Rejection for Tech Professionals

Rejection for Tech Professionals

Eli the Computer Guy

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@justanavgjoe2 - 24.07.2015 03:53

I understand where Eli is coming from but for one, rejection is one thing, not at least sending out a message to a person you INTERVIEWED, is another thing. It is  simply rude and inconsiderate. A person takes time out of his or her life to do an interview. This person will never get that time back; it is gone forever. Giving the person a simple heads up at least allows the person some closure and the wherewithal to move on.

Second, if your  car is about to be repossessed, your rent is overdue and the other  bills are mounting, rejection does become personal. Many of us cannot afford being rejected a thousand times; we have families to support and bills to pay. Being one step away from becoming a beggar or becoming one is quite personal.

Lastly, as alluded to by Eli himself, competing with dozens if not hundreds of others for a job tends to foster an atmosphere filled with tension and apprehension. While the systems hails this as the best of all worlds, in actuality it is a world that benefits the few and moreover, combined with the gamut of other social pressures and fissures (i.e. corrupt institutions, a two-party duopoly, cultural decay, non-nonsensical media and so on) this 'me first and let the devil take the hindmost mindset'  is a key factor in the growing levels of alienation and anomie amongst the population. Some of whom, with disturbing regularity, lash out with deadly effects.

There's gotta be a better way to live.

@frankh076 - 25.07.2015 03:57

Thanks bro, I was getting down about a network admin position I didn't get recently. Back to the grind

@TheoWingate - 25.07.2015 10:15

this isn't elithecomputerguy this is elithelifecoach! lol love your videos

@andrewschlegel3883 - 26.07.2015 00:17

If there are so many more IT employees than IT jobs is this a good industry to go into?  Times seem to be better all my non IT friends and family members are employed and making money.  All I see are rejected unemployed IT people.

@aynanana12 - 26.07.2015 04:05

Hey man I'm 17 and I won't to learn something
What's the best thing to learn in computer ?? ( technology)

@kevinanderson1325 - 27.07.2015 03:23

You or someone needs to do people relations for geeks.  I have found that there are some REALLY smart geeks who can't relate to humans!  I could say so much about this subject. It is almost like the personality type that makes one a good geek, also makes you somewhat anti social. But bottom line, humans write paychecks! If you can't get along with humans, you are going to starve!

@Jimmyageek - 28.07.2015 18:35

Many Time I Didn't Get Hired Due to My Beard

@Kikilang60 - 01.08.2015 01:19


@Kikilang60 - 01.08.2015 01:26


@46ace - 05.08.2015 18:22

Sound advice; wish I'd heard it years ago Thanks Eli!

@davekummer6587 - 07.08.2015 07:22

wunderbar  Eli   good  stuff  i  hope  i  can  use  it -danke -

@xmodsgaming - 08.08.2015 08:07

you should come to idaho some time.

@TheDavidMonti - 13.08.2015 18:02

Haha that's an ugly font

@learnitfromwilliam - 13.08.2015 22:51

Great topic. It's part of life and we ALL have to go through it in our personal and business lives.  And I love the beginning part about giving up.  In general, people give up wayyyy to easy on everything.  Like you said, you have to keep pushing forward.

@spooky_zen - 21.08.2015 02:28

mountain man

@darensteele1005 - 10.09.2015 21:42

Eli, love the vids! That is either a very large bench, or you are a very small guy!!!!!

@milominderbender4632 - 17.09.2015 22:56

Eli is a sage

@James_Haskin - 18.09.2015 03:17

You're channel is such a wealth of information. Thank you so much for sharing your passion and knowledge.

@clearance2197 - 22.09.2015 20:26

Im not even thinking of getting into computers, as you can tell from my comment, but i really like your personality , you offer good advice overall . P.S , They didn't like my face.

Add I love your videos man ! Out door nature, didnt they see your other videos behind a desk ? smh You should have your own company then you can call the shots. So when you going to release a Ebook ; rejection , chapter ?

@moh10ly - 23.09.2015 13:27

You look good with the beard man.

