Django with Chart Js | Create Custom Management Command in Django | How to Use Chart Js with Django

Django with Chart Js | Create Custom Management Command in Django | How to Use Chart Js with Django

Nabil Moiun

1 год назад

57 Просмотров

Django with chart js tutorials.

In this tutorial, we gonna learn how to create custom management command in django and how to use csv module in python to manipulate dataset. Then we will use kaggle dataset to insert data to our models.

In this series, you gonna learn how to integrate chart js with django.
I will build a simple suicide rate visualization app. Where I will use a real kaggle dataset and manipulate it with python csv module as per our requirements. Then I will insert data dynamically using "Management Commands" and integrate dynamic views with Chart js.
The app will represent suicide rate chart of 101 countries of specific years .

full playlist

kaggle dataset

Chart Js

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email: [email protected]

#django #djangowithchartjs #python #javascript #djangotutorial #learndjango #nabilmoiun

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#django #python #django_tutorials #javascript_tutorials #chart_js #how_to_use_chart_js_with_django #suicide #suicide_app #html #css #bootstrap #how_to_create_charts_with_django_and_chart_js #data_visualization_with_django #csv_file_python #csv_python #kaggle #kaggle_dataset #data_science_tutorials #data_science #data_science_with_python #django_web_framework #how_to_create_custom_management_command_in_django
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