Enneagram Type 7 Overview (The Enthusiast)

Enneagram Type 7 Overview (The Enthusiast)


2 года назад

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Dan Surman
Dan Surman - 25.01.2023 00:58

I am a 7 and though I don't take it seriously it does make sense in what they say about 7s.... Growth tips on this video are interesting as I have started to dive into them

Soft Sage
Soft Sage - 29.06.2022 06:28

I thought that being a type 7 really matched my Sagittarius personality and Britney, Miley, and Tiffany are all Sags

Claudio Naranjo
Claudio Naranjo - 22.04.2022 19:48

Those are mostly INTJ's because seven look into the future also INTJ look into future due being intuitive,thinking and judging making them most self confident types and both builders of systems and appliers of theoretical models

Moth arsonist
Moth arsonist - 30.03.2022 06:34

Thank you for you’re test was amazing and helpful! :)
