THE MAP THAT BROUGHT SO MUCH!  FS22 MAP TOUR! | NEW MOD MAP! | Farming Simulator 22 (Review) PS5.

THE MAP THAT BROUGHT SO MUCH! FS22 MAP TOUR! | NEW MOD MAP! | Farming Simulator 22 (Review) PS5.


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@morath2339 - 02.03.2024 16:24

There is a few buildings on the mini map that aren’t on the actual map

@peterclarke3300 - 02.03.2024 16:39

Great map tour mr P as you said it brings back memories from 19 and it’s nice you can sell what you don’t want 👏👏👍👍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

@MatthewODea-gr6th - 02.03.2024 16:49

This is a map iv been waiting for for ages it's a cracking conversion of fs19 base map I had fs19 I got it after fs22 and I really liked this one always waited to play it just now on fs19 so glad it's on fs22 now I'm currently playing 3 different maps haute Beyleron I'm into my 3th season now I'm playing American falls and iv got a game on north east end as soon as iv finished hat Beyleron and American falls I think I'll play raven port I love the outback farm n the seaside town its a great map just a shame iv got to delete a ton a good mods to manage to download it iv been editing my mod folder for ages n iv got it just perfect iv fit tons a great mods on into 8gb iv got some great mods I test them to get best ones n go for ones we low slot counts if I can but got a few really good ones it's mainly tractors I'm a tractor fan

@michaelsmith-dm3kb - 02.03.2024 17:04

Great map and tour MrSealyp.

@gustavn8902 - 02.03.2024 17:05

mr sealyp, do u going to do some lets play on this ravenport map in the near future? i hope so...

@gustavn8902 - 02.03.2024 17:16

mr sillyp u have the wrong mapsize on the minimap it should be the round one then u get it right... i always have the round moving mimimap. its the only right minimap.

@Xplicit81 - 02.03.2024 17:18

I wish The Pacific Northwest was on this game, that's my favorite map.

@MatthewODea-gr6th - 02.03.2024 17:49

I think raven port is the nicest map iv ever saw on fs I know I'm a bit harsh on giants software at times but I would like to thank them for there hardworking it can't be easy making these types of games farming sits are so diverse there's so much choose in types of ways to do each job I pure love the game it's the only game I ever play I'm hooked which is not a good thing really but it's fun I suffer with depression n when I do get sum game time it's an escape from reality the worlds dark it's evil n depressing now aways it's headed for destruction satins fooled us all but God will soon be back to take the Christians up in the rapture n I pity the ones left here I may be left it's gonna to be scary times the world will be n total chaos n a man will appear a charming cleaver deserving evil the world governments will hand over power to him as everyone will think he's only person to sort this mess he ll be rich n fool us all this man will get control of the world in -1hour then we ll all have to worship him he ll order every bible to be handed n and they'll burn them he ll get us to take a mark on our forehead or hand those who don't take it can't buy or sell its control if u take this mark it's the mark of the beast the mark of a man 666 once u hay it ur satins slave it's a chip that will send a electric wave to ur head n it controls u this man is satin the devil he controls the world that's why it's n chaos u may think iv crazy but it tells u all this n bible n most of bibles been proven right there's very little time left u may say so why is God letting all this happen OK I'll answer that now around 6000/7000 years ago satin used to be the most amazing strong angel he started to get pride full n want all the power to himself he convinced a third of all the angels that he can over power God beat him n they'd rule all so there was a huge war in heaven Micheal the arch angel fought satin it would have been a mighty battle while they fought God appeared beside Micheal n the glory of God the bright light that is God's essence blinded satin then Michael hit the sword over satins eye he was mortals wounded the angels of God won n satin had been defeated he was still alive so God had to choose what to do with satin n the evil angels he could have sent them all to he'll but if he did this his angels would be serving God threw fear now God is all love not fear so he spook to satin he said something along these lines so u think ur ways are better than mine OK I will give u an opertunity to prove me wrong ill send u to earth you can live there and ur angels will do ur work do what u want and show me how better u can do than me I give u control over the world, now God knows everything before it happens he see see everything he's God the all mighty he knew satins ways were evil n he knew satin would fail this is why the world's evil n crazy our sins hurt everyone we don't obey Jesus's n God we do what we want so we're signing n be leave it or not we're serving satins ways not God's the good news is God knew all this would happen n he's coming back very soon to stop satin n save the Christians n they'll be a great white gudgeon n heaven were all on train if we haven't served our loving God yes we ll go to he'll n burn forever but God gave us Jesus's his only son a son of the most high n only true God Jesus's is a blessing to us all Jesus's came to earth and he died on a cross he took all the sins of every person open him self the price of sin is death lies n tons a small pity thing u may over look are evil God is the true the way and the life who ever repents of there sins n turns to God n does works work will be saved this is no joke it's Spittal stuff this world does everything to keep us finding out the truth we seek the truth but n the wrong places without God we are nothing n without God were headed down a very very dark path I was never the type to be into this but iv seen God's minicals he saved me so many times and he's lovely were so lucky we have a loving forgiving God we all deserve to go to he'll for our sinfully ways everyone's a sinner n everyone God wants to save read a Bible go to church and it'll blow ur mind once u find out it's not boring I thought it would be if u get into this trust me ull find true happiness not tempers happiness that only lasts but a short while God made us n we all have a calling we were made to let him work through us and to love each other be kind n help save each other what gives us the right to gudgeon others are e better than them no we were all made to be equal yes many have done terrible things but God save fix anyone n turn there life's around. If u think I don't want to change that's OK he gave us free will after all but a time will come that very evil things are gonna happen there gapping right now the ends very close it tells of the end times n bible wars n rumours of wars the river uprating dying up rivers turning to blood earth quakes n all sorts that's hopping now Israel will be attacked this is the shaking what happens when God's people are asleep they can't see threw the lies of the world he needs to shake the world into waking up read a Bible the new testament that's our time we're in the last generation when the shit hits the fan n it will soon then people will start to see the truth it may be to late by that time n ull die n go to he'll if u find the truth don't fear God tells us we were never meant to live in fear but of love so repent say God look am sorry my ways are no good I decide I want ur ways what are his ways well how can we know God's ways if we venture never read the Bible God gave us the bible to help us to give us knowage the world powers they all know the truth they hide it from us many religions are made up to keep us from God it's Christians that u wanna be even they have been corrupted sum are but the bible is God's word. First the was the word and the word was God and the word was with God God spook the word he spook everything into existence u may be leave me but u may think it's not worth it but it is God will make u happy he will take every trouble from u he will give u an adventure ull go down n history and ull save many life's n ull life like a true king n heaven or u can keep doing ur own thing turning ur back n it'll only lead u away from God and ur life we keep getting worst n worse until u hit a low point as I did thank God he came n to my life he keep into my living room I did not see him but he was there I felt an out of body thing I thought there was a daemon I opened bible n the corner flicked three times I knew he wanted me to read but I felt freezing so said I'll put on heater it was already on but I never turned it on it was off at plug bit boiling hot it takes 30mins for an oil heater to heat up my x called n phone died at second iv had godly dreams heard the holy spirt talk to me iv saw sings of a church clock flashing n bus lights flashing the same nite I looked into it it means come bk home uv a spiral journey to fulfill I'm no good Christian I'm struggling but I know the truth n the truth will set u free God is the truth and the life choose God or satin?

