Every NEW HERO has been LEAKED! These decks look INSANELY FUN!

Every NEW HERO has been LEAKED! These decks look INSANELY FUN!

Zeddy Hearthstone

3 месяца назад

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@alexus_g - 15.05.2024 21:41

I really like the idea, but only if blizzard will support twist mode (lol, no they won't)

@Mindhumble - 15.05.2024 21:46

Hmmmm so twist has now become the replacement for duels but without the ability to earn gold.... go figure.

@lyudmiltsekov8557 - 15.05.2024 21:50

That's literally worse version of duels.

@CyDOOM - 15.05.2024 21:52

Looks cool. Too bad Rafaam looks pretty bad. I was super excited to try him out. Maybe if his HP cost goes to 2...

@TheWhiteWidow97 - 15.05.2024 21:52

So I think its obvious duals had to go (due to staff cuts?) for them to go all out for twist and basically merge them together? I feel like this is what twist will be most of the time now as this seems like a lot of effort for just one month,

@noahludtke5910 - 15.05.2024 21:53

This a fat L for me as someone who disenchants their wild cards to play standard 💩

@ishangfey - 15.05.2024 21:58

some of these mechanics do seem fun hope it is more accessible and balanced...

@sonarchy5158 - 15.05.2024 22:02

I hate how fun this looks

@Grace1047 - 15.05.2024 22:06

Why couldn’t this of been the duels full release I simply don’t understand why that didn’t happen it would of been way less controversial

@Herr_Damit - 15.05.2024 22:18

Nobody expects the silence inquisition.

@robertrubas2634 - 15.05.2024 22:21

This seem actually insanely creative, much more developed than i thought (i thought it'd be just an expanded simple brawl).

@houseofmurder - 15.05.2024 22:25

hold up no cthun in cthun's deck

@dizel998 - 15.05.2024 22:30

look like fun

@andrewsumeon1782 - 15.05.2024 22:33

thanks for the quick update everytime...some of the heros and decks looks super fun tbh !!!

@ROTMGmimighster - 15.05.2024 22:37

Am I missing something with Kael'thas? He only has two fire spells and they can't go face. Seems horrible compared to the other decks.

@robertlupa8273 - 15.05.2024 22:48

Tamsin's second hero power effect of summoning a minion equal to damage taken is how The Demon Seed should've been nerfed (or been in the first place). No burst damage AND it's technically limited by your 7-slot board space (though I'm not sure how relevant this is). If you have enough board clears or face damage of your own, you could probably still kill them after they play Blightborn Tamsin.

Or maybe I'm wrong and it would still be broken lol. I'm no Hearthstone expert.

@did4411 - 15.05.2024 22:56

wait... if i own Forest Warden Omu i can play it's deck? i only need to own the one card?

@Taddpole1998 - 15.05.2024 23:29

Does having Diamond/Signature/Golden versions of these hero cards do anything cool?

@djharris6822 - 15.05.2024 23:52

...I wana be the very best, Like No one ever waaasss!

@sylvanashun4104 - 15.05.2024 23:55

damn, there are so many heroes I don't know which one I want to play with i need a button to randomly get the deck.

@ChromaToneMusic - 16.05.2024 00:20

I think this looks cool. Duals you just try to make the same deck every time anyway

@RedEyeStorm7 - 16.05.2024 00:24

C'thun doesn't look that strong but I'm glad I''m gonna be able to play my boi again

@Walt_Chocolate - 16.05.2024 00:43

Zeddy: I don't know how I feel about pre-made decks.

Whizbang: 👀💬

@williammartinsyay - 16.05.2024 01:01

Looks fun!

@KnownAsKenji - 16.05.2024 01:02

Yeah, the unannounced decks for the most part feel either really broken or really bad. Could be wrong but it seems like they decided there's enough classes to choose from for 1 month and it's fine to leave them out.

@AreYouTheBot - 16.05.2024 01:05

not gonna lie maybe whitemane is what is needed to make silence priest a thing... but then I would have to craft whitemane...

@reecegamingx6865 - 16.05.2024 01:05

I've been dreaming for an MTG Commander style gamemode for HS for years and maybe this is a step in the right direction! Looking forward to this!

@jugospankin226 - 16.05.2024 01:46

I could be wrong about this and please inform me if I am, but hasn't the data been showing that hearthstone has been on the decline of monetization for a bit? If they took out duels, needed a way to cut corners for twist, this could be a way to force people to make cards so that people may have to spend more money. While this is good content aside, duels was free for the most part, this is forcing people to either open more packs of the set they are wanting to get the card in, or are forcing them to open up more packs to get the dust that they need.

This would also make sense due to them having the quest requirements be so high too.

@grahamflatt5838 - 16.05.2024 01:55

Absolutely the coolest thing in hearthstone in sometime. I would happily make old legendaries if legendaries were a deck in one card.

