You Are Affirmations - Ultimate Clear Skin Subliminal (While You Sleep)

You Are Affirmations - Ultimate Clear Skin Subliminal (While You Sleep)

Jessica Heslop - Manifest by Jess

4 года назад

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@somebunny726 - 13.05.2023 13:00

I love you thank you so much as a teenager who struggles with my skin, this calms me so much

@emilylewis8754 - 23.05.2023 08:39

I went to bed with. really red, uncomfortable, bumpy skin and when I woke up the next morning immediately after using this everything but one pimple was gone!!! i was so shocked but it really worked it also improved my overall texture. i’m so grateful for this meditation

@planet.kellan303 - 01.06.2023 09:09

Wow this worked so well it helped the radiance of my face and cleared up all of my blemishes and scars.

@strawberrylover999 - 03.06.2023 16:12

I’ve had nonstop acne for 3 years and I’ve listened to this for 5 nights and my acne is slowing healing and I’m not insecure about my skin anymore 💕I’m so grateful

@sarahwho2930 - 20.06.2023 11:15

Its gave me nightmares!!! For two days in row.. I thought I was delusional so I gave it a chance the other night but all it did nightmares

@bakabuka6856 - 02.07.2023 01:03

Я люблю свою чистую и нежную кожу. Я прекрасна. Я отлично себя чувствую. Я люблю себя.

@shars.555 - 10.07.2023 02:09

This video is so timelessly beautiful and 'gorgeous' in its highly harmonious vibration. It is done so very, very well by you. Thank you so much. 🧘‍♂️🙏💫💫💫💫💙

@vitoriavalente7597 - 10.07.2023 04:02

Ok this def works. I started having a lot of acne (never had before) due to my new IUD + emotional factors. My acne started on the right bottom of my chin and started spreading out through my whole face. It was swollen, red, super inflammatory and painful.

I started taking Accutane 30mg which dried my whole body from inside out BUT WORSENED my acne and spread it all over my face.
I took accutane for 6mo and decided to stop it bc it just made everything worse. I am now doing a natural treatment and it’s working. Yet, it’s been 3 nights I’ve been listening to these affirmations and my face has been cleaning SO QUICKLY! This works so much more than any other type of medicine. I’m so so grateful for this Jess 🫶
Wish I could post pictures here of my face progress. Wish you all an amazing healing journey inside out

@aaliyahirdk - 11.07.2023 01:00

Does anyone with a chronic skin condition they've lived with their whole life feel the resistance to this (I have eczema). Like I can feel myself too focused on my skin for the first time and it's making me react physically more. But I know it's in my head. It's like I've identified with this condition for so long the idea of not having it anymore makes me feel like who would I be without it. Which sounds crazy.

@Stella_In_Real_Life - 16.07.2023 10:11

I was sort of hoping for more skin affirming affirmations as opposed to a make out session with myself lol.

@Nagitosreligion - 26.07.2023 01:18

Does this subliminal work on every part of the body? Bc i want to get rid of my scars all over my body including my underarms. 💀

@vl6324 - 26.07.2023 15:35

This is so lovely thank you Jess. I like how it also includes overall loving and positive affirmations not just for skin

@rachel..... - 29.07.2023 19:48

Hi Jess! Could this tape also help with stretch marks and skin firmness?

@kashhhh13 - 17.08.2023 05:36

I'm affirming this today . Help me God . I believe in you ❤️
If i see some change ,will surely update

@gmoney8585 - 21.08.2023 17:37


@keiraslifestyle9563 - 22.08.2023 09:39

Can u listen to this why ur awake or just before y go to sleep?

@mihaelachiriac7896 - 06.09.2023 21:16

Can this work for rosacea?
Thank you!

@mihaelachiriac7896 - 10.09.2023 11:15

I like your voice, but i can't sleep. Is it ok if i listen when i do home activities?

@lilirosem - 20.09.2023 07:50

Hi jessica I wanted to thank you so much. I have acne on my face, chest, back and shoulders.

I started listening to this video at the beginning of August, I SWEAR that after a few days I had no buttons on the body, it was magic! But then I started to listen less and above all I think I wasn’t grateful enough for your wonderful work, so my acne started coming back, but every time I listened I still got better 💞

I started again for several days now and the magic came back, I have fewer and fewer buttons every day!! my skin is getting so clear everywhere 🤲

I am SO SO GRATEFUL to you jess, you and your video are a blessing, I could never thank you enough thank you thank you 🙏🙏 you are an amazing human ✨️🌈

@sonalipatil7534 - 01.10.2023 02:23

Thank you soo much .... after 2 nights listening this my skins starts to healing my acne starts reducing gradually ❤❤ thanks

@rumaisacolours4472 - 06.10.2023 00:48

I had redness on my face due to a rash and next day alot of it was gone HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!😊

@rumaisacolours4472 - 06.10.2023 00:49

I'm gonna heal my skin in 30 days completely by this every night 😊

@vienvenicegallentes2162 - 26.10.2023 03:52

i claim this.clear white smooth and flawless skin.❤🙏🙏

@iesis111 - 08.11.2023 08:15

Th🌷nk y🩷u.