@MatthewODea-gr6th - 02.03.2024 17:49

Bless the Lord our God n the holy spirt amen

@MatthewODea-gr6th - 02.03.2024 17:50

Satins toys to drag us to he'll God is the one who's protecting us n we don't even see it

@MatthewODea-gr6th - 02.03.2024 17:55

TV music console games fake news all these is keeping us from god

@66_Psycho_66 - 02.03.2024 18:19

I had over 2000hrs on Ravenport in FS19 I ended up owning all the fields and plowed the ones that could be plowed together to make big massive fields gonna to the same in the FS22 version

@canuckled - 02.03.2024 18:28

This was my very first FS map and has most of what I wanted playing on it in FS19. I finally bought that stables. If you choose this as your next let's play I''l watch

@HrdRockFan - 02.03.2024 18:42

So fun to be back on Ravenport again with all the production chains and mods available. It’s a great map, and lots of memories from playing it on FS19.

@jamesbull1765 - 02.03.2024 19:30

I would play this game for another 2 yrs happily if it meant a more polished and much better next iteration of the game. I'd rather see more time spent on making it better then getting a farmsim 23 and 1/2 like train sim is doing. Train sim 4 dropped not to long ago and is less then impressive more like train sim 3 And a quarter

@johnmcenaney1814 - 02.03.2024 20:04

I like the details of the roads nice weathered look. I played this map alot on 19 but I just feel there is not enough on this version to bring me back.

@danforman6780 - 02.03.2024 21:24

Love this map and the remake!

@smockfarmer - 02.03.2024 22:02

Brings back a lot of fond memories :)

@johnthornton1865 - 02.03.2024 22:51

Hey Mr SealyP, yes the train track was in a loop.

@Johnni_D - 02.03.2024 23:09

if you did another lets play on this map and name it the naked farmer 2 like a sequel lol it would be full circle this map is what got me watching you thanks for all the videos you have done learned alot from your videos

@chuckcole7209 - 03.03.2024 01:02

I remember watching your let’s play on this map that was a good time I learned a lot from you on this map

@jenniferwright8633 - 03.03.2024 01:37

This was the first map I every played on I can’t wait to play this as I have missed it

@JoeFlaton - 03.03.2024 01:54

So many great memories 👨‍🌾

@nickhunt811 - 03.03.2024 03:00

Me Thang. Lol

@TheBiggRiggz - 03.03.2024 04:56

Oh this is gunna bring me back to the start of my 'addiction" as my wife puts it. I came into the Farm Sim community in late feb of 2021, which was 10 months before FS22. I've not played another game since, with exception of 50 some hours on Construction Simulator (waste of money) and maybe 150 hours on American Trucking Simulator. But 99.999% of my gaming has been done on FS. It's my happy place. I just did start a new map yesterday, but i feel like I'm gunna have to bail on that and come back home.

