Power Apps Sort and Filter on Multiple Columns

Power Apps Sort and Filter on Multiple Columns

Reza Dorrani

3 года назад

187,479 Просмотров

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Learning Sessions
Learning Sessions - 06.05.2021 15:12

Thanks a lot for sharing this, it solved an actual scenario when you use search as well as want user specific dynamic sorting :-)

Francisco Argandoña Lopez
Francisco Argandoña Lopez - 22.08.2023 19:55

I have a sharepoint list with repeated values ​​for the name field value and I need to display them in a gallery with the unique values ​​and grouping values ​​according to the match. How do I do it?

Dan Kirchner
Dan Kirchner - 17.08.2023 20:27

This method is by far the easiest I have seen to achieve the end result. Thank you Reza!

jithendra - 14.08.2023 22:32

excellent presentation. it helps me lot.

RhydonPlay - 02.08.2023 09:46

Nice Reza, thanks!

Rocker Trading
Rocker Trading - 27.07.2023 17:34

Hi Reza, whats the version your power apps in this videos, Congratulations for videos ...

Roland Begaye
Roland Begaye - 12.07.2023 23:49

Hi Reza,
I applied this to my Gallery, but for the drop-down code I keep getting the following error: Incompatible types of comparison, these types can't be compared: Table, Text. Is that because the Item value in my dropdown is in a table format?

Scott Matson
Scott Matson - 12.07.2023 01:17

Another good one. Thanks.

rutica - 29.06.2023 07:07

Hi Reza! Thank you so much for your video. It was very helpful. If you wanted to add the Sort Up/Down icon to your choice field called Priority (to make the sorting of that field dynamic also), how would you incorporate that into the formula you have in the Items property of your Gallery? Because in the Items property of your Gallery, you use SortByColumns. But if you wanted to sort your choice field called Priority, you would need the Sort formula instead of the SortByColumns formula. (And I'm not worried about Delegation issues because my list only has about 60 items)

Yummy Yummy
Yummy Yummy - 27.06.2023 10:13

Hi I want to filter date and Status in gallery ---Below code getting error please help me ....Filter(M1_TRACKER_UPDATE, Textsearch.Selected.Result=Node Name,DateCol=FilterDate.Selected.Result) .........................One more ---Filter(M1_TRACKER_UPDATE,Textsearch.Selected.Result='Node Name',M1_TRACKER_UPDATE=FilterDate.Selected.Result=Date)

Stacy Fang
Stacy Fang - 03.05.2023 20:45

Very informative! A quick question, what code do you have on the reset button?

David Rico
David Rico - 03.05.2023 06:08


Tracy Osimowicz
Tracy Osimowicz - 14.04.2023 01:55

Super helpful video! Was able to troubleshoot and role out my app for user testing same day. Much appreciated!

Christian Reed
Christian Reed - 10.04.2023 20:02

This is an excellent tutorial, shortened my formula by at least 40 lines and improved app speed

John - 30.03.2023 19:58

Great video! I used this in a few apps already. Quick question for a different use case I'm working on. Is there any way to integrate this with the Search( function? I'm working on a FAQ app and for that, the startswith function isn't convenient for searching, but it is still beneficial to be able to do some basic filters on the content.

Robert Sterling
Robert Sterling - 13.03.2023 09:59

Great Video - really helped me with clean my app. Having an issue though - when I go to choose which column I want to sort, not all of the columns in my SharePoint list appear, but a number of unnamed columns (just names "field_**" appear. I've refreshed the data and data source, but don't understand why all of my column names aren't appearing to be used in the sort.

shueb kamil
shueb kamil - 06.03.2023 19:46

few tips for more views. on videos add ur other video links which are connected to this video. Like you could've added link for how to connect sharepoint list and how to make background of powerapps. I found it useful but what if i was a beginner and didn't know this.

Manuel Simon
Manuel Simon - 05.03.2023 17:35

How did you create this gallery as a table with headers?

los penguin
los penguin - 08.02.2023 15:37

Great job man ... lots of vids out there on this subject and you're approach is one of the better ones... you should make a video on brainstorming methods when coming up with logic flows for answering probs like this. 🦅

GuidoSalami1 - 31.01.2023 03:26

hi reza, does the video go over sorting by a choice column? im getting unable to sort by this column type

GuidoSalami1 - 28.01.2023 03:54

varSortColumn = Ascending,

isnt this wrong? i had to change this to varSortDirection to get it to work. yet i know it works this way because i saw it work on yo ur vidoe? very confused reza

GuidoSalami1 - 28.01.2023 02:52

power apps has updatecontext instead of set for its default sort arrows, why?

