERYONE that raids weekly and pushes all this new content.. they all use meters. even the healers. so they are coming.. get ready

GameRaven - 22.06.2021 04:23

No meters never no conversation to be had. How about you just follow your rotation, even if you have your own meter guess what people will still ask then when they know your lying because they’re running a meter you get to deal with toxicity. The only answer that’s right is no sorry boys.

Hayden - 27.09.2020 18:35

I quit playing because I play console and it basically feels like everyone has access to dps meters but me. I felt like I was being judged by something I was blind to.

Eddie Lee
Eddie Lee - 04.02.2020 22:46

really late to this convo but...i think the solution could be that the testing dummies in housing could record this for personal records. I would love to see dummies take heals or deal damage too so I could check CDs/protects/etc.

وسام - 23.10.2019 04:35

it's fine but using this program to insult other dps players this may show how rude and worthless player you are!

ChibiLuka - 20.09.2019 22:27

I'm personally on the fence about it.

On the one hand, I feel like as a PS4 player who prefers BLM, I can never do current raid content. I know when it comes to that class there is a lvl of expectation. People expect you to be always dishing out DPS and know the vary nuounces of the fight. Problem is I have never done the fight, and will probably as a resault do less than ideal. I only have the word of ppl who play on PC to go on weather or not I am playing my class good in a bad run.

I would like to have a way to judge if I'M doing good. But I also see how that can lead to problems. Say one person is a crazy top of the line player of thier class, suddenly everyone expects you to be doing this same numbers. Regardless or not if your doing the numbers needed to clear.

I do think there needs to be at least something to help PS4 players feel more confident and able to do endgame content. Cause as of now its heavily in favor of the PC player base.

Dyad in the Force
Dyad in the Force - 26.06.2019 12:33

Damage meters instill a mentality in a "certain type" of player that is obsessed with KDR in FPS games. Those players care more about KDR than playing the objective, such as Controlling zones, and capturing flags, and defending nodes. In MMORPGs the mentality is to be a glass cannon. Die early, but be on the top of the meter. GOOD players can be at the top of the meter and follow mechanics and survive. I think the most important metric for any MMORPG player is Total Damage Done, in terms of damage meter. Because someone can burst out 10,000 DPS but die early and do 10,000 damage total as opposed to someone who did 5,000 dps and stayed alive for the whole fight and did millions of damage.

Spectre0117 - 06.06.2019 21:20

Definitely does.

Melanie Hoyle
Melanie Hoyle - 29.05.2019 00:33

The thing is there's a soft allowance to use parsers to check your DPS and that of others to help determine if you can do better in order to defeat certain bosses that are a DPS check. Yoshi won't officially put it into the game because of the way people went nasty during a test using DPS parsers and he doesn't want the game to degrade into people being elitist jerks and only wanting to bring the best DPS into fights. It's still something that can get you banned if you were to discuss it in official forums or talking openly ingame about it, but if you're not being a dick and are generally using parsers just to help you and your team mates improve then it's ok.

sixtoruiz - 25.04.2019 11:24

We need it how am i suppose to get better not knowing if im playing my part on the raids as a DPS , how do i know if im carry the others under gear DPS. the ones that say we don’t need it they like to get carried.

gudz - 21.04.2019 22:19

no meters is the only reason i don't play ff online

SavageDragoon - 19.04.2019 13:02

Nowadays the mere mention of ps4.....and automatically youre not good...dps meters? People cant even act right without having them lol

Lambda Function
Lambda Function - 08.04.2019 22:02

More information is better. Being from a world of top end raiding for 5+ years, tools like fflogs are completely vital to maximizing play. It's far more than "who did more damage." I've taught maybe 50 people over the years how to massively improve their gameplay just from seeing an issue on an ability breakdown or things like checking uptime. Also, if you don't see you're far behind, you don't know to ask the question "how do I close that gap?" You'll find asking that question 99.9% of the time is met with a good discussion on ability usage and it's productive. People afraid of seeing DPS numbers just don't have any experience with it.

Tee Cee Belle
Tee Cee Belle - 29.03.2019 05:34

I am the same... I want to do my better and be as useful as I can to a group. It is a good tool but with many good things in the wrong hands they are bad. My friends use them and tell me because I ask. It is a joke between us that my DPS is always the lowest :( but for me it fuels me to find out why and learn to be a better bard. Thankfully there are good guides out there. I asked in Novice chat and only got advice that why it was helpful it was not what I was looking for.

KamakazeTaco - 11.02.2019 03:49

The only argument against parsers is always the same "But people will mock my small numbers and make me feel bad!"

Unfortunately dps checks are a thing. If a particular part requires every dps to reach, for example, 4.3k dps and everyone else is up there but you're down at 2.1 and your team keeps failing over and over because of it, that's not the team's fault. Having an in game meter to show that would at least let the team know that this player cannot do this bit so they can choose to get out of there since now they at least know its impossible.

FoxyRaven-TV - 20.01.2019 16:15

Questions: i started FFXIV again like 2 weeks ago and i have not played sence the release, my questions is.
1. Can i get banned for the use of a dps meter?
2. Where can i find the dps meter?
3. Do they have a plan for shadowbringers xpack to give us something to help our self so we can get better?

あれBanana - 01.01.2019 23:48

Japanese don't like having DPS meters in their game, they are well aware of how it can easily cause toxicity in games.

Lukas Klees
Lukas Klees - 19.11.2018 22:44

Self DPS meters yes. Where other people see your DPS nooooooooooooooooooo no no no no nooooooooooo. We dont want WoW toxicity here.

Also DPS meters ended up making WoW homework the game for me.
