A Lifter's Guide To Intuitive Eating (STOP Counting Calories!)

A Lifter's Guide To Intuitive Eating (STOP Counting Calories!)

Geoffrey Verity Schofield

2 года назад

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@Alex7Mode - 05.12.2023 17:01

I think this is one of the most important messagens in fitness atm I was thinking of making a video on this topic, just because it is immensely impacting my life right now.

TL:DR: Stopped counting calories and made sure to still be in a deficit: found out my diet fatigue subsided and apparently still losing bodyfat. What magic is this?

I stopped counting calories to the gram for approx. 2 weeks now and my mental and physiological fatigue almost COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED. My take is that, for some types of personalities, the act of counting calories can create subconsciously a mindset of lack of energy available, which alarms us physiologically. It's that or an "all or nothing" mindset.

Although tracking calories is a good tool to have, it should be done for a set amount of time imo.
If our fitness journeys are a race, then counting calories is a sprint, whilst on the other hand, the positive habits you develop are the 'marathon'. You can count but, if it affects you, be sure to not do it forever.

Also, I am very positive my recovery wasn't caused by more calories in.

My take: after taking a cut too far, I binged... afraid I was gonna lose control, I went on maintenance for 4 weeks – always tracking.
Mindset was food focused and slightly obsessed with getting diet right. Libido and motivation was low overall and gym energy sucked. Although being on maintenance calories helped a LOT, it still led me to binging 1 time afterwards, even after bumping calories significantly (whilst upping activity). That loss of control got me really scared again (I have yo-yo dieted in the past).

It led me to stop counting and forcing myself to exert an organic form of discipline over myself.
Now, I'm pretty sure I've been at a constant deficit for about 2 weeks – my mental clarity is better, gym energy came back!
Motivation and libido are getting back too.

I think it's due to this 'mindset prison' being unlocked – it is unhealthy to statically quantify processes that should be organic.

I'm still counting – guesstimating visually – which and adding the numbers in my head at the end of the day – which I know it is still counting somewhat, but it's my way of quantifying the variables so I can easily track progress.

I would like to reach out to anyone who experienced something similar and maybe share some thoughts on this... because this would imply that mindset and behaviourism has a much more important aspect on diet adherence that we can think.

@GlennGJ100 - 30.11.2023 23:09

intuitive eating? so basically what everyone already does? xD

@BigDaddyFreud - 08.11.2023 21:48

Algorithm comment

@zezeti2246 - 02.10.2023 06:49

I can't talk for everybody,but,in my humble experience the only way to eat without counting my calories and to keep looking good naked is by cutting out of my diet all processed carbs,I eat only meats,eggs,yogurt,fruits,vegetables😊

@NemanjaNislija - 06.07.2023 13:50

The issue I have with "intuitive" eating as many people see it is that you can't just go off hunger and you need some semblance of control in place. When I got fat (93 kg at ~176cm) I lost 15kg in 4 months counting calories, but there was room for 1 ice cream or a few pieces of chocolate, and I just switched to drinking hard liquor instead of beer when we went out (2-3 glasses with a whole bunch of water or diet soda, and you're good for the evening). As for eating out with friends, I'd just cut another 100-200 calories 2 days before the weekend or 2 days after and not sweat it. Of course, portion control is key even when you decide to go "fuck it, I'm not counting this evening." The weekly calories thing helped me get used to a bit more flexibility, and I'd always try to make the tastiest meals with what numbers I had to work with. At the end I was 77.9kg and settled at about 79.5–80kg when I started maintaining and didn't really count anything (except maybe protein) but I kept the same approach to portions and weekly oscilations. If I overate one day, I'd just go lighter the next day or two, and I eyeballed my portions and kept the healthiest and leanest foods as my staples (focusing on getting 30-ish grams of fiber and eating a big bowl of salad with almost every meal helps a lot). Also, salt and tiny bit of olive oil and/or some balsamic or white vinegar is all the "dressing" any salad needs, and crutons and bacon are not veggies – that's the key to staying full on waay fewer calories.

@jovannib619 - 19.06.2023 18:59

So do you eat only when you feel hungry? When cutting ? , I’ve been tracking for a while but eventually I would like to transition to not tracking everything.

