Nicolae Miu sentencing for deadly Apple River stabbing

Nicolae Miu sentencing for deadly Apple River stabbing

KSTP 5 Eyewitness News

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@cathystrydom8731 - 31.07.2024 19:25

Sad case. He was provoked. S.a.

@izabela1961 - 31.07.2024 20:16

The druggies are guilty, not him.

@rawx485 - 31.07.2024 20:46

The teens were all very heavily under the influence and attacked him first

@GypsysMom - 31.07.2024 21:34

The teens instigated the entire mess.

@cutiepiecatloveallanimals6602 - 31.07.2024 21:45

He should have known better, I guess he can think about it for 20 years. No one will have to fear this man’s anger for a while.

@abombcfl - 31.07.2024 22:13

This is so sad. I don’t think he should be in jail. Those kids were punks didn’t deserve to die but sometimes consequences happen when you mess with someone.

@Carolina-uf2ip - 31.07.2024 22:21

Oh he’s so thin now. Sad to see

@MrTadfortitude - 31.07.2024 22:27

I'm heartbroken. For this man. What kind of country and justice do we live under where a mob of drunk college kids can verbally Acosta and ultimately physically attack older man and when he defends himself, he goes to prison for thw rest of his life. I understand the pain of the victims. But how on earth can they sleep at night knowing that their kids were the ones who started it, kept provoking it, and attacked him. How many of us if we were in Mr. Mues shoes would not have been scared. In not saying he is perfectly innocent. But if he had not defended himself they could have easily kept escalating until he was the one dead. Furthermore, it's disgusting how our government spins and paints everything in a way that only smears and accuses one person instead of clearly weighing the truth on all sides. There was never proper scales of justice applied to the other party. And as for him leaving and playing dumb etc. Anyone would do the same. Who knows what to do when in that kind of shock. The whole thing is disgusting and shows that any one of us are one run in with the drunk, druggy, idiots of society from going to prison while they remain free to keep partying and wreaking havoc on others. THEY didn't walk away, THEY all jumped at the chance to taunt and attack an old man. He never did anything to them for thwm to start with him. These people in our justice system are disgusting psychopaths qnd they and all the "victims" who having willingly jumped at the chance to ruin another person's life for their own vengeance and concern for themselves and not fair justice will have Mr. Mue's torment and torture of 20 years in prison, on their record before God. Mr, Mue will have his own account. But they are all guilty and I'm so ashamed at this being what we call justice. America is totally fallen.

@debstiles4146 - 31.07.2024 22:30

I saw all the footage from this incident. He is Guilty! He was holding that knife and gutted an innocent young man and nearly killed another. He is pure evil! He really deserves the maximum sentence.

@nettiea9384 - 31.07.2024 22:31

It ain’t easy getting old in this country try. These kids today dint gv two fks about old people as is apparent with all the elder abuse and disrespect. The man snapped outta fear. He was outnumbered and he freaked out. Poor choices. I wish those kids didn’t trigger this man but they created a volatile situation and went bad

@shayle62 - 31.07.2024 22:32

Provoked by intoxicated college students. He should have known better, he could have walked away. Sorry sir you made your bed.

@mick8888V - 31.07.2024 22:50

I was invested in this case given the totality of it and each role every individual played in the altercation. I have strong opinions but they are irrelevant as I viewed the trial rather than participated as a juror. I neither praise nor fault them. I did appreciate the judges words the most. The sentence is punitive and not for rehabilitation purposes nor to protect the public.

@klutzykate123 - 31.07.2024 23:38

So what did the young ADULTS learn? Sounds like a lot of trauma but where’s the remorse for being stupid?

@reneearnett8761 - 31.07.2024 23:43

Then the PARENTS should NOT choose to teach their kids rich privilege period!

@diwaniealinabon - 31.07.2024 23:54

Provoked by drunk punks. He was reacted in the situation he was in.

@loribrown4180 - 01.08.2024 00:10

Those kids started provoked this is not justice

@tedessa3069 - 01.08.2024 00:17


@Keaneayles - 01.08.2024 00:41

All he needed to do, was to retreat, he decided to make his stance agaist crap behaviour for sure, but no justification to stab people, and then scarper, hide from the event, lie, until caught out. Lives lost for what???? So sick. !!!!!

@justme33126 - 01.08.2024 00:43

He's a broken man and has lost so much weight 😢 At least his remorse was very obvious and the judge saw it. On the other hand, those drunk punks who bullied him have expressed zero remorse for everything they did that day. Faced no consequences whatsoever for being drunk in a public place. I raised 2 children who are adults now. I made sure I taught them to always honor and respect their elders; and they still do to this day. I'm glad I don't live in America!

@nillyk5671 - 01.08.2024 00:44

Free Mr. Miu!

@peggychamberlain9515 - 01.08.2024 00:58

This is horrible what they have done to this man!!!!!

@briansmith5293 - 01.08.2024 01:22

20 yrs is all. He got off too easy.

@nellym.6555 - 01.08.2024 01:24

The justice system is broken. Free Mr. Miu.

