The power of the pharmaceutical companies | DW Documentary

The power of the pharmaceutical companies | DW Documentary

DW Documentary

3 года назад

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@user-ds8fq8cp2f - 20.12.2023 08:01

Pharma won't make us well

@ken15cia - 17.12.2023 10:22

Yeah want life saving medication.. look between the champagne and caviar (Sarcasm) arrogance of some humans, thinking they have invented hot water, when its actually evolution that humanity gat to know or develop them in that way.. evolution.. so sad the state capitalism is today, its holding back humanity.. thinking everything is luxury,

@takoemy - 15.12.2023 01:31

Thank you for this insight

@PiujuqInuitArt - 12.12.2023 02:04

Money, aka big pharma and the food industry is the root of all evil and suffering...Free yourselves do not sponsor big pharma or the food industries...they are corrupt...evil totally verruckt!

@PiujuqInuitArt - 12.12.2023 01:42

Novartis ist verruckt!

@PiujuqInuitArt - 12.12.2023 01:31

Water fast only...start today....go to a place where you have water will live... immunotherapy can attack and kill not only the cancer but your various other organs, fatally....

@PiujuqInuitArt - 12.12.2023 01:23

Water fast only for 40 days... get a glucose ketone meter... you want a glucose to ketone ration of 1:1 max... talk to Dr. Thomas Seyfried.... after the 40 day fast keep your ketones up and your sugar down.. the cancer can not grow with out sugar.... you can thrive burning ketones only... if your body needs glucose at all it will make it... .do not eat it, or any processed food....

@angelofamillionyears4599 - 10.12.2023 19:18

Please add a link to the text of this post. We can share. thanks

@lightl178 - 18.11.2023 20:35

Thw whole system is corrupt. We have to rebuild it .

@funtimesforever7709 - 17.11.2023 11:47

Big Pharma are modern day Highwaymen. This documentary is 3 years old, and I wonder how many of these poor patients are even still alive today :(

@user-yf7js1ew1h - 28.10.2023 19:20

There`s a very true old saying...THERE`S NO PROFIT IN CURES.

@TheRusschannel - 02.10.2023 16:05

unregulated Capitalism NEVER works......

@sarahaprincesa - 24.09.2023 01:29


@peter8488 - 23.09.2023 02:27

Honestly, there shouldn't be a price for life saving medication, it should be completely free for the patients, don't agree until one is a patient.

@daddydancer1555 - 09.09.2023 13:51

And i have to wonder why there has been a such an exponential rise in diseases cancers etc across the world and children are now getting older peoples diseases. I know this might sound like a conspiracy but are pharmical companies in cohoots with the food industry. we know how centralised and concentrated food production is across the world. we know they add addictive properties to our food and other addictives that make our food last longer etc and that these are disease causing, case in point diabetes. this requires life long pills, and the prevalence of life long pill taking has rising exponentially also. Can this be a coincidence? Just wondering and open for discussion. We know we cannot trust major companies including fuel because they lobby and coherce all governments. profits over people has resulted in trillions of dollars towards the wealthy at the cost of the rest of us.

@Bergerons_Review - 10.07.2023 22:19

Orphan laws kill research. Once a company has a drug they just adjust it every 10 years to be able to stay as a monopoly.

@whendis.roberts9903 - 28.04.2023 11:20

You need Selenium, Folate and Magnesium and Vitamin C and B12 combined. You need to combine Vitamin C and Vitamin K also. You also need Vitamin ,E. You need Reishi Mushroom Supplements and Graviola Supplements. My Ex Boyfriend has been battling Primary Central Nervous System Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Nutrition has been helping him alot. He's had about one year of High dose Methotrexate Chemo so far. His first five cycles were Methotrexate, Vincristine and Rituximab for 5 cycles and then he's had 6 cycles of High dose Methotrexate Chemo. Hes Hospitalized for 4 days now with this round for each cycle. The dose is so high that he has to be Hospitalized because he can die from the Chemo or have Kidney failure. They give him Sodium Bicarbonate to protect his kidneys and two anti nausea meds in his Port IV. He's been through alot. Brain tumor Removal surgery and diagnosis and Chemo and he had port surgery and 10 days ago he had hernia repair surgery. He got hernias from puking so hard from the Chemo. Cancer sucks. Overpopulation here is a problem and all the pollution is causing alot of people to get cancer. Yet idiots keep coming here even though we have the worst air quality in the Nation. Denver, Colorado. Also Pesticides in our foods and Stress causes cancer. My Ex Boyfriend is doing pretty good for having so much Çhemo. He has some nerve damage and Memory issues. But he can work four or five days. Month and he is pretty strong still. About half of what he was before. Maybe is a couple years he will feel better. With the Herbs and Spices and Supplements and Chemo he has a better out one and withstands the Chemo much better than a person with no nutritional Support.