@user-en5vj6vr2u - 23.05.2023 09:20

Advantage 3 is one helluva theory 🤯. But i think that since MPS continues even days after a workout and during rest days/deloads, the need for an anabolic environment sort of gets smeared throughout the week so squat day doesn’t need that much more MPS fuel than rest day (when calorie expenditure on both days is equated). I still think your idea is definitely something to keep in mind, though.

@miloice74 - 20.05.2023 02:55

Counting calories is just a tool. The end goal is still nutrition and energy for the body. Having the right energy source for performance and protein and carbs for recovery and sustaining some level of deficit for fatloss.

I have never believe in calorie counter in the traditional manner. My tracker will report a number, the amount i eat eventually isnt going to be the same as that.

Food choices is alot more important to allow us to eat towards our goals. Be it to bulk or cut, our knowledge of how satiete and calorie dense the food is will help. If i need to eat more, i choose to include more calorie dense food while still keeping a baseline that will provide me the basic nutrition in fat and protein. Carbs is more time with training frequency.

The more intense and depleting it is, the more i need carbs. Its also the safe zone for some sugar and processed junk before intense workouts knowing. The easier the carbs digest, the more available it is. Knowing the property of the food is key.

During a cut, restriction will be neded but the amount of hunger can be managed when we choose high volume low calorie food choices and minimize all caloroe dense choice. The only time to add back some caloroe dense food ks when energy levels from adaptations is affecting our performance or ability to function. Its a sign its too low in calories. I can eat 6 to 8 meals in a day while remaining low in calories. The leaner you get, the hunger will only go up. Its the point that the body fat threshold are pushed.

@kyleroecker2164 - 06.05.2023 15:46

A counter to the point that intuitive eating makes you fat. Calorie counting can lead to eating disorders

@nickkashner9748 - 28.04.2023 02:31

Personally, counting calories just leads to some burn out on that part of my routine. Much better to have a pantry full of foods that support my gut biome, no heartburn, and can just eat without any concern

@timewaster7416 - 03.04.2023 11:25

Eating clean generally works for me, I lose even more weight once I got rid of “healthy” foods like brown bread/milk, I now only eat fruits/veggies/eggs and sometimes some meat

@Veela666 - 05.03.2023 05:49

I had to stop counting calories. I became obsessed with the numbers. I wouldn't eat if I had no calories left, even if I was starving.

@markc8864 - 04.03.2023 05:32

500g of protein from chicken I would've been sent to the ER lol

@kranx2690 - 27.02.2023 00:17

I'm so obsessive I can't even bother counting. I just eat whenever I can especially when hungry. I know I just need to eat more that's all because I'm a skinny guyy

@sidneyhymes5512 - 13.01.2023 23:11

Where the fuck did you find a burrito in China??

@omarelsherif4125 - 08.01.2023 02:07

New subscriber here, I have watched 20 plus of your videos already and man I gotta say, wish you were my first fitness channel that I ran into when I started my journey. Your suff is so entertaining and is full of wisdom, no BS whatsoever. God bless you man

@hobama332 - 04.01.2023 19:55

i just eat what my mum makes for tea

@reemobk6499 - 24.11.2022 12:19

In order to intuitively eat its important to go through the counting calories phase. As that will give you a deep understanding of what your eating and what energy different foods give you. When cutting counting helps.

@barrettwilliams2701 - 15.09.2022 19:58

I've been intuitively bulking for about 3 months now, and I love it. I started by eating foods that wernt so great for me because I started bulking really lean and my body was just telling me to eat a shit ton. But now I have a 90% healthy diet and feeling great while gaining the most muscle I ever had. Its great to not be worried about my calorie intake every minute of the day.

@randomnordmann4020 - 14.09.2022 05:43

This probably works for people who started skinny, those of us who started fat need to keep counting, we have too high of an appetite for intuitive eating. I can't be sure for everyone else but intuitive eating is what going me fat in the first place.

@Limbaugh_ - 04.09.2022 18:41

I think I need to start tracking for my bulk, I can’t seem to gain weight intuitively

@chimrichalds7508 - 23.08.2022 03:58

that cut to the prestige got me good lmao

@theswede5402 - 10.07.2022 13:48

Counting works for me in everyday life and ofc i get more obsessive about it when im cutting but otherwise i do it and can still go out on weekends and eat whatever i want without getting an anxiety attack over not knowing whats in the resturant food.

