Why is Ubuntu Getting so much HATE ?

Why is Ubuntu Getting so much HATE ?

The Linux Experiment

3 года назад

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Joel Joseph Reji
Joel Joseph Reji - 21.08.2020 05:31

I think the reason why they keep the Snap store proprietary is due to a different reason. Alan Pope once did say that they had a similar situation before with launchpad website and the community wanted it to be open sourced. What happened in the end was that it was made open source after Canonical took the effort but they received no contribution from the community to the website. So, he said that they are expecting for such a thing to happen if they open source the snap store and also there is lot of effort taken to open source a project and they have the efforts directed elsewhere at the moment.

Chocolat - 28.09.2023 21:32

I had ubuntu installed on the home pc for my family (alongside windows so my little brother could play the games that doesn't run on linux) but after hearing the snaps thing, I switched to debian 12 this month, so I could also just "forget" to maintain the system, after configurating it until the next update comes, (and my little brother got a pc so I'll remove windows completely).
I really didn't like snaps, because one of the things I hate about windows is the auto update without asking, so when I heard of snaps, it was like: just like the bad part of windows?

Lyle Bialk
Lyle Bialk - 13.08.2023 07:45

Back in the mid 2000's I was a full time Ubuntu user, both on my home PC's and on my work Laptop. I had started my Linux journey in 1997 or 1998 with Red Hat. The only time I used Windows was when running billing software for work. For all other jobs at work, it was Ubuntu. I used Ubuntu exclusively for years.

In April, 2011 Ubuntu force fed Unity to us. It was atrocious. I limped through fighting with it for several months, but, as luck would have it, I needed to replace my old laptop. The new one that I bought had Windows. I hated Unity so much, that I never bothered installing Ubuntu again, I became a full time Windows user again. From the things I read, Ubuntu has never learned their lesson, and continues to force feed their users. I've never gone back.

I did, however, return to Linux exclusively (no more Windows) since April 2022. Very happy now, but still no Ubuntu since they are still controversial for the same reason I left them over a decade ago. Today my "settled on" Linux flavors are Manjaro, MX Linux, Gecko Rolling, and CachyOS.

Awetisim - 20.07.2023 01:23

I really didn't know much about ubuntu as a whole until now, and this perspective helped me see why everyone does hate them, but I think they have decent products, but I can also see the paranoia that would come of this.

ziyhad - 09.07.2023 23:12

Love your channel! I found it a couple of days ago and immediately subscribed. Please keep putting these out. Oh, and, may the force be with you, always...

rosomak - 29.06.2023 11:01

Really. It's the silly snaps which are really ofputting.

Bichael Stevens
Bichael Stevens - 04.06.2023 16:43

Linux community is the epitome of the Choosing Beggar

Hiking Feral
Hiking Feral - 09.05.2023 16:44

I have University work to do on my PC and I also need it to play 99 percent of my Steam library. I need a fast, light, stable and very compatible OS and Ubuntu has been absolutely amazing for me. I get hate every single day from others in the Linux community about my use of Ubuntu, when i check their Facebook profile, over 50 percent of them have the Arch logo in their cover photo and an Anime character as their profile picture. Whatever, if that works for you in ya mams basement that's fine but leave me alone.

Silent Tech Films
Silent Tech Films - 08.05.2023 00:26

I don't use Ubuntu because I kind of feel like I'm using Windows all over again. I know that's ridiculous, but that's how I feel when I'm using Ubuntu. I'm glad the snap store exists, and if I could get it on my Chromebook, I would be very happy. However, snap packages aren't always ideal. For example, I find that the regular Firefox works better in terms of updates than the snap package. It also loads faster, and feels cleaner. Anyway, I chose Debian because it is probably the farthest you can get from something like Windows.

kBar Beats
kBar Beats - 06.04.2023 10:54

ubuntu is for brain dead morons switching over from macos so they can start growing some brain cells for the first time ever... then switch to a non-shitty os

Shawn Elliott
Shawn Elliott - 30.03.2023 19:38

The noisy minority of Linux users who are enthusiasts hate Ubuntu because it's not exciting enough. Everyone else who uses it loves it because it's reliable.