@mrbbqlvr4274 - 01.08.2024 01:26

Something tells me “the kids” know deep down inside they won’t be doing anything remotely close in their future. Hopefully more kids feel the same. Nonetheless, tragic all around.

@jenniferleitner6071 - 01.08.2024 01:27

This verdict is a joke right!? Our country is doomed if 12 people actually thought this poor man was guilty. I see the IQ level in his area is lacking greatly.

@AMGShivener - 01.08.2024 02:10

Yessss!!! Concurrent, I pray this poor man is out in 10 years! I do pray for the families of these kids and for the kids that got hurt that had nothing to do with this! But, the one who started all this and all of them that acted out hopefully realize that people do defend themselves!

@angelakinney1999 - 01.08.2024 02:22

Unfortunately that state does not have Stand Your Ground Law. Citizens need to get with their representative and fight for it. If this happened in Texas he would be free.

@SaRaHSaLiX - 01.08.2024 05:48

I really feel bad for him. Of course for everyone involved. But dang ....those kids were just not cool

@christine6205 - 01.08.2024 05:52

Retrial I hope they do? Please do I hope these lawyers would request that this is a shame

@helenhines2712 - 01.08.2024 06:05

This would not be happening in countries that respect elders and not condone teenagers who act and run wild. They provoked this man. This was self-defense, not murder. Parents are at fault for raising their kids with no discipline or taking any responsibility for their actions.

@RachelJewel98 - 01.08.2024 10:58

Leave him alone! Fathers and mothers that murder their own children get less time. He was sooo provoked!

@randy783 - 01.08.2024 14:42

Who brings a knife with them while floating down a river?

@smurf902 - 01.08.2024 19:37

These judges and juries are influenced by the public eye. The sentence was severe because they don't want the public outrage of "he only got that much because he white." U can't tell me that's not the reason.

@shoenicedeletedvideosx3048 - 01.08.2024 20:11

He only got 20 years for going on a slashing spree?!?

@candy3388 - 01.08.2024 20:33

I would have never convicted this man .

@candy3388 - 01.08.2024 20:35

I seriously don’t understand why this man was convicted.

@birdsongandblood - 02.08.2024 02:46

He was completely wrong for what he did ......HOWEVER, those people acted like a pack of hyenas. It was horrible to listen to them. Such ugliness

@dannywhite670 - 02.08.2024 03:57

this shows you there are 2 tiers to our justice system. He was a white spoiled kid who provoked this and now a minority is going to prison.

@nyteshyft1261 - 02.08.2024 06:33

This is so sad. This man did not get justice. 😢

@melb2258 - 02.08.2024 06:59

The man was clearly a danger to society !! His character itself speaks volumes ! Have you ppl not been listening to any of this ?! Hasn’t talked to his son in 10 yrs, restraining order against his own Father, 3 x married etc ! He was a walking time bomb ! He had anger issues, and he clearly came at the group of young men at the river. Good grief ppl can’t comprehend anything.

@lj7460 - 02.08.2024 07:20

His statement was only towards Isaac’s family. He did not express remorse for disemboweling AJ (who coded 9 times and spent a month in the hospital). He needs anger management- that is a rehabilitative need. Prison does not rehabilitate- that’s a joke.

@gypsi5101 - 02.08.2024 08:00

Nobody wins here a broken family and a broken man. Even before Miu made his statement or spoke what is clear is he is a broken man. He could potentially be suicidal. He made a bad choice. A frantic frightened choice. A tragedy for the victims and for Miu

@givemeanIDplez - 02.08.2024 08:45

Justice was served. They were horrible drunk punks. But he was the adult and could have walked away and called police.

@candy3388 - 02.08.2024 10:10

It’s really really hard to have sympathy for these kids .

@8Os4daladies - 02.08.2024 12:52

Imo, he was found guilty because of the cries of the entitled brats!!! God sees everything! Free him🙏🙏🙏

@MystSoap - 02.08.2024 15:08

That is not murder and he never ran up on them first if you guys wanted murder he would of stabbed them without any reasoning at all this is stupid as fuck idk how he is guilty

@cdow9032 - 02.08.2024 17:10

I listened to the closing statements of the defense, and the prosecuter, am still confused why so many here seem to think he's innocent? The fact is he did kill a child, and injured others. I dont know his background. I feel something set him off. Kids can be assholes, but I didnt hear of any threat they posed. IMO, bottom line is the fact that Miu did commit murder. I feel for him. I feel his remorse. I also feel for the kids and the families. This is a horrible tragedy for them. God Bless them all ❤

@philmasterson9343 - 03.08.2024 19:46

And i just dont like him as a person .he is not a person i would like near my famley

@philmasterson9343 - 03.08.2024 19:52

You just dont start stabbing because you feel in danger

@user-wj4xi5dd1h - 17.08.2024 14:15

Disgusting state of Wisconsin. Drunks and Bullies who pay off judges and lawyers. Sickening state. Shameful judge and lack of justice. Those kids killed their friends. Madison and AJ ifault.
