I’ve been doing a bit motherlode mine and zalcano! Good times and much better now!
Ответитьhey Kaoz when I do hunter rumours I get around 205k xp an hour, what's your blocklist like?
ОтветитьEast > west
ОтветитьIronmen can kind of do slayer partners.
If someone else weakens a mob and an ironman finishes it off, you still get the credit for it as well as slayer experience equal to the damage you dealt.
The ironman doesnt get any loot but i bet there are plenty of tasks with garbage drops that you dont mind your ironman alt not picking up
When you say eligible is sounds like illegible
ОтветитьCurrently working on my 99 mining in the MLM, here you can also duowield pickaxe and imcando hammer to easily repair the strut.
Same goes for Construction with saw and Hammer and as you mentioned wintertodt with axe and torch
The wilderness agility has an fc that makes it a mass activity more or less, with people anti-pking at certain hours. Think it's just "Agility FC" sure someone can check that. RSN Mr Sheriffen
ОтветитьExcited for these changes! RSN: acepresso529
ОтветитьRSN LordDuck-E15
ОтветитьHaven't played since 2008 would like to know how the MMO is now
ОтветитьI’ve been botting GOTF all the way to level 90 and I still don’t have the freaking abby needle
ОтветитьVarlamore and wintertodt changes looking nice
RSN: Gl0mar
my fav is pest control by far. I love the combat task rewards making it more viable for xp/gp rewards w/ little effort. everything is OP now compared to 07/08. max hits were raised for even d scim, etc. my max back then was 32 w/ dscim. now u can hit 40's is wild. It also allows for an example. hcim rebuild barracades to avoid the xp gains and still get rewards easily as before.
ОтветитьBonfires was a godsend for firemaking, ty jagex rsn Cybedustless
Ответить"Illegible" = Not able to be read.
"Eligible" = Allowed, permitted, able to do whatever action in context.
I noticed you've been saying "illegible" for a very long time.
I'm so ready for wt changes.
RSN scorp_io
I gotta start the rumours. Getting burnt out doing chins. RSN: Buttersyrup
Ответитьi have been doing the citizen thieving but with that wintertodt update i will be getting 99 fm im currently at 85 RSN:Kryptic2Cold
ОтветитьI like zalcano. Definitely not because I got the pet at 123 kc. RSN Hawkback1329
Ответить10? bro this game is 20 years old lmao
ОтветитьThe update about the barriers give hp even if full is huge!!!!
ОтветитьA fantastic future guide! Love it all! A few additions, WT rewards is 1 roll every 250 points after the initial 500. So at 750 you get 3 rolls. For construction, in addition to menu entry swapper, the “construction QOL” plugin saved my life to 99 con, definitely worth mentioning it!
RSN: Baked Beann
Slayer with a partner is so fun! I never got to experience it prior to this update, so I’m glad I get to experience it now! RSN : Vairiki
ОтветитьSuch huge QOL for us UIMs :)
ОтветитьYou mentioned so many methods i didn know existed, i can't wait to test these out. Especially the runecrafting ones!
RSN: noach
Hunter rumors are amazing, went from never doing them to it being one of my more favorite skills!
ОтветитьSuper stoked to try the wintertodt and gotr changes when they come out. Love the vids Kaoz! RSN: Cucumberr
ОтветитьIm excited for the Wintertodt changes as I do keep grinding it/want the Phoenix. Will be nice to see this get an update and hopefully I finally get the pet. Only thing I am missing from it. RSN: TwitchLyfe
Ответитьah the apple fanboy. Iphone is the same sht since 11 pro max lol
ОтветитьI’ve been doing relatively AFK zeah bloods for a while now! Good money and even though it’s slow it’s consistent xp and easy to do on the side
ОтветитьThe games way older than ten years shits almost older than me
ОтветитьIm shocked the synapse is still so expensive. I'm glad cause I've had a few drop but I'm sad because I want to use the weapons but don't think they're worth it yet.
ОтветитьI guess it's probably not a 'newer' method but in terms of training Hunter, drift net fishing is actually pretty good because you get Fishing XP also. Currently at 69 fishing I am getting 70k/hr & with 75 Hunter getting 93k/hr :) can definitely be higher though, that's just with me being semi-afk here and there and a little slow because it's 2am here right now. Training both skills with solid XP/HR just seems like a no brainer though honestly
Great video as always mate! I can't wait for the GOTR changes most of all :) RSN: Metalfear9
ОтветитьI loathe hunter, but with the new rumors option I'm excited to give it a shot! As always solid video :D RSN: Dorianyatess
ОтветитьWhen is this dropping?
ОтветитьThinking about trying my hand at hunter stuff I just recently got back into osrs and am doing motherlode mine afk while at work. Your videos def make me want to play more will be watching guides in the future!!!
ОтветитьLSD Turtle
Ответитьbut wait... i already have the bruma torch in my left hand... chat am i hacking??
ОтветитьBrilliant and informative video brother!!The only small thing i noticed, that in recommendations there is no information about skill level requirements for particular method , and that mad me sad cuz i realized with 53 thieving, i wont be able to do rogues castle :((( Thanks for vid tho, appreciate that! <3
Ответитьhunter rumours sounds awesome. Stoked to go check out your 1-99 guide. RSN boofguala
ОтветитьI love this, I can actually take my main back to get the tome and pet now to finish the clog.
ОтветитьAFK does not mean low effort. It means you don't have to touch your mouse for awhile. Scurrious is NOT afk...
ОтветитьCan anyone explain why I get way more experience killing scurrius solo? ill get like 65k normally but when I solo i get 100k+
ОтветитьMy carpal tunnel and I are SO PISSED that you can one click mahogany tables to remove now... great change though if I ever want to go for 99
ОтветитьI needed this. I can't keep up with all the crap they keep adding to the game
ОтветитьMy favourite training method windertodt, happy for the new changes. Haven't dabbled into hunter rumours yet but looking forward to it. RSN: lerouxskii