New improved IBC bio digester design and build

New improved IBC bio digester design and build

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@markgeurts258 - 04.12.2020 12:32

I have another question about the stiring pipe you use. Is it realy nesserary. I mean you have another IBC tank without this standing next to it. How is this working out for the gas production? Do you notice a big different?

Best regards,

@PrateekS701 - 23.12.2020 08:00

Thank you for an instructive video.

Tell me how do you clean the residual solids that remain at the bottom (assuming ofcourse that you do clean that)....

Also how often do the tank need to be so cleaned?

@miguelulrich5473 - 03.02.2021 13:23

We set up the "classic" solar cities IBC system and I appreciate your suggestions on how to improve it. We use the gas holding tank made from two IBC tanks with bottom and top parts cut off respectively and then telescoped. The solar cities people suggest only to make a hole in the side of the top tank for the water to enter, but the guys who helped me installing it were cutting off the whole bottom part. Do you have any experience with that storage system?

@douglaswindsor120 - 18.02.2021 21:57

Should have used it smaller pipe for the out also the gas outlet could also be a 1.5 inch cleanout you can then use a reducing bushing also I like your design idea to have an gas gap at the top and the stirstick I can see a problem with gas pressure pushing the liquid up the outer tube

@smainebelhadi1193 - 15.03.2021 18:46

Very informative video. Thank you very much.
Have questions. Is there bad odors ( septic/barn) coming to the kitchen?.
Do we need a regulator like the one used between a gas tank and the burner?
The mixture in the tank, is it from toilet, plus the laundry/shower, plus the kitchen blender? Thanks.

@1924ab - 30.03.2021 05:38

Has anyone used their existing septic tank to collect gas from?

@craigglewis - 16.04.2021 03:45

Good design. Yet lots of extra 4" components. I'm going to try 4" for the input and 2" or 3" for the output. I will just add a gas line fitting to the top of the tank, eliminating some parts. Great Vid Tks :)

@justadumbfarmer4744 - 23.04.2021 14:48

Why not use valve at bottom of tank for your exit pipe. Water sinks to bottom in a regular septic system and sludge floats to top, just like you suggested.

@KOA_GOBstopper - 16.06.2021 13:40

Does it matter what was previously in the ibc?

@nicholasdworcowyi5735 - 20.07.2021 04:54

I think maybe you should have your feed pipe higher than nutrient out. This gives more pressure to push out nutrients? Saw that on another post. Otherwise very impressive. The mixer is a great idea!

@homefusionslimited4069 - 23.07.2021 14:19

can you send me the full video on my mail

@MrJFoster1984 - 24.09.2021 09:42

Short, fat, thick or thin, vaseline will get it in!

@Brian-ausie - 04.10.2021 07:27

Hello been looking at biogas, I have a septic tank that I am sure will be good for methane, its a 2 compartment system, solids on first liquid on second, I don't know if you know if use a septic tank, can gas's be pushed up Into the toilet While filling the gas storage? I can't find any info on septic biogas regarding the toilet

@boorayin2773 - 12.10.2021 01:27

As Solar CITIES provides their design to anyone whom wants to try this, am curious if you had any communication with them about your improvements so that they can potentially improve their design? I haven't built one of these, but I did immediately wonder about those tiny feeding pipes and food getting stuck in there (on their design). At risk of asking a silly newbie question: how do you not lose gas through that open pipe in the center where your stirrer is? Cheers for the video.

@dalleshayes550 - 10.12.2021 01:14

I'm enjoying this information, is anyone using these instead of a septic, or is this design only suitable for plant wastes and the like?

@bdbirendrasah9612 - 14.12.2021 18:10

Hi, I am watch your vedio make me very impressive . I am doing my project on Biogas Plant in cubic meter . Please guide me for giving More information about design of Biogas Plant.

@kanddfamilyfarm - 18.12.2021 00:50

Hey Daniel, as you may recall I asked about using human manure in a design like this. I'm curious if your stirrer design would be up to the potential forces involved.