ForcefighterX2 - 20.03.2023 12:53

Sadly this video completely misses the (commercial) point of snaps. The intention of Cannonical snaps is rather clear: Control and monitarization. How can this be observed?
- Snaps undergo forced updates whenever a snap app is started. The user cannot preven this.
- The snap store is owned and controlled by Cannonical. Not because it is necessary, but because it is desired by Cannonical for future monitarization.
- If there is no patch for an app in the snap store, there's nothing you can do about it - except bypass snap to get the patch. Within snap, you've simply lost.
- Cannonical even secretly (by not giving advance notice) replaced APT packages with thin husks which actually install a snap, which in turn is updated whenever the developer feels like it (as with any snap).

Cannonical does not "offer" snap. It shoves it down your throat unless you take actual and experienced steps to prevent it. For the initial target audience of Ubuntu - i.e. the everyday PC user - this is an impossible task. And this is what Cannonical wanted.

As a futher note, claiming that Cannonical is attacked simply because they are known by many users, is the cheap way out. It is the method of not owning up to one's mistakes and blaiming it all on the users who simply spread discontent for no reason but jealousy. If one ever accepts this argument, no further discussions are needed, as one decides to "opt out" of the actual discussion by replacing it with a generic unspecified blame towards the users. Every claim needs to be inspected by itself and no unspecific postulates targeting an entire group of independent statements must be accepted in a valid discusion.

Roy Roy
Roy Roy - 28.02.2023 02:16

Cause it works out of the box and simplified install of a Linux distro. The LTS is reliable for those who need to work but sadly 20.04 snaps became unusable. My laptops for presentation still are on latest Ubuntu LTS but my main OS for the last seven years has been Arch.

Adrian Constantin
Adrian Constantin - 27.02.2023 21:06

I hate to say this sounds so much like a sponsored video. Plus I still think some points did not get through enough. Ubuntu was a massive effort, sure, but the real problem is it was disconnected from the users... To put it bluntly, the company was greedy and didn't care what users wanted. I remember how I found Unity frustrating, but because unity was so happy to break command line editing (Alt key combinations on the command line would open the menu instead), and it seemed so foreign how Unity placed the application menu outside the application window !!! Why ? Because Apple did it, and the company decided that we what to be Apple ?
The same applies to snaps: they are just frustratingly unfriendly. Clearly they don't care about the users. I never knew the snap store was proprietary, so clearly that never held me back, but the isolated environment the snap applications use to run was a pain ... ! I need my applications and libraries to integrate with my desktop and my environment, so I can actually work with my tools, instead of keeping every tool in its own box. But the company doesn't care...

Jay Greentree
Jay Greentree - 13.02.2023 20:10

I've tried Ubuntu many times over the years and find it terrible on my devices.

Malay Kumar Singh
Malay Kumar Singh - 03.01.2023 08:19

probably yes ...unity is only reason to switch ..ubuntu unity was too good as gnome shell

Bieber Balazs
Bieber Balazs - 18.12.2022 16:24

I am a software developer. I switched from windows to Ubuntu 2week ago. I love it. So much better then windows💩

XGachaXy Channel
XGachaXy Channel - 16.12.2022 15:50

I do not hate Ubuntu, but I do not use it.

Jacob Persico
Jacob Persico - 08.12.2022 07:54

I like the Ubuntu variants Kubuntu mostly but Lubuntu is great for older hardware. My favorite Linux distributions now are Linux Mint and Kubuntu.

Matthias Lee
Matthias Lee - 25.11.2022 03:03

TBH I prefer user-friendly linux distros because it "just works" the same as windows and macos, but still has all of the benefits of linux

Himankan Kashyap
Himankan Kashyap - 18.11.2022 14:33

Ubuntu has snaps but I installed flatpak anyway. I don't hate snaps but you can just purge it out if you hate it that much. I'm not even a programmer and anybody with a bit of effort can customise any distro to their liking. I went with ubuntu as it forms a nice stable base to customise.

pvc - 03.11.2022 19:45

Snaps was what made me quit using Ubuntu. I don't like the idea of having half the OS distributed with each and every package. Also the data collection thing. This is how it happened on other platforms. First just the hardware info, then usage statistics, then this…, then that… and then freakin Windows 10.