Stephan Onisick
Stephan Onisick - 27.01.2023 21:07

Really Nice. I always learn something.

duy ngoc
duy ngoc - 27.01.2023 12:14

awesome again !

Tamim Anwar
Tamim Anwar - 25.01.2023 22:48

how does your filter icon change color when user choose from filter? thank you

Mohamed Shawky
Mohamed Shawky - 24.01.2023 11:05

Hi Raza , thank you for your effort , can you please explain how can i filter a blank value or sort by a blank value

Simon Ball
Simon Ball - 06.01.2023 13:12

More great stuff Reza.

Ikarus4Prime - 11.11.2022 04:24

thanks a lot, your video helped me to set the correct filter and sort my list :D

Epic Biz Hero
Epic Biz Hero - 08.11.2022 17:33


D'Andre M.
D'Andre M. - 04.11.2022 18:43

Is it possible to add Filters to Complex Columns? Also, what is the set for the actual Search Input? You don't go over that.

kmurali krishna
kmurali krishna - 31.10.2022 08:43

Reza ... Really appreciate..
Is it possible to loop a column values seperated with comma?
City Village
C1. V1
C1 V2
C1 V3
C2. V1
C2 V2

So we want to display
C1 V1, V2, V3
C2 C1, V2
Means column(village )values into single row seperate with comma as row string

Please reply

Death_ClouD - 06.10.2022 13:03

Hi Reza, Nice Video. But one thing I notice in the last part that the Descending in Sort Icon didn't work. I also follow your command and also repeating to watch the last minute which you are clicking the sort Icon. It didn't sort to Descending. Do you know what causes it? It was similar to what I'm facing right now.

Sompop Charusaengrit
Sompop Charusaengrit - 19.09.2022 19:19

Hi Reza, Thanks for the great contents including this video. I have a question regarding delegation warning when I apply "&&", "||" or "in" operations with related column on a different table. See "&& (txtSearch.Value in Asset.'Asset ID' || txtSearch.Value in Asset.'Serial Number')" in the code below. How do I resolve the delegation warning for this?

If (
txtSearch.Value = "" || txtSearch.Value = Blank(),
'Work Order Line Items',
'Work Order'.'WO Number' = workOrderId
'Work Order Line Items',
'Work Order'.'WO Number' = workOrderId //&& (Asset.'Asset ID' = txtSearch.Value)
&& (txtSearch.Value in Asset.'Asset ID' || txtSearch.Value in Asset.'Serial Number')

Kayla Tegeler
Kayla Tegeler - 13.09.2022 01:28

Hey, thanks for the video! Everything seems to work great, but the sorting only goes in one order. Your arrow changed but the numbers didn't (at the very end). I'm having trouble figuring out how to fix this, any ideas?

Rahul Lal
Rahul Lal - 31.08.2022 19:50

Well explained .Thanks Reza

snooki9 - 24.08.2022 18:26

Thanks Reza !

khateeja sd
khateeja sd - 18.08.2022 17:54

Can we perform this on a data table

VJ THANASEKARAN - 04.07.2022 18:12

Hi Reza,

This is great and I have an issue.

App works fine on start and when I sort again, sort is not working for more than 100 rows and I see “loading data” notification.

FYI- I’m using SharePoint as source and data table to display items.

Any help is much appreciated.

salim bounouala
salim bounouala - 01.07.2022 17:20

you are the best Mr Reza, thank you for everything

Martijn - 29.06.2022 18:18

I was wrestling with multiple filters for my gallery. This is a great help, thanks!

Leonard Baidya
Leonard Baidya - 10.06.2022 10:27

Hi Reza, Awesome technic! But I have a person filed named "requestor" from here I would like to search by name . This function isn't working for that person filed. Can you let me know the actual formula?

Masho HBD
Masho HBD - 01.06.2022 07:25

Hi Reza, Thank you again and again for the great video's you make. I followed the switch formula you provided, i am sorting on ID column and 3 other Date fields, everything works great except 3 date fields, when sorting on date fields , any empty fields are not included and some rows go missing, any idea why? your help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Utilise Media
Utilise Media - 25.05.2022 10:50

Hi Reza, i could be mistaken but looking over your code example, I cant see in the switch statement an option for Priority (I can only see ID & Title). Reason I ask is that i have 2 drop down columns and cant quite get it to work. I am getting squiggly lines under the 2nd switch at the SortGByColumns( line

Utilise Media
Utilise Media - 25.05.2022 08:35

Thank you for a great video. Do you have an example of how to reset the filters. I cant quite work this out