@ArisenMind - 01.07.2022 21:02

Counting calories saved me, tbh. I finally feel as if i have control . to reach their own I suppose.

@maxk880 - 01.07.2022 13:30

It's really hard for me to get to the necessary 3500 calories to gain weight without counting them

@skylermccloud6230 - 19.05.2022 20:24

It's worked for me. If I don't count I go overboard with a bulk it's only a guess bit it's enough for me to make me minimize fat gain I still like your channel but disagree this specifically to each their own it works for me

@DrTopLiftDPT - 29.04.2022 16:45

The prestige movie clip got me

@sooparticular - 21.04.2022 22:08

u actually cannot count calories its impossible. people like myself in amazing shape keep track of foods that work and dont work for us. good video.

@a_fuckin_spacemarine7514 - 05.04.2022 20:52

I developed a bit of a sugar addiction..... So now I'm not eating anything with added sugar. Other than that, it's still intuitive, which overall does work better for me.

@awemanyfit - 04.04.2022 12:04

I don't really count calories again. I just avoid eating high calorie foods

@AVB15 - 21.03.2022 19:47

I weigh myself everyday and eat basically the same thing everyday day so I don’t track calories.

@conker690 - 16.03.2022 08:04

Can you do a video on language learning?

@johnrobinson2228 - 16.03.2022 01:22

My body comp and mental health are both better eating intuitively

@olegtargonskiy6478 - 14.03.2022 18:11

you have been wheyed

@GuRuGeorge03 - 26.02.2022 13:03

The way I do it is to count calories at home but not count when I'm not at home.

@thomashugus5686 - 30.01.2022 17:40

Sounds like you were definitely orthorexic I’ve been there! Not a whole lot of fun and very easy to fall into!

@AlexG-wk3nh - 24.01.2022 16:16

I suffered from the typical main’gaining’ body dysmorphic count ever calorie and eat 1400kcals a day while still thinking im fat at 143lbs 5’9 18% fat. I need to stop counting everything cos its stresses me out. Thanks for the help

@murilopires4923 - 16.01.2022 21:19

With calorie counting no food is off limits as well. Just count The calories of The “bad” food

@privatbruker5905 - 13.01.2022 04:34

Lol u look better in the picture where it Said before lifting then now xD

@bogadu - 03.01.2022 18:44

Counting calories is the only thing that works for me, whether I want to lose or gain weight. If I don't I get fat. Always.

@sunburn74 - 21.12.2021 22:45

Wow pre-lifting he was shredded. I wonder why he decided to lift when he already had a pretty good bod?

@SpeedyMckeezy - 11.10.2021 06:47

I've notoriously had a very low apatite ever since I was a kid, and i've been able to intuitively eat because of this. I would not recommend this strategy for someone who I know has had history with being overweight honestly just because that indicates to me that they're apatite is naturally too large to support their lifestyle even with activity involved. Kinda funny, my apatite is actually so low I have to occasionally force a meal down some days just to hit my protein macros, and I'm still only about 13-15% bodyfat. If I were to cut though, I'd just fall back on my instincts and supplement with whey. I'm definitely blessed in this way.

@6393dude - 08.09.2021 21:11

Having the knowledge of roughly knowing how many calories are in each food item gives you the freedom to mindfully eat without overdoing it

@suuremvaldis - 30.08.2021 18:26

hey geoffrey, ive been trying intuitive eating for 2 months. its really helpful to not think about calories all day, which leads to me being less hungry. the thing is i want to intuitive maingain but after tracking a full day of intuitive eating, i realised that im like 200-300 calories short of that goal. i also dont want to bulk aimlessy. what should i do?

@raygengamer8440 - 17.08.2021 04:45

i don't count them but i try to limit how much soda candy cake and just unnecessary things like that m but ill eat steak chicken fish bread rice etc. i just stop eating when im not hungry. i listen to my body. i don't "emotional eat."

@madness3.023 - 15.08.2021 11:23

utter garbage
intuitive eating works only if you have low appetite and you tend to eat less than you need but that is really small part of the population
for the rest unless you are going to bulk (getting fatter is to goal) you are ONLY going to get fat
and not it no even good for maintenance if you are a normal person with normal appetite you are more likely to over eat
