Agean R low noise vs Hush Hush vs Legend series cymbals sound comparison

Agean R low noise vs Hush Hush vs Legend series cymbals sound comparison


2 года назад

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@xPoisonDashx - 13.04.2022 22:25

Are these gonna be available on drumtec? Btw you should do a Hybrid td50x drumming with these cymbals 🔥

@DPGlu - 21.04.2022 18:40

Excellent demonstration, thank you! I own a full set of the R Series (20"Ride, 15,16,17"Crashes, 12"Splash, 14"Hihats, 18"China) and I can confirm what you can also observe in this video: From the R Series especially the Ride and Crash cymbals sound phenomenal, with surprisingly lot of bottom end despite the reduced mass. The only cymbals lacking that are the Hihats. But nevertheless, they are all great cymbals and to me, the best sounding intermediate volume cymbals on the market today (I say intermediate volume, since they are considerably louder than Zildjian's Gen16 or L80 series, which I also have. I use them at home, while I use the Agean R for band rehearsals in a small rehearsal room. They are just perfect! :))

@markjohnson1020 - 05.05.2022 16:50

Digging the R series. Almost have a "pre-mastered" sound to them. I have a couple Sabian FRX cymbals and I love them because they're excellent in a live small club mix. Another great demo Ralf!

- 30.09.2023 16:21

thank a lot!