@annettecochran7916 - 24.04.2023 15:33

I would tell my loved ones to enjoy their lives and let me go on to be with Jesus. The price is ridiculous and not worth it. Pharmaceutical companies are just plain greedy!

@mpekawoods - 11.04.2023 13:12

There's co cure for greediness and evil

@Acode7940 - 25.03.2023 01:40

Really good. Thank you. I doubt they can see it, but the pharmaceutical companies (as well as other healing ventures) are involved in gargantuan arrogance. Why arrogance? Because, following the trend of all things "scientific" these days, they imagine (helped along by potentially HUGE profits, and advertising budgets to promote and retain same), they and only they have reached the pinnacle of scientific examination. This even though they admit here they cannot differentiate potential healing vs. non-healing in these novel treatments. Actually, in most healing. There are markers outside of genetics and biochemistry which give a better indication of healing potential than anything they know of. But they cannot lookanywhere else because they have achieved worldwide dominance of the scientific imagination and have fallen in love with it themselves. It is the old story of Narcissus, and we are all caught up in it and all suffering because of it. And will. I am all for profit, just not insane profit. And for science, just not the blindness cuased by its self-love. These days it is so thick anything outside of it cannot even be imagined. THAT is power.

@wouter2238 - 16.02.2023 20:19

Money money money

@leightonwood3787 - 02.02.2023 21:06


@sankimalu - 24.01.2023 05:53

Wait a minute, in Switzerland politicians must verbally declare any vested interests? The US Congress and Senate could learn a thing or two from their Swiss counterparts.

@Mirracle74 - 19.01.2023 11:32

Pharmaceutical companies don’t have any power. Not even close to the power that a high school full of “kids” with guns would have.

@CMVMic - 18.01.2023 19:00

Burzynski has the cure for cancer. Antineoplastins. Look into it!

@meinkorper2631 - 16.01.2023 18:11

Ranked 13th in the 1980's in the world of drug companies was SANDOZ A.G. (The Wizard Of Oz=Zardoz).
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) was developed in Sandoz Laboratories in 1943 by chemist Dr. Albert Hoffman. In the 1980's Sandoz had a 5 billion a year in business revenues including $550.000.000 in agricultural chemical revenue and dye stuffs produced by it's American factories.
Sandoz owns Northrop King, the huge hybrid seed company, Viking Brass and other firms.
Book reference:
Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins.///Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins.///Mullins New History by Eustace Mullins.///The Octopus by Elizabeth Dilling.///The World Conquerors by Louise Marshalko.///

@hopefully2224 - 31.12.2022 06:17

That health conference was like a drug dealers meeting. Even the way it was shot was sketchy

@hopefully2224 - 31.12.2022 05:54

USA tax payers fund research of most drugs and we don't realize any benefit from the trillions the Big Pharma criminals make

@TaVestru - 22.12.2022 14:31

Big Pharma is a business which is only interested in making profits, huge profits. Hence the more sick people the more profits. In other words Big Pharma doesn't give a flying FCUK about the public health, at all. As long as they sell their products to the governments from tax payer, then they are happy. It is corrupted to the core. Go to a doctor and see if you get out without a prescription drug so Big Pharma makes profit so as the GP. The food industry and Big Pharma are partners in crime. The food industry creates poison while the pharma sell drugs.

