18.4 inch Samsung Galaxy View Tablet Software Update T670UEU1AOJC/T670XAR1ACJC

18.4 inch Samsung Galaxy View Tablet Software Update T670UEU1AOJC/T670XAR1ACJC


8 лет назад

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@romhak - 10.12.2015 11:03

security patch day month and year too

@gurken9016 - 09.12.2015 06:16

Hey maybe you can make a video on how apps that are meant to be used in Portait look in landscape. for example instagram and vine. Would love to know!

@larryterrell4921 - 08.12.2015 18:18

pop quiz mr Greg can you create a video to show everyone on the shield how to connect your phone and see it on your screen I'm sure it will be a hit if you can make it happen Wow here we go
