Houdini Tutorial | Chalky Colorful Explosion

Houdini Tutorial | Chalky Colorful Explosion

Motion Designers Community

4 года назад

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Odi Agam
Odi Agam - 14.07.2023 16:21

i had to download houdini 18 just to follow to tutorial because newer version doesn't have copy stamp :(

AI Cinematic
AI Cinematic - 01.12.2022 14:59

What would you study in such lessons. Why is you neurotically twitching with your mouse and jumping into sections. The crater and the method you found the most difficult.

Aaron Wolf
Aaron Wolf - 20.09.2022 15:07

Hey, great tut! As of Houdini 19.5, the copy-stamp node doesn't exist anymore and I really suck at for-each loops. Does anybody know how to copy the voronoi fracture pieces onto the particles at around minute 15? Thanks!

Mr Blacky Black
Mr Blacky Black - 09.02.2022 23:35

Main object - sphere1 - (smoke in the end of video) , redshift cannot see it. No RenderView Picture. Any Ideas ? Please Help...

smyrkphace - 11.11.2021 16:09

Cant seem to get the second dop net to register the vdbfrom polygons as a source. As soon as you connect the pyro solver you get a bounding box, I follow exact steps and its not showing the vdb bbox even when check solve first frame. any ideas?

Peter Marks
Peter Marks - 08.10.2021 19:01

Hi, great tutorial, but I have a syntax problem within the Object Merge. For Object 1 I use /obj/sphere1/Fracture_OUT. That seems fine, but for the group I have piece’stamp(“/obj/sphere1/copy1”, “PT”, 0)’ and that does not work as a valid group. I’m using single quotes between piece and stamp and at the end, piece’stamp(….)’. I think that is what you show, but it’s not working. Does anyone know the correct syntax for this entry in the Group1 line? If I just use “obj/sphere1/copy1”, “PT”, 0 I get a valid group just not the correct group (without piece or stamp). Thank you!

Reece Franklyn
Reece Franklyn - 21.12.2020 19:39

How would I export this out for Cinema 4D and Octane?

ThirdDim3nsion - 14.10.2020 17:23

I think you are not fast enough, please do it even faster so that its really not follow able..... it's a tutorial dude, dont rush that quick! God damn😂

Ryan de Guzman
Ryan de Guzman - 21.09.2020 06:59

Hi! how would you add rotations to the debri?

Darwin Rada
Darwin Rada - 11.06.2020 20:07

Good tutorial, but sometime you go too fast.

Gareth Roberts
Gareth Roberts - 04.06.2020 22:03

Hi Vladyslav, thanks for the tutorial. I can't seem to transfer the colour to Redshift. I've added the colour channel in the Redshift Volume node but nothing seems to change. Any thoughts? Running version 17. Thanks

Whats up
Whats up - 22.05.2020 11:41

Hi how would you change the color to more pyro-ish instead of rainbow?

Simone Adami
Simone Adami - 11.04.2020 17:39

Hi Vladyslav! great tutorial man! I really enjoyed. I was trying to make some r&d starting from your set up and having the particles colliding with a static object like a sphere but I'm experiencing some problem I can't solve. The points on the geometry are affected by the copy node and I see particles or pieces of the voroniod attached on it. How can I avoid this?
I'm pretty sure this is for the variable PT that has @ptnum in the value but get really get how to bypass that and tell it to don't affect my static object.
Thanks in advance if you can help. Cheers!

Brendan Thompson
Brendan Thompson - 21.03.2020 10:22

anyone have the VEX written out? I'm new and am making some syntax errors I can't find.

Stephen Bester
Stephen Bester - 14.03.2020 19:43

Very nice tutorial! Lots of tricks in here for an intermediate Houdini user. Thanks!

ٴٴ - 13.03.2020 18:46

How did you change your Houdini network background to the grid? 2

DropsYou - 13.03.2020 14:35

only version 18 ?