@DarrylHoff-c8l - 11.12.2023 06:11

Hey Jess! Do you come here often? I know I do! Lol. I am in love with your subliminals, I always come back to them! Your beautiful voice is deeply satisfying to meditate to. Bright blessings darling

@helenaoliveira1004 - 22.12.2023 04:45

Olá Jéssica acabei de conhecer seu canal e achei muito interessante, gostaria de saber se vc tem vídeo para ansiedade infelizmente não intendo seu idioma más com o tradução do Google posso ler a mensagem obrigado 🙏🌼🕊️🤍🌹

@goddessnaomi4660 - 07.01.2024 08:13

I am so grateful for these affirmations, because I’m 2023 I experienced the worst acne I’ve ever had. It felt like a part of me died, but I won’t give up. My skin is healing and will look better than it ever has once this passes, thank you 💕 I pray that anyone who has acne heals from the emotional and physical damage of this, and that you feel self love throughout that journey. I’m not there yet, but I’m close.

@D8A_222 - 09.01.2024 19:21


@veriera - 24.02.2024 11:45

Hello, I have tried many different channels and methods. I don't have particularly problematic skin, but I spontaneously get a rash, and when I started listening to this video, there were wounds on my face from picking at pimples. The morning after the first audition (all night) I almost couldn't believe it, the skin became smooth and even, better than before, even the pigmentation became invisible. There is also a new inflammation on the chin, but it goes away very quickly!
I will update it!❤

night 2 - better
night 3 - BETTER !
night 4 - in general, the skin looks better, most of the wounds have healed, but new ones have stopped appearing only partially)
night 5 - I listened to the same video with the statement "I.." that night. My skin heals insanely fast, only yesterday I dug out a couple of places on my face and almost without a trace. Also, I think it has become softer and more saturated. Overall, the improvements are visible, I think three more nights and we can finish, Thank you!😊

@mariefernando8037 - 04.03.2024 00:03

Thank you so much for Sharing this beautiful video

@peacefulambientmusic6186 - 07.03.2024 06:03

Does this help with broken facial capillaries?

@AyeChanMoe-u2t - 18.03.2024 16:24

This is 18th March 2024 , the second month of using retinol serum for acne treatment and for my bumpy skin. I wasn't cleansing my skin enough after using bb cream every morning.

Today is the first day listening to these affirmation from you Jessica, you voice calms me so much.

I am also trying to clam myself and say positive words to myself while treating with skin care onto my face.

This is the first day. I am very excited for my healthy glow acne clear skin coming for me.

I am healing.
We all are healing.
Let's heal together!

@lenak.9301 - 06.05.2024 22:23

I love my clear skin
I have clear skin
Thank you for beautiful skin

@sunflowervol.6317 - 07.05.2024 06:36

not even my acne medication works better than this

@VikasYadav-zr9vm - 08.05.2024 20:01

I am healing my skin

@iretioluwaokeke4297 - 15.05.2024 04:08

Wonderful track please does it help with teenage acne . Missing my skin when I was younger i want to get it back and feel better about myself because most people my age dont even have acne and i question myself maybe just genes. Does it work please. Most poeple are saying it works overnight in one day is it true. Thank you ❤ .

@lenak.9301 - 26.05.2024 22:55

I love my clear skin
My skin is beautiful
I have no skin problems

@misaghkhosravi4541 - 25.07.2024 20:16


@DarrylHoff-c8l - 03.09.2024 21:27

Glorious affirmations baby girl Jess! Lots of love ❤

@DarrylHoff-c8l - 19.09.2024 06:38

Powerful affirmations sweetheart Jessica ❤

@DarrylHoff-c8l - 23.09.2024 16:15

Moo are sweet Jessica! Moo are poppinfresh, with infinite love xx

@zackulrey460 - 13.12.2024 09:16

Ugh I don't want to hear talking though

@Happyliv - 14.12.2024 03:55

Can it heal hyperpigmentation

@kathykhoa - 24.12.2024 07:19

Day 2 for me ❤

@salujapeiris5389 - 30.12.2024 08:23

Thank you 😍

@veronicamartha5354 - 09.02.2025 08:12

Yes, this works ❤ every night until you see desired results + law or assumption (focus on your skin healing, focus on the clear spots) let’s all have clear skin in 2025❤

@mimigct - 23.02.2025 08:15

Well i’m listening to this tonight i’ll come later for updates

@Enlightenmentboom - 26.02.2025 02:53

Thank you I see the changes in my skin

@Enlightenmentboom - 26.02.2025 07:03

My skin feels soft but I will keep going , I sometimes listen to the self love one as well. And I have been motivated to work out and take care of my skin . Thank you so much ❤