@wholefoodplantbasedmama5398 - 14.11.2022 04:04

If he stopped eating animal products, some of which are listed as class one carcinogenic, he might stand a better chance.

@justaguy4real - 03.11.2022 09:18

I can't stand big pharma and Western made chemicals to consistently 'diagnose' people with issues to keep prescribing and pumping people full of their shlt, with as far as I know, Eastern medicines are best and natural. O loathe greedy capitalism. There are 2 versions of capitalism, 1. Healthy & necessary and 2. Greedy. Huge difference.

@brentbeatty4171 - 31.10.2022 04:27

Abstain from glucose... Do not use glucose

@jeannetruitt7176 - 30.10.2022 11:06


@j.w.8110 - 19.10.2022 01:33

I have a question for anyone who is bold enough to answer it ? does the pharmaceutical companies run this country ?

@chrisnichols9014 - 18.10.2022 22:03

I'm just waiting for one of these pharmaceutical companies to start acting like Umbrella Corporation from Resident Evil. I don't trust these people at all.

@ankushdhawale4628 - 05.10.2022 13:48

There are many other alternate treatment for cancers try that....

@RK-su4hs - 19.09.2022 02:39

Cleanse + Nourish = health
There are no drugs (poisons by definition) that can protect &/or restore health
The body is self healing
If you have cancer or other chronic degenerative diseases you might consider the Gerson program based on the above principles
Max Gerson MD. There are books & videos

@niko36 - 17.09.2022 00:51

Lobbying should be illegal, and let’s stop playing games, it’s straight bribery!

@poeticpursuits1332 - 15.09.2022 12:13

I have no insurance and my body has some issues, but I have ignore them.

@lindakay1700 - 14.08.2022 20:14

God please EXPOSE ALL of these Big Pharma demons 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Cost is only part of it - these drugs are causing side effects that require lifelong additional drugs. God please take this evil and PURE GREED out of our world….

@hennigadient4265 - 11.08.2022 20:02

I am swiss, I live in switzerland. And we dont hear shit about that..... im shocked

@aaaaa-yv1zr - 31.07.2022 21:39

I wonder if there are any further news about the two patients walk out of the hospital until now (2022).

@hermitthefrog8951 - 08.07.2022 05:13

There arises a fundamental dilemma in civilization when a small percentage of the population requires an enormous amount of that civilization's resources for survival potentially putting others at risk due to resulting shortages. In this case, insurance companies are caught between the greedy pharma companies and needy people, so guess what they choose? Their own survival. Darwinism on display. As long as money (resource) is the measure of success (survival) and not serving people, this will continue to happen.

@irenesorina3934 - 07.07.2022 06:40

Who can afford that kind of treatment for cancer and then not to sure if you will live with the success of the treatment through that meds. This is so heartbreaking to millions of people who will developed cancer or has cancer. If we submit to the price quote of this multi millions drug companies,we allowed them to kill us before we treated.

@ukguitaryogi2888 - 19.06.2022 20:48


these drugs are sinister and have big nasty addictive propertys that mask the symptoms temporarily and have a sinister withdrawal when stopping the drugs that usually are confusing and indistinguishable with the illness it is treating?!!?!??! anti depressants and anti anxiety and anti psychotics medicines fall under this also...... as well as opoids and topical steroid creams for eczema or dermatitis!! .. these drug companies lineage from nazi scientists doing horrific experiements on concentration camp prisoners!!!!!!

@kenas1049 - 18.06.2022 22:38

The people who do lobbying are killers !!! Those pharmacies are killers and the corrupt governments are just looking at them. Poor people don't have the money and the power to do something about it. Since COVID makes poor people more poor and rich? They become more and more rich. The Banks are over filled with money and looking down at poor people who are going to die. This world is going to hell.

@SigmundFreud187 - 18.06.2022 14:33

The pharmaceutical industry creates customers and not cures.
The hospitals do not profit off of healthy patients.
There is no money in curing diseases,
The Sicknurses want you to keep coming back.

@chessgrandchamp - 09.06.2022 15:41

why do people go on like we don't have a cure to cancer??