@damonblack1495 - 16.05.2024 02:21

Everyone looks back at duels with rose tinted glass's. It was a mode hardly anyone played. I wish they would ditch mercenaries and refund everyone's gold and/or resources invested.

@eamonmulholland3159 - 16.05.2024 02:29

This looks pretty sick! I'm excited about the premade decks, it will be fun trying to master them, and I think the buy in is reasonable compared to what twist has had in the past. I've never felt even tempted to play Twist but now I definitely will

@lnarius - 16.05.2024 02:40

This seems like a mode they could just add to the game and name it duels, right? 🫠

@KingAm0 - 16.05.2024 02:44

Looks awesome honestly. I've got a bunch of dust and no cards in standard I'm interested in, might need to get some of these old legendaries.

@andoru - 16.05.2024 03:56

Seems a shame for this to last only one Twist season. They should return to this (with updated decks) instead of having breaks in the schedule.

@nickjoseph77 - 16.05.2024 05:52

This looks so fun and even if I can't play them all, I have enough of these legends that I'm going to enjoy the format more than when everyone seems to solve the format and have specific decks they play the entire time it's available.

@Infinity-0033 - 16.05.2024 07:46

Came here to say this...vs a sweaty just want to win showdown paladin...a 3 mana 15/17 that deals 3 damage to my entire board? Are you kidding me?

opponent had strong tempo plays to start and I still managed to gain control of board, I even drew well. Opponent wipes my board and has unbelievable amount of damage showing. You'd think I'm tricked but have in hand to deal 2 to zilliax and then 3 to all, yet still showdown dudes don't die, zilliax buff remains and they took basically 2 damage. Wtf? I can draw incredible, play excellent and still get my ass whooped because they have a 3 card combo. I lost my entire board, he gained a board so large and early I cannot respond. Should make that zilliax +1/+1 guy cost an extra mana. They're aren't board clears for that shit so early.

People can actually play that combo without being disgusted by what they see even though they receive its benefit for winnings sake? It disgusts me regardless of what side I'm on, so I don't play toxic bullshit. Like are you seriously convinced we're playing a game at that point? I play Hearthstone to play a game, not for things to be out of control to that degree. Give my brain an opportunity to win a game more than current situation. Do the devs want to change this and are unable due to money hungry people who force them to do things and who care more about money than the people?

I can't wait for God to purify this world. Yes this seems like an overreaction but really this is just me seeing how evil is basically creeping deep into every fricking crevice it can in the world, and is almost everywhere, ruining goodness. I'm pissed at this world. Tame but pissed don't worry. I can channel the volcanic pressure correctly and/or safely contain it until I transform it into passion and desire to make this world not so twisted and where I don't look and here and there and say "wtf" so much.

@fenrirthefenrir5476 - 16.05.2024 07:55


@ProsperLogic - 16.05.2024 08:00

Looks fun

@ivanmartinez498 - 16.05.2024 08:55

they need to just keep this in for a couple of months

@sirlordfluffy5328 - 16.05.2024 09:11

To be honest I feel like this could be a silent middle finger from the devs to the bean counters to still give us everything they had planned in duels.

@thestuart117 - 16.05.2024 09:48

@zeddy have you seen this new tavern brawl? Absolutely horrible, appreciate a video on this one because even if you play perfectly and pull of your combo the boss ramps up to 10+ attack and just goes face

@reddeadcannoli2668 - 16.05.2024 12:23

Im quiting the community not the game, im high legend every season about 5 years and Im tired of arguing with permaDiamond NABZ 😚 stay safe Zeddy 👋

@KraylebStudios - 16.05.2024 13:51

I wish Aya Blackpaw was a hero that had a Jade deck

@samuelaiello1977 - 16.05.2024 14:29

can you do a video on puppetmaster dorian’s wrong translation, i have an italian game version and on the card it reads “whenever you play a minion” instead of “whenever you draw” this is kinda fucked up

@maomekat2369 - 16.05.2024 15:09


@andreij2377 - 16.05.2024 16:10

honestly, im just wishing this one to be a success. Looks fun idk about the balance but fun. Also i dont wanna spend a single dust to these cards thats not playable in wild (I dont play wild but if i wanna do play wild atleast i want to play a deck thats playable). I just want a mode that's gonna be sustainable to my free to play arse lmfao

@Walt_Chocolate - 16.05.2024 17:54

Love and Hate

@JoaoPedro-pg9uw - 18.05.2024 23:33

Oh look!! The Arfus's deck seems to be good and very fun to play, with one of the most popular archetypes ... no wait... what a coincidence, i need to craft the shittier of the legendaries to play it

@starmannnnn - 19.05.2024 22:32

wow lots of Heros!