Only other mail from FS19 that I'm waiting on is Spectacle Island by Alien Jim

@stormforcegamer83 - 03.03.2024 05:18

Ravenport was the first map I ever played on. Years ago FS19 was free on PS+ & I said I’d check it out & I feel in love with the game. I remember working on the fields while listening to some country music. Good times.

@jackthefatmanholland2233 - 03.03.2024 06:50

I to remember this map Mr. sealyp done a bunch of contract work and made my own farm down next to the town the roads and such do look wider to me as well.

@weztankersley2293 - 03.03.2024 08:11

Thanks for the Tour!

@Tommo46 - 03.03.2024 10:11

How to feel old lol. Nice trip down memory lane. Sure put some hours in to this map. Still long for Sussex farms.

@The_Duke_of_Wirdum - 03.03.2024 10:51

I guese the bridge North East of Central Grain Elevator was refurbished sometime after november 2021 (cause thats when we all left Ravenport 19)
I'm sure the Ravenport community found the financial recourse because of the prosparity we brought by our great tribute to the ecconimy..

@The_Duke_of_Wirdum - 03.03.2024 10:53

Ofcourse things changed. We haven't been there for 3 years

@michaelyates6027 - 03.03.2024 10:58

Brilliant map tour mrsealyp now all l wish for is alien jim to bring back sussex farms and mercury farms

@The_Duke_of_Wirdum - 03.03.2024 11:03

The Mandela effect is a type of false memory that occurs when many different people incorrectly remember the same thing. It refers to a widespread false memory that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s. Memories are not always precise recordings of events.

@BendaCatClaas - 03.03.2024 11:35

I recon you were right about the rail line.

@zigzag5805 - 03.03.2024 12:35

This tarted up version is much better . Loving it 🍋🥒🍓🚜🚜🚜Great job well done

@andrewrh2628 - 03.03.2024 14:25

The first map I played on brings back so many memories learning the game, trying different things. Now with more experience will be revisiting to see if I can do any better 😅

@silentgamer666 - 03.03.2024 15:32

Remember you did the 'naked farmer' story on this map 😂

@jeffkeller9798 - 03.03.2024 20:57

Bummed a bit. So many maps i feel were better on fs 19. This one too.

@muskokadad7754 - 04.03.2024 01:50

Talk about nostalgia….
Not only the “new” mod map
More of the content creator that brought this map to life! You have came so far from those days
Great job MrSealyp!!!

@mark-lh1ur - 04.03.2024 03:43

i like this map from 19

@RawSpeed2311 - 04.03.2024 10:01

I had a quick comparison look around FS19 Ravenport and then FS22 version. The 22 version is missing some of the cheeky hidden elements that I had never stumbled across until this look back. Especially behind the starting farm.
The main difference is where the rail line goes at the north of the map. It used to look by the "Railroad Silo West" in the top middle but now goes off in the mountains and returns at the top left. Most of it is as it was (with the addition of FS22 elements) even the number of trees is much the same (quick glancing) but the shrubs are way less giving the more barren look.
I'm going to now farm them both as I had a great game going in FS19 when I left, but FS22 is more user friendly and it will be good to compare more.

Additional... The Spanish mission is now refurbished (it was undergoing repairs in FS19) but the central court is almost the same if not identical. I had never seen the inside courtyard! What a gem.

@nicodemogiovannibaudazzi4900 - 04.03.2024 15:45


Does anybody know if wood containers is excepted at the standard sawmill on the map?

@thecubemanclips3467 - 05.03.2024 03:36

I always wished I had more slots for this map lol can't wait to try it on 22 👍🥂😁

@Gillc51 - 05.03.2024 19:27

I have been waitting for this map. And woul like lone oaks to.

@giovannibaudazzi7769 - 06.03.2024 15:48


Trust you are well.

First, thanx for all the great content.

I would like a request.

Is there a possibility you can give us a tutorial video of how-to setup a multiplayer server. For example, I noticed you started using the function, I also would like to do a story line and start with zero money small piece of land and a lot of contracts. I know in multiplayer there is more contract and extra second-hand stuff to purchase. I just can’t seem to get the setup right.

Can you please assist will be highly appreciated?


@dinosaurvideo9 - 07.03.2024 08:08

@dinosaurvideo9 - 07.03.2024 08:08


@CTGaming88 - 13.04.2024 02:52

I've been playing since 15 so who is old the OG real players know lol I still buy & don't sell them back just seems like a cheat code. why buy something you don't wont & expand be broke it's ok you'll make the money back. I work On a farm & it's the same thing like stocks.

@ilovescotland2024 - 27.07.2024 21:31

can i ask what this map is like