Jim Greene
Jim Greene - 25.10.2022 08:13

I’m glad I use Ubuntu, because I’ve become visually impaired since I started using it, and its simplicity makes it ideal for me. I’ve looked at other Linux distros, and most of them seem to try to look something like the Windows they are trying to replace. Windows is not good for the visually impaired, and neither are Linux distros that look like it. Thank you Canonical.

Nicola Dellino
Nicola Dellino - 17.10.2022 18:38

Very nice video, TNX.

Jimi Arisandi
Jimi Arisandi - 29.09.2022 16:41

ill try to be real, first time linux beat msw od is with ubuntu. os2warp almost there but ubuntu is real winner at that time, so i will never forget something wich help me soooooo much. remember that time msw os is not cheap.

Beyond Reality [CD10]
Beyond Reality [CD10] - 26.09.2022 12:23

I can only speak for myself but here goes:

I don't hate Ubuntu, but I do dislike it. It is extremely bloated compared to some lighter options, has made some very controversial choices in the past (unity desktop) and I cannot stand apt as a package manager. Managing repositories, versions and upgrades is an absolute pain in the bum, compared to a rolling release option.

So there you go. My reasons. Bloated, heavy to run and apt is a pain.

Samy - 20.09.2022 07:16

I just switched to Ubuntu after years using Fedora 😂😂😂

Tom Zed
Tom Zed - 13.09.2022 21:52

i paid 20 euros to canonical . i like ubuntu!

Carlos _
Carlos _ - 05.09.2022 02:58

Don't hate Ubuntu, it was my first Linux experience!

Gary Jenkins
Gary Jenkins - 02.09.2022 13:36

All these corporate companies/Now linux is doing is locking you into giving your freedom and hardware over to them, just like crapple,microcrap,gaggle. Wake up. Stop being stupid. Remember why we went to gnu/linux in the 1st place.

Yep6803 - 08.08.2022 17:44

Ubuntu, originally, aimed to HELP people...that's the sad part, nothing more.

Vishalendu Pandey
Vishalendu Pandey - 01.08.2022 22:01

This world is full of choices.
I think its a waste of energy to keep hate-mongering and making Linux community a toxic landscape that makes new users feel unwelcome.
Honor the choice, dont be a juvenile.

Ubuntu was the first distro that I could get shipped (CD/DVD) to me back in 2004-5 (dont remember exact year) in India without being charged a single dollar. It was what really got me interested into Linux back then.
Ubuntu will always be the pillar of strength/stability that helps people transfer over to Linux. Its derivatives have shown so much promise in improving User Friendliness that Older people who are accustomed to Windows desktops have had easier time to transition.

وسيم العكاري
وسيم العكاري - 01.08.2022 20:34

Hi from Ubuntu :)

IamCoalfoot - 25.07.2022 01:18

I remember the switch from Gnome 2 to Gnome 3. It was awful.
Gnome 2's menus meant I would never lose a program, it would always be in its place, sorted into the menu. Gnome 3 lost every program because I have a terrible memory for names, and searching by name was the only default way to find them (other than looking through an alphabetical list, which... uh, name thing, remember?). That was annoying but I could have lived with, but the performance really torqued me off.

I remember I was messing with Blender at the time, and a few other programs including GIMP, Audacity and some others. With performance in Gnome 2 as the baseline, Unity performed about one-third worse than Gnome 2, while Gnome 3 performed anywhere from one-half to twice as bad depending on what it was doing.

Same distro, same backend, and somehow Gnome 3 (and to a lesser extend Unity), stole performance from my system while somehow being hilariously less useful overall. All for, as far as I could tell, more touchscreen support, which very few people would have benefited from. I moved to Unity eventually, but I'm still salty about that.

