ESO - How to Get Rich Fast! Top 3 Methods to Make Gold Fast in ESO

ESO - How to Get Rich Fast! Top 3 Methods to Make Gold Fast in ESO

Cerny Gaming

6 месяцев назад

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@ihatescammers2477 - 15.01.2024 04:16

Where are you ?

@irishned6464 - 06.01.2024 13:43

Great vid Cerny, these are easy methods for everyone to make gold!

While were on the topic of making money, what I've found to be fairly lucrative is farming Telvar and buying Hakeijo's to sell on the GT they typically go for 90-100k, you can also use Telvar to by PA if you wanna try rolling the dice to get an Icestaff which goes for2-7 mil depending on the trait. Also farming and selling curated weapon drops of BIS items used by vTrial Raiders will get you millions! This of course depends on the weapon in question, DSA and BRP Perfected Healing Staves, Coral, Whorl and Rel perfected Dagger all go for 5+ mil. Also selling BRP 1-50 leveling runs will net you 2-3 mil. Most of these methods take time, research and expertise but all are very doable and highly rewarding.

@Knowledge.to_Come - 03.01.2024 14:32

Writs every day on 20 toons provides all the in game wealth ill ever need 200-400 k per day

@Nghtmre345 - 03.01.2024 02:30

Jeez thanks this game is been a headache slowly learning.😂

@Z800_ - 02.01.2024 13:16

hey I am a newbie at eso, do you have tips on how to get tempering alloy I am not sure if its worth trying to get it with refining as the drop rate is low right? Do you always need 20 for the legendary upgrade or can you decrease the cost somehow?

@otakurabbit - 02.01.2024 10:58

RMT, quicker than any guide!!!!!!
