With all the expansions, it's too expensive
ОтветитьI came here for information on the game but you provided vague context with the assumption everyone here follows the game updates and/or played the game. All information is vague and doesn't tell me what this game is and what you can do in it.
ОтветитьYah I seen the game today though it looked cool, I thought the exact same when I was looking through the dlc's, I play a lot of rust but with my new job I just don't have the time to play. So I'm looking for a game similar to it but that is entertaining to play by myself, I have other games but I have all ready completed the games and it just isn't run to complete the same game twice it just feels redundant, hope i won't get to end game stuff two fast in this would be a bummer
ОтветитьHey I just wanted to compliment you on such a great quick review. I've watched hundreds of videos of people reviewing games -- and you just hit the nail on the head! Good voice, good presentation, sense of humor, volume good, game shots great -- just really a great video without me wanting to blow my head off finding out about a game (: So great job! I'm going to have to check out your pissed off version haha. Ok man have a great one!!! (:
ОтветитьOdd question: o2 on icarus must be enough for the Earth-like creatures, so why does our prospector need to supply himself with o2? Is it that the animals engineered to breathe some lower amount?
ОтветитьIt's on sale so I came looking for info on this title before buying it and this was very informative, so thank you. One thing I'm on the fence about is: should I wait with the expansions and just get the base game or get at least the new frontier DLC or just all of it? Is there enough in the base game for a casual player or is it missing some mechanics that the DLC add that make it more interesting?
Edit: Added bonus question: how good is the archery in this? Is it viable all game? I love archery in open world/survival games, and this looks pretty good.
Looked cool, checked it out, saw how much € they want for all the dlc, ditched it. That's a shame...
ОтветитьTo much Dlcs ..
ОтветитьPirating the game with all dlc, i prefer solo gameplay anyways.. maybe once im much better at the game ill get it to play online
ОтветитьTönnies Lasagne production simulator... Killed about 1k horses today.
ОтветитьSTOP with the background droning drum beat, put me off totally managed 3 minutes and couldn't take anymore, shame otherwise it was good review...for the portion I seen
Ответитьso am i getting it right that it’s open world now?
ОтветитьFor those bitching about the price remember that this game isn't a AAA game and is free of political bullshit and woke pandering. The price isn't that bad. The little guys need to get paid so that we can have more games without that crap
Ответитьdeep vocals mixed with a deep thumping music in the bg means losing lots of words. even in nice headphones. maybe dont need such loud bg music
ОтветитьI really want to try this but the DLC pricing is a big detergent for me. I might try the base game for an hour and get a refund if I don't like it.
Really good reviews! Loved your openness
how is mostly positive perfect lol, abiotic factor, planet crafter are both over overwhelmingly positive. That is what is "Perfect:
ОтветитьI have been thinking about getting this. I love survival games but only like to play solo and I wasn't sure if this game was meant for this. I want a game where I can take my time and build and grind but I also want to have a story that I can progress at my own speed. For instance, Conan exiles, I loved but once I built my house and was happy with it, I didn't know what else to do. Explore the map for what, just to explore? I need a underlining missions and also a survival game. I am hoping this is what Icarus is. I'm excited to play it now after watching your video. Thank you! Subbing
ОтветитьBrother, this video makes Icarus look aweful.
Ответитьit's TRIPPING its ASS OFF...16 animals in less than 5 minutes? Did the gates @ the Zoo break or something? Please, pleez, try to get ur SHIT together, Dean!
ОтветитьSchmeler Bridge
Ответитьso, Icarus is better now there is is like many other games. it is no longer stands out in the genre.
ОтветитьI got in for early access for $30 back in the day, where it had a beta map only on weekends, every fortnight for a few months.
It was genuinely exciting to be a part of it. I have fond memories of that time and still love the game.