Debasish Ray Chawdhuri
Debasish Ray Chawdhuri - 24.07.2022 07:02

So Ubuntu is good for people who want to use the OS to do something on their computer, not just to play with the OS itself. I personally like Ubuntu because it is simple and lets me work on it without worrying about how to compile and run every program. I also like the fact that it is very easy to find help when something does not work. I am a developer myself and also undergoing a Ph.D. in cryptography, the last thing I want to do is to struggle with stuff that should just work for me to use my computer.

SocialistSuccubus - 16.07.2022 19:40

Unity was good, Snap is shit, GNOME is absolute shit, Debian is better for servers and Manjaro is better for beginners. Learning to use Manjaro will teach you to use arch..

Matt X
Matt X - 13.07.2022 18:39

Many people in the Linux community are just crazy. Like they just can't appreciate things that work out of the box. Ubuntu just works for people who aren't into tweaking obsession and that's it. I'm using Mint myself which is customized Ubuntu and I don't understand those haters. There's no reason to hate, because everyone can use whatever he/she wants. Ubuntu isn't even on the 1st place on distrowatch for years and it isn't forced on anyone. 🤷‍♂️

whkee - 13.07.2022 08:53

I’m happy with Ubuntu 👍
May be only you😎🤣

PoGy_Plushie - 11.07.2022 17:32

more than half the comments dont realise ubuntu is horrible for everything other than programming . lets say you want to download a game for example . where can you do that without entering the terminal and having to watch tutorials for 3 hours . exactly . NOWHERE

KKnBB - 11.07.2022 05:44

For some technical reasons I can feel but don't fully understand, Ubuntu is too "heavy".

Jorge Garcia
Jorge Garcia - 06.07.2022 10:32

Hate is a word you influencers love to use in your metro sex universe. Most don't use Ubu for their personal security reasons whatever those may be. Hate? Nope that's your guys selling point.

RoddCherry _
RoddCherry _ - 14.06.2022 06:12

I know this may be not the right place to ask, but I'm seeing a lot of people here that aparently uses linux a lot and I just wanna ask for how to fix this problem in ubuntu where the icons just glitch the fuck out to the point to being irecognizable.

yousef khaled
yousef khaled - 25.05.2022 00:54

your vids now are better

Knossos22 - 15.05.2022 21:24

Anything forced on a user or with Amazon, etc. is an automatic showstopper for me!

I use Windows 7 and older laptops and desktops, specifically to avoid the new BS being done by Microsoft in Windows 10 and 11. For sure, even Windows 7 is not the answer. Machines are being used to market to or market the actual user. I want neither of these. I find this kind of BS to be morally reprehensible and finally a threat to the stability of a civil society. It is only a matter of time, not a matter of if, that some Ahole, like Putler will come along and use anything and everything against a population. This is entirely contrary to what the US constitutions is supposed to represent. Computers need to be built on a philosophy of defending the individual user and NEVER to be used against users...

The above should be applied to the internet across the board... The web should be a hybrid of public utility, but also be diversified in a way that can assure that no lunatic in high-office can use it against a population.

I'm NOT right-wing in the least!!! I view the current events in the US by the lunatic right as an existential threat to the survival of democracy in the US...

Seth Weber
Seth Weber - 11.05.2022 06:18

IT here, half of our servers are Ubuntu.

• Flexible
• Well-supported
• Feature-packed

You cant go wrong with Ubuntu!

Rafael Barreto
Rafael Barreto - 11.05.2022 02:21

I don´t hate Ubuntu. Ubunto Mate 20.04 is my present operating system...

James Watkins III
James Watkins III - 07.05.2022 20:12

I have been successful with Ubuntu in comparison to all other Linux Distros. Ubuntu is the gateway OS that I will always use because I have to have easily customizable OS's, with Ubuntu being used with Docker the Symbiotic link with the Cloud will make it a pillar of future tech. We just need better documentation and tutorials. If we want Open Soruce to be the Way we need to help the rest of the non tech communities to learn modern cyber skills.

Rafael Barreto
Rafael Barreto - 07.05.2022 01:36

Everybody may hate Ubuntu, except me. Thtat´s my present OS, Ubuntu-MATE

Bert Nijhof
Bert Nijhof - 06.05.2022 00:51

Many Linux users are spoiled brats, who like to bite the hand, that feeds them.
