A Brief History of the UPCI

A Brief History of the UPCI

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Lagaip Diu Ita
Lagaip Diu Ita - 18.09.2023 16:22

Watching from Papua New Guinea an island in the Pacific. A member of the UPC, one god beliver till I die, glory be to God.

kchilz32 - 28.07.2023 05:24

didnt parham ran out on the Apostolic movement ?

ccoutreach87 - 11.06.2023 23:24

Great story indeed- as a student and preacher we simply need more well done documentaries- its sda to search a group- denomination and see a million negative vdies before you can find a simple historical video [Im well aware of the doctrinal debate] but this video is good

Wayne Jarvis
Wayne Jarvis - 15.04.2023 22:18

“A bridge too far” is correct. This video is twisted in its approach to defending oneness theory as Pentecostal. The original Pentecostals like Paul the Apostle and those in the beginning of Azusa Street revival were correct in saying the oneness theories are a “bridge too far”.

When you jump over scriptures in their context into a pretext that is consummated by your presupposition, you have left scripture as your basis for your doctrine.

No matter how much twisting of history or colorful managing of Trinity truth found in God’s word, you always come up with doctrines of men when it concerns Unitarian or Oneness beliefs. It does matter any difference in the two, false plus anything never = truth.

Jesus bridged the gap between us and God. Jesus is God and always was God and always will be God, but He will never be in the position of the Father who is God in heaven. And yes God is one God! This is one reason it is easy to understand when Jesus said when you have seen me you seen the Father. They are one Divine Nature. But they are 2 personalities. Jesus therefore could say I do nothing of myself but only what the Father tells me. That is two my friend, and to say Jesus was not truly God is absolutely Anti-Christ. If you believe an early Pentecostal the Apostle Paul. And I Do!

Trev WIlliams
Trev WIlliams - 12.04.2023 12:19

Missteps? Like a adhering to Jim Crow/Segregation. Sadly, the Civil Rights movement would’ve never needed to happened if the church stayed the course. But Christians ministers who were white separated themselves after Bishop CH Mason ordained them.

Mary Helen Campos
Mary Helen Campos - 29.03.2023 06:51

I attend a Trinitarian church(Pentecostal Roots)One God Believers Baptisms In Jesus Name...We have had Visiting Pastors from Baptist and UPC Preaching with a move of Holy Ghost❤

Mary Helen Campos
Mary Helen Campos - 29.03.2023 06:43

Scriptures can express Oneness and Trinity on The Godhead...Now is not the time for the Body Of Christ Believers to bring schism/division over the Godhead. With the One World Religion (anti-christ NWO) at hand we need to unite like Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane/That we be One as The Father And Son Are One ❤

Zuo Zhen
Zuo Zhen - 27.03.2023 08:12

UPCI folks are the biggest hypocrites in the world! Most of them live like the devil Monday thru Saturday. They are also the most judgmental fools sending everyone who don’t believe in their doctrine to Hell! No thanks!!!

Rykel Lim
Rykel Lim - 26.03.2023 20:40

I will, God willing, build a Church-In-A-Day United Pentecostal church in a rising economy in Asia! If someone knows how, please share with me. :)

marksanus - 30.10.2022 01:53

A destructive organization that controls its congregants with emotional manipulation. My only wish is that I could have gotten out sooner.

KABOD MINISTRIES - 07.08.2022 03:36

I'm french, so is there a translater ?

Jacob Chhangte
Jacob Chhangte - 05.07.2022 20:43

Most of UPCI people are fooled. They think that Water baptism cleanse the sins away, but not the blood of Jesus.But here we have those people in Mizoram, India

Kenneth Session
Kenneth Session - 04.07.2022 02:18

Where is PAW!? And the UPCI split for racial reasons! Just like Cogic and the assembly of God.

randommarx - 22.05.2022 17:02

Can anyone please tell me upci theology with regards to head covering???

Christopher Seth
Christopher Seth - 01.04.2022 06:57


Frankie Brown
Frankie Brown - 25.01.2022 19:34


green lantern 7
green lantern 7 - 20.01.2022 20:02

When you look at what the united Pentecostal church international has become. It’s funny how you see all the social media if their lavish lifestyles especially the Pastors. But they claim to be to humble and holy and look down on everyone who is not in their organization. I just have to laugh when I see so many of them who are many generations in that organization and there is nothing “Pentecostal” about them. When referring to Pentecostal/Apostolic doctrine directly referring to Apostle Paul, James, John, Peter. There is clearly no resemblance. It’s become a huge business full of big names in the UPCI circles who have a false sense of salvation because of who their great great grandpa was or what their last name is.

Arc-Michael R
Arc-Michael R - 09.12.2021 05:15

What about the other great revivals that have happened since the 1700s?

Oh wait, they didn’t lead to the resurrection of the oneness-singular belief in God.

I’ve always wondered why the Jews could not accept Jesus as messiah. Was it because they couldn’t accept the fact God had a Son?

Elias Mengiste
Elias Mengiste - 16.11.2021 15:20