@gjebox - 14.03.2022 05:53

Question how offend to remove solids from your tank... how do you remove solids please explain

@superliegebeest544 - 26.03.2022 17:19

Where u store the gas? U use.a tiretube? Or u go all the way and compress it into.a tank?

@turamagmz5118 - 16.05.2022 15:26

Great video👍
Thank you so much for sharing all these details.

@UshanWijesekara - 21.05.2022 18:13

Hi im from sri lanka and im gonna buit a bio gas unit , one ibc tank as the digester so im gonna put caster wheels for the ibc tank please help me to do that

@Solaboder - 26.05.2022 02:23

Hi Daniel, I've been watching and learning from you for a couple of years now and love your videos, work and your style mate! Have shared your site with others too. I like your improved design and agree with the 100Ø input pipe but wonder why the outlet pipe needs to be 100Ø also. I have looked through all the comments; others ask the same question but I didn't find an answer. I understand everything else except that and am about to make my first IBC digester. I've had a successful Homebiogas 2 unit operating since last spring, their stoves are great for biogas. Thanks!

@thelightami - 06.06.2022 19:08

Hello Daniel,
First of all thank you so very much for your biogas videos. I really enjoy them, they are very informative and have inspired me to build my own digester.

I was wondering if you have ever thought of using your T stir stick filled with water as a heating element so that you won’t get that sludge build up on the heater?

Congratulations on your move and I’m sorry to hear your having trouble getting your digester up and producing gas.

Good luck, from the US.

@comperejohnson5810 - 02.07.2022 19:58

Hello Daniel

Please, is this size can work 6hours minimum by day please?

@savagegfry - 16.07.2022 11:14

How would you go using a mutration pump to feed the IBC, from the dunny? Would it eliminate the need for a stirrer?

@Solaboder - 17.07.2022 01:42

Hi Daniel, I have followed your design, will try to load picture, but am having trouble sealing the 100mm Uniseals into the side of the tank, between the seal and the tank hole. Have used different sealants with the Uniseals, MS sealant still leaked and am trialing structural sealant now, waiting for curing before water testing. My research suggests that the thin tank wall on an IBC (2-3mm) is not thick enough for the Uniseal to contact enough edge surface; like it would do easily in a large 6mm thick HDPE water tank. Any suggestions welcome, thanks.

@apinhmi - 13.08.2022 08:12

Nice video. Great work man.
Question:. What is better, 1 big system like 10tonner bio digester or

10 smaller system of 1 tonner container? Appreciate you very well thought of response. Thank you! GBU!

Farm produces 15 tonner chicken dung.

@alistairwylie6730 - 05.09.2022 22:39

Hi Daniel
Would you have any links to where you got the uni seals?

@5aueriohannes512 - 17.09.2022 09:04

Hello Daniel!
First of all I have to thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. A very commendable act in these crazy times.
I decided to make an IBC bio digester myself according to your plans. But I have one question. In the new improved design you moved the feeding tube lower, which I understand, but does the tube swallow the waste when the IBC is already full?
Thank you and best regards, Janez

@gnasty9044 - 30.11.2022 03:36

What are the black ring clips called?

@mikefiatx19 - 11.12.2022 21:14

You could have fitted the pipes into the top rather than the sides and had the same end result without any possibility of leaks.

@markpennella - 20.12.2022 05:03

Hi. You do a great job! Thank you. This video is 4 years old. Have you made a better system? I what to make this with my Science students in Virginia, USA

@Homestead_Ireland - 21.02.2023 01:35

Looks like you've had previous experience lubing up with the vaso! 😂

@nonyabusiness9747 - 13.05.2023 01:28

lol I'm thinking of starting a yt channel. Going to call it HorribleAtEverything

@jinaoneill328 - 16.05.2023 04:58

thanks for you video to bad the sound is so low

@MiscMitz - 13.06.2023 00:33

New here. Thank you

@user-kf7og2id4u - 22.06.2023 21:10

The 2" pipe u put in what is the use for

@user-kf7og2id4u - 22.06.2023 21:12

Thanks very much for your teachers

@user-kf7og2id4u - 22.06.2023 21:13

Thanks very much for your teachers

@user-kf7og2id4u - 22.06.2023 21:14

Thanks very much for your teachers

@manchesterdiamond6832 - 16.07.2023 15:39

Please I need your help on my newly installed one

@pranjalgarg3106 - 15.09.2023 22:47

How you made the tank main inlet completely sealed.

