The Death of Traditional Film Distribution

The Death of Traditional Film Distribution

Indie Film Hustle Podcast

4 года назад

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Anthony Peters
Anthony Peters - 14.07.2020 16:31

lol Audio track-only ...of The moving Talkies distribution lol

Rafael Diaz-Wagner
Rafael Diaz-Wagner - 08.05.2020 18:17

Fantastic insight. Every filmmaker young and old needs to see this. I will be showing this to my students. Thank you.

Mark Toia
Mark Toia - 10.12.2019 04:15

Great Alex! A good cup of truth in the market place. Very compelling. I'm going through this exact scenario right now. Luckily getting more sizable MG's, but really... I feel like going it alone. Are you interested in talking about the idea for an unconventional direct sales. Reach out if you can.

Juicy Jay
Juicy Jay - 04.12.2019 10:44


Nicole R
Nicole R - 02.12.2019 22:58

Hey Alex, I’m shooting a film on a Canon C2oo but i’m not shooting in Raw as I don’t feel I need that control in post for this project: not to mention the workflow cost and impact. Do streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video care if you shot in Raw or MP4? The footage is still 4k

dan smith
dan smith - 26.11.2019 11:31

Isn't the DVD buyer still a niche audience ? boomers, etc ?

Billions of dollars are still sold in it.

I agree in most of what you are saying.

The Niches make the Riches

My series will definitely go platform in both China and Internationally, but, it seems that not going after latent DVD sales may be leaving money on the table.

Hanniffy Dinn
Hanniffy Dinn - 24.11.2019 20:31

Scorsese And Alan Moore are right ! ....marvel is destroying “cinema”. Dumbed down normies just want super hero clap trap And baby yoda toys. Indie film makers have to market and create buzz themselves. Filling holes / niches for streaming services sounds soul destroying. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤡🤡🤡🤡🌍🌍🌍🌍

Hanniffy Dinn
Hanniffy Dinn - 24.11.2019 20:12

Net flix have a big opportunity here! Then can create a whole indie section! Promote indies, And actually pay indies that do well. Let’s face it streaming is the new distribution! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤡🤡🤡🤡🌍🌍🌍🌍

Big Rick
Big Rick - 24.11.2019 10:11

I've been going to AFM for 10 years and I was there this year also. Man.. you are spot on!!!

Aloewells - 23.11.2019 12:33

I am a web developer and film maker. This type of marketing strategy used to apply and still relevant to websites, since online platforms r nothing but websites, they treat movies as products for niche(genres). Films are made on basis of story and emotions unlike products for need. Emotions to be fulfilled constantly. Make a movie, find loyal audience and market to them.

PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN - 23.11.2019 05:26

Love it, Alex!

Mustujab Kirmani
Mustujab Kirmani - 22.11.2019 22:48

What do you think about Facebook watch? They just have a show called LimeWire, do you think I can put my movie over there as well and instead of having aggregators do all that I can just go ahead and boost my own movie over Facebook watch? I don't know I'm a new filmmaker I just made two movies still in editing phase will be done soon.

Mario Scott
Mario Scott - 22.11.2019 22:27

The issue is that the platforms have all the data and as a filmmaker you have none.

Digital Darklords, LLC
Digital Darklords, LLC - 22.11.2019 20:55

Thank you for this episode because I was just telling a filmmaker that the studios are going to cut out movie theaters all together within 10 years or less. So, if we want to see our films on the big screen we had better hurry up and work on our distribution strategies. Things are definitely changing.

Inspired Collective
Inspired Collective - 22.11.2019 20:34

Alex. I really gotta thank you man for all your work all these years. On the forefront’s of the industry and all the work you put in to share this information with us (the tribe). I really appreciate it

Martin Denham
Martin Denham - 22.11.2019 18:54

Hi Alex. I've listened to your podcast for a while now & have learned lots. For that I thank you. However, today's episode has totally blown my mind - not because I'm learning something new, but for once I'm already on the same page!! Everything you covered just absolutely validated my thinking & approach. This is amazing!! I'm in the UK, and the notion of niche market, being business focused & thinking like an entrepreneur constantly falls on deaf ears. In fact, if it wasn't for a couple of like-minded individuals & now your episode today, I'd swear I was obviously insane for thinking like an entrepreneur... because no-one else is. I read The Big Picture by Ben Fritz earlier this year & it was amazing insight, and I learned loads about the 'business' of filmmaking. However, I'm the only person I know who has read it. I'm absolutely 100% behind the opinion that the landscape has changed & is continuing to change, and I've been on a journey to learn more about the business side of things for over 2yrs now to allow me to exploit new business opportunities in filmmaking. I was already a huge fan of your work, but now I'm totally onboard because we're on the same page. Thank you for today's episode. I'm going to keep going on this path of 'film-trepreneur' because it's absolutely the way forward. The old models are dead, long live the new models. Cheers Alex, Martin.