I think the ONE thing the game really needs is fanbase MODDING
the first few moments of gameplay is the biggest troll ive had in a while. puts you in a space suit makes you think this will be a sci-fi game, just to realize all the animals are from Earth and you are just playing a crappier version of Call of the Wild
Ответитьtried it for the free trial weekend. 5 minutes in the game, no guidance or tips. Immediately get attacked by a boar horse and then a wind storm kicks in and tells me to find shelter. I just closed right away because like man, I don't even know the controls and you're already kicking me in the nads. I'm no stranger to survival/crafting games either, but you gotta let new players at least get their bearings first.
Ответить"not too grindy"
mate I stopped speed running because it's impossible to keep up with the damn crafting requirements.
I still remember the patch that added water to buildings giving them a 50% boost in production speed when connected while slowing down all buildings base speed by 400%.
crafting anything takes so much time because the workshop was meant to sell you convenience and they just never changed their design philosophy.
its free to play for 21 hours right now, guess ill try a start
ОтветитьI was about to buy the game, until I saw the amount of DLCs they made. Just no.
ОтветитьThis background music...
ОтветитьI'm going to get back into this game. The first time I played a crazy pig killed me in the first two minutes.
ОтветитьI picked it up the base game about 2 months ago when it was on sale. Overall it's alright but what I didn't like is once I got to a certian point there was really no threat. Yes there are some large predators like bears and boss type enemies, but nothing inbetween to keep you on your toes. You build a base, walls and defenses and you don't really have to worry about anything. I want something that will keep my challanged and that legitimizes spending time grinding for those better items. LIke what's the point of having walls and turrets and you never get attacked by anything that could destroy what you built?
ОтветитьI've never played this game, but after watching vids of it, it looks like it still has some good potential. and underrated
ОтветитьLooks kinda like the forest
ОтветитьThanks for your review. I'm seriously considering buying this. But after I played Sons of the Forest, I noticed that, regardless of my love for survival/base building games, there's a point in the game where I think "I played enough, I discovered enough, there's nothing more for me in this game". And then I put it down for like forever. I seriously enjoyed Sons of the Forest though, but in the end, it still gets repetitive.
If you played more survival games then Icarus, which survival game would you recommend buying in 2024? Is that Icarus? Or, if you had to chose only 1 survival game in 2025, would that be Icarus or would you switch to another?
Is it like Rust where you need to build a base and in the next day it may be destroyed by enemies ?
ОтветитьHere since the game is 75% off atm down to just £7 thank you for the well detailed review and I might get it
ОтветитьI literally just added this game to my wishlist on steam for $34-$37 USD. 2 days later I got a message on steam that it was on sale for $8 and some change. I could not pass this deal up. Thank you for the review. 🤘😎
Ответитьdrums through out the whole video was very annoying it was fine in the beginning but should have turned the volume down
ОтветитьWhat are we suppose to work towards in the open world? does it have bosses to kill like in Arc? also are any of the dlc worth it? The pet dlc looks the coolest to me, would you say that is worth it?
ОтветитьGAme is on sale for 9 euros ish, im convinced to get it
Ответитьis it actually worth playing?
ОтветитьBro hol' the fuck up, ARK RIP-OFF?!
Ответитьmy question is... what's the goal in open world mode? like i already unlock all electronic stuff and killed all the animais in the map( thered like 15 animals) i just don't kill the bosses yet but i was wondering if thats about it, u grind all of that to do missions with no rewards at all and kill some mid bosses?
ОтветитьI love the game but dealing with the bugs is a pain in the ass. A few electric deployables stopped working randomly so I said screw it I'm gonna find a new location. In doing so I'm now missing several deployables including my fabricator, material processor, and cement mixer. So frustrating. I would still highly recommend it I just hope they fix this stuff.
ОтветитьMy biggest complaint is that you can’t burrow into the mountains. The pick axe works on little boulder but not stone mountains?
ОтветитьMulti-player, ugh. They're are so many player created buildings and objects my fps drops.