@danielkitson6878 - 30.09.2015 20:51

hi eli, i am loving your video's as late, my question is about linuxcnc gui screens, please you please point me in the right way how to learn how to write new gui screens, the reason is i am try to learn but the linux world seams like "go read about it " why cant people said i read it and this is wot to do ????? thanks for your time, Daniel

@snowwhite7677 - 07.11.2015 09:13

As far as these show gigs that call you then drop you, you might consider hiring an agent to deal with them on a per cost basis. Also, you might consider demanding 1/3 up front non-refundable. If they really think you are as awesome as they keep telling you you are, they will pay. Might give them some incentive too.

@ChuzpahGoodfellow - 10.11.2015 21:01

Paperwork in the woods, LOL Nice location for a video Eli

@ckimpal - 13.11.2015 10:10

I like the black list story. Sounds like I am probably on more black lists then I even knew I was on. I remember being told once, "You'll never work in this industry again !!!". That was about 20 jobs ago, and from my prospective, those words just ended up as words without actions. Sometimes people let their emotions get the best of them. Hard to see in advance, but I ended up doing better without that job.

@GametimeBrizzle - 23.11.2015 05:29

WOW! Are you speaking DIRECTLY to me? lol

@tr233 - 01.12.2015 02:21

Man this is good advice!

@urbansilhouettemedia - 04.01.2016 13:53

Is Eli going for the Guru beard?

@Enation92 - 04.02.2016 17:49

thank you eli you are so wise :-). Learn a lot from your videos

@MrRadioperse - 08.02.2016 20:59

I don't take rejection harshly at all anymore. If you don't even get into an interview, modify your CV and your letter to the company. If you make it to the interview then often getting hired is circumstantial: You aren't a cultural fit, you lack a certain skill that someone else has (could be a single thing) etc. You could get hired to the same company, but on a different time.

Be confident, go there to represent YOURSELF and don't sweat what the company requires you to be (as long as you choose within your scope... just don't take pressure on pleasing the interviewer)

@charleswood8658 - 08.03.2016 01:08

You pastafarian, or just joking?

@tentativeorchgaming9305 - 08.03.2016 05:42


I understand that I will get rejected numerous times before I can close the sale, but I will still side with Ayn Rand on this one in the sense that "Failure is not a mortgage on success." I've seen people get a job right off the bat with no issues and others apply for hundreds of jobs just to get rejected hundreds of times. There doesn't seem to be any kind of rhyme or reason and shit just happens.

@LokeshBhartiyaOriginal - 08.06.2016 21:58

Everything is talking about deer. and lost the plot Eli has put here.

@BulldogMindset - 15.09.2016 17:32

Man, good you've brought up this topic. So many people have to deal with this. I call this also "the impostor syndrome". Good points. A lot of programmers will identify with it

@TheGameStampede - 24.09.2016 00:39

Thank you for the encouraging discussion!

@AtlantaTactical - 10.07.2017 04:21

Wow, best vid yet--spot on for sure......Thanks!

@minnesotanice369 - 30.10.2018 01:51

must keep fishing to catch fish if you don't put a line in water. sometimes look at rejection as the fish you didn't want to keep anyways

@House_Of_Cards_ - 31.10.2018 08:17

I gave up IT years ago due to constant rejection. I am study really hard to try again.

@eljesus788 - 12.01.2019 03:16

Real Recognize Real. You da truth.

@__KMFahimImran - 09.07.2020 17:54

Are there bears in these woods ?

@BIG-BOWSER - 22.01.2021 18:24

"build it and they will come".

@forcanadaru - 24.01.2021 03:04

Just wondering how long you can talk-talk-talk non-stop without getting tired?

@alberton9 - 13.04.2021 01:56

Just going through your old videos before Susan B. snaps her fingers

@keiouji1629 - 30.09.2021 11:14

LOL. IT companies (DuckDuckGo, among others): You are a white male... Resume in the trash.

@AmanSingh0699 - 09.07.2023 12:36

Fantastic video.
