#Bleach_Brave_Souls_8th_Anniversary #8th_Anniversary_White #8th_Anniversary_Ichigo #8th_Anniversary_Bleach_Brave_Souls_Summons #8th_Anniversary_Summons #Bleach_Edit #Bleach_Brave_Souls #BBS_Ticket_Summons #Brave_Soul_Tickets #Bleach_Brave_Souls_Summons #Viral #fyp #Exro_BBS #White_Ichigo #Ichigo #Thousand_Year_Blood_War_Anime #TYBW_Anime #TYBW #TYBW_Summons #TYBW_are_now_premium_in_Bleach_Brave_Souls #Monetized #Bleach_Anime_2023 #Bleach_2023 #Exro_Bleach_Brave_SoulsКомментарии:
ОтветитьLove the edits keep it up!!!
ОтветитьMan if I had these editing skills I'd be undefeated 😭😭😭💔, very nice editing bro.. I mean I think he used up his luck on those 3 chads that multi was one in a million lol.
ОтветитьThats crazy bro and keep it up I really love your content
ОтветитьStill this shit goes hard!
Ответитьquality content👏
ОтветитьBig W 4 the edits bro and good luck next time
ОтветитьWords cannot express on how much I love ur editing skill
ОтветитьThis is awesome and so underrated 😢
ОтветитьCan't believe the tickets gave me so much despair...W content tho happy I could help bucko!
ОтветитьYou are amazing Exro you actually did it I found the song ❤❤ good video
Ответитьi like editing🗿😂
ОтветитьEditing skills 100
ОтветитьUnderrated channel
ОтветитьWtff your channel is so slept on bro
ОтветитьNot the mokoto you one sick Jit lol
ОтветитьBro first i was like "tf is this shit" and then i realised that i was enjoying the video! Keep going like that!
Ответитьnice funny video i like and subsribe
ОтветитьBro went plus ultra with these editing skills damn