What is the Enneagram? How do I find my Type? (A simple guide to the Enneagram)

What is the Enneagram? How do I find my Type? (A simple guide to the Enneagram)

Hillary McCaskey

4 года назад

8,631 Просмотров

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@danielleceleste - 22.05.2020 20:28


@Jessicaunarex - 23.05.2020 05:18

So....the Enneagram is the 4 of personality tests--i.e. special and unique. (Type 4 here.)

@Jessicaunarex - 23.05.2020 05:27

I'd love to see a series on the subtypes. :)

@KatanaKamisama - 23.05.2020 08:46

My mom had a bunch of her students over for one of their birthdays today, and everyone was talking about the Enneagram. Neither of my parents knew their type, so I told them my best guess of their types. After the party they immediately both went to try and research the Enneagram type. My mom still can't decide what core she is. She took a test... that told her she was type 1, but that didn't seem to fit well, so I'm sending her your channel so she can educate herself.

@Celebok - 23.05.2020 11:13

The interesting thing about this video is that if you had said these things to me six years ago, before I figured out my type, I would've gravitated toward types 1 or 3 from these descriptions, which are types that I never considered back in those days. I don't think Type 9 would've stood out to me from this description, but then it didn't really stand out to me back then, either. I really had to accept some things that I'd been denying about myself to see that I'm driven by a fear of conflict more than anything else. It would've been interesting to see if you could've helped me figure out my type more easily than the people who were actually helping me at the time. (Many of them were convinced I was a 5, only because I was displaying stereotypical 5-like behaviors, which were really due to me being an ISTP.)

@margaretjudice8944 - 08.06.2020 03:18

Good info!

@Legomator2000 - 11.08.2020 21:02

Would you consider doing a video on figuring out your kids' types? One of my kids is a very obvious 7, but I'm unsure about my other 2 kids!

@BartlowsBBQ - 28.10.2020 21:47

I love the enneagram and great explanation of each type. Appreciate the perspective of each person having certain motivations.

@AliTwaij - 19.02.2021 16:34

Excellent thankyou

@kensiu1681 - 27.02.2021 15:42

good job ! Keep on, many people like your videos but most (of them) are just shy to express.

@savannahb8660 - 19.05.2021 19:40

im fairly new to enneagram and i know in mbti im a isfj but i'm having a hard time with enneagram i'm really emotional but i also am anxious so i can't tell if i'm a 2 or a 6

@nurulaidaaziz3647 - 20.06.2021 16:03

I came across with your profile through a MBTI's page on Instagram and I'm forever grateful for that as I truly enjoy the way you present yourself and the topic itself.

I'm digging more on Enneagram first as it's my core motivation that feels more closer to my personality's foundation and after that, I will be digging more on MBTI later on as its explain how I navigate through life based on my mental's process 🥰

@Jeremy-gf9nv - 04.08.2021 16:11

Is it possible that as one begins to grow in life and mature both emotionally and spiritually, is it possible that one also moves through the numbers on the enneagram? For example, my first several tests showed me as a 4 but as I’ve grown and learned more I identify more with the 7.

@saloni.sharma - 19.09.2021 17:38

I'm a 5 and the only reason i started "researching" this is to understand myself better, as a self help and to overcome my issues. I m learning to cope with indecisiveness and inability to act on things I need to. Self actualization is the best thing. 😌

@quirkycookingwithrachel6603 - 21.09.2021 08:55

Hi Hillary, I've just discovered I'm a 3 on the enneagram but it was only through watching the subtypes blog that it became clear... I can't really relate to the social 3 but more the sx and sp subtypes... it seems like the social 3 is the only one talked about... I thought I was a 1 the longest time... my core motivation is to impress with doing things and look good to feel like I have worth and be loved ... realizing this has made a huge difference to me spiritually.. for the first time I get that what I do has nothing to do how God loves me... All my worth was wrapped up in doing... it was all those things , all those emotions you expressed... thank you for making this and taking the time xxxooo Rachel inNZ

@ashleymarie2383 - 04.10.2021 10:12

thank you for posting this ! i always wondered why others didn't offer their help, and weren't as willing to give as i was, and then i found out i was a type 2 with a possible wing 3 :)

@candidclem8724 - 18.07.2022 05:11

Thank you for this content. I'd be more careful to group all the other personality tests together to say only enneagram deals with inner motivations. Study the MBTI and MMPI before making those claims. That part of the video lowered your credibility for me.

@hallsixofuslivealive8569 - 20.09.2022 19:57

Hello, I just stumbled across your channel😁 Do you have any specific information regarding your interaction in your marriage. My wife is a 9-8 and I am an 8-9 like you described yourself and your husband. I’m curious if you have any videos of this interaction or any helpful information.
Thank You…

@CourageToLiveTrue - 28.03.2023 20:27

Feel, think, act

@CourageToLiveTrue - 28.03.2023 20:34

1 as protecting others… wonder if this were more 8?