Don’t it has leakages.

@santiagocresci3539 - 18.10.2023 03:16

Great improvement.

@keesverhagen9227 - 20.11.2023 14:50

Hello Sir,

I have more then 45 years with Bio-digesters.
Also with capturing and storing Methane gas from an old ditch. That had leaves falling in it for hundreds of years.
When i was around 7 or 8 years old i always saw big bubbles coming up from the water. Somebody told me that it was gas. Next winter when it was al frozen up under the ice there were large pockets of gas. So curious as i was as a kid i drilled a small hole. Had a long stick wrapped in cotton and petrol. Sometimes from such a hole the gas burned for more then an hour.
I was living next to a company that was doing all kinds of Dredging. They had several ships called Cutter Suction Dredge. My old man had a job there. I was living on a ship so always surrounded by water.
That company had a lot of stuff laying around. Also several very large stainless steel round washbasins. One had atleast a diameter of little more then 2 meter.
I took one and used a rope to pull it to my fathers shed where he had a lot of tools.

In the middle there was a large hole and some connection points. I sealed that hole with a piece of Concrete Plywood. Made a little hole in the middle and used a piece of cupper tube to fit in that hole.
On opposite sides i fixed some tubes that i bended. So it had a cap around 20 cm's.
Used a small rowing boat to get in the middle of that ditch. Managed to get that heavy washbasin upside down on the back of the little boat.

Pushed two round poles in the mud and used my dads large steel hammer to sledge them way deeper. After a long time struggling i managed to have that washbasin upside down in the water.
And the rubber hose tubes around the wooden poles.
Made with a large bolt a lever construction attached to the washbasin.
Around the copper tube fixed a long piece of gardenhose. And on the end of the gardenhose i fixed a petroltap from my brothers moped. Later i got a beating from him for using that. 😢

I had the washbasin fully underwater. Just under the surface. With a piece of wood i was sticking into the mud. Large bubble of gas floated up and into the washbasin. So much that after 10 or 15 minutes that washbasin came floating up almost entirely above the water.
With my mums lighter ( back in the days Belinda costs not more then 0.39 Dutch cents. 😬
A beautifill flame it gave. And if i pushed slightly on the washbasin the flame became larger. Much larger. It was was very dangerous because the flame could easily gone back. It would have exploded.
It was amazing how long a complete filled washbasin could burn.
Weeks later my dad helped me to weld two round bended piece of stanless strips of metal onto it. For the poles in the water.
We changed the gardenhose hose for Tyleen.
And a different valve with a better nozzle.
In his workplace we set up a gas cooker with four burners. The injectors already were changed from eartgas to propane.
It burned perfectly. All the four burners. Sometimes not always blue. Some coloring.
From that time on as a kid of not even ten years old i was hooked on gas.
We made a water filter for the gas. And that was pretty much it. Through a few years several hundreds of liter of water was boiled with that gas.
When i was 14 a build my own Bio digester. I was lucky to have all kinds of stuff that i could use. More then enough tools and so on. And i never got in trouble with my dads boss for using a lot of equipment. I progressed with trial and error.
Later on in life you get to circumstances that take away that little kid inside you.
I enjoyed watching your video Sir. 👍

@benmelnichuk2053 - 30.11.2023 03:36

Is it still working?

@RogueOntheRoad - 21.01.2024 09:02

You need to have a second tank which when the water level gets to the top it can overflow into the second tank. Your first tank is the primary digester the second tank is the secondary digester. Apparently there needs to be a path for the grease to be channeled out into a special grease digester.

@user-tw3ml9nk9k - 04.04.2024 13:31

Do you have active digesters that are producing currently?

@markpennella - 27.07.2024 20:04

Im missing you newest updates. Im planning 7 years as the bible talk about.
