The "You're Average At Best" Video - The Full Interview ©

The "You're Average At Best" Video - The Full Interview ©

Kevin Samuels

3 года назад

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@deshizle - 06.01.2024 11:14

Does anyone know if she found a high value man yet?🤔

@MzansiTalk247 - 05.01.2024 17:37

He was hard on her, lol

@cgill4269 - 05.01.2024 04:51

The advice this woman is getting isn't the advice she wants to hear so she is going to continue asking, reshaping & requalifying EVERY response from the man you asked for help!! You sought this man out for his knowledge but refuse to accept this wisdom & after demanding to speak when it wasn't your turn!! Not sure if this woman is aware of this but even more men saw this & have completely shut her out!! And of course the laughing & giggling when a point hits home bcuz she WILL NOT ACCEPT REALITY!!

@keepitforreally4501 - 05.01.2024 00:24

When I was in my 20s, I don’t want anything to do with anyone that was the same age as my father

I guess because I didn’t care if the man had money or not. I need someone my age which was my husband one year older than me we got married when I was 19.

@thomasking428 - 03.01.2024 02:24

Cane Corso bigger than her

@oskarnava623 - 02.01.2024 22:25

Haha I am 35 I like all type of woman also
There a few that I can get but I am with the one stay with me when I was broke she was 6 now maybe 5 but she is mine

@saje1988 - 02.01.2024 19:48

I've watched this video many times and I just noticed that she lied about having her son at 16. If she's 35 yrs old and her son is 13 yrs old that means she was 22 when she had him. She said that to gain sympathy!

@manzinin1070 - 02.01.2024 14:49

STOP RIGHT THERE, Breath AND Digest 😂😅

@ewokisamokis747 - 02.01.2024 00:04

Social media has really messed women up. They ask think they're 7-10s want millionaires and think they're below or average appearance will get it. Basically they all just want money. Not have to do anything.😂

@badondebadonde267 - 01.01.2024 13:14

My man!!

@juicegoose2311 - 01.01.2024 05:56

hes right. if both parties provide good quality sex. looks, money, kids, nothing else matters. well the kids matter too but thats gravy

@goneoutside6644 - 31.12.2023 19:26

I don't know how she looks with makeup, but with makeup she is 2 or 3.

@user-ok5dp2pc1v - 30.12.2023 19:27

At what point should she tell him that she owns a business? 🙄Tell him when he asks about your job!...She's obviously bringing it up in the conversation bc she thinks it matters. Then talmbout "arm candy"... a 5 is not arm candy, & with that wig sitting so far back on her head, looks like that candy been

@freedmansjournal - 30.12.2023 13:35

This video will take generations to leave the public consciousness. In the same way people had to die for Elvis to become less popular an entire generation of men will have to leave this earth for this to be forgotten.

@user-wu2pg5zh2r - 29.12.2023 22:54

Is she texting, why does he not call her out? She clearly can't understand normal thinking.

@meuls82 - 29.12.2023 07:23

i MISS this MAN'S work! 😭 Rest well.😢

@babettenorrell5881 - 28.12.2023 02:59

She's wrong!!!! 20yr. old women do want 45 yr. old men that are someone decent!!! Not all ladies want a young stud!!!

@vennie951 - 27.12.2023 05:01

The swearing at the end by Kevin shows tons as well

@fbhaze7446 - 24.12.2023 09:44

Thx Kevin

@morganmoore26 - 23.12.2023 18:20

She needs makeup and she below average looking.

@truname6847 - 23.12.2023 08:22

Rip to the godfather. Im glad he followed his instincts and allowed this conversation as this one was the propeller to his legendary status.

@aprilflores4169 - 22.12.2023 08:53

Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I never hear the women say they wanna marry for love. I think that's very sad. I'm sorry to the regular men who are being devalued by the regular women. They could have great lives. There's nothing wrong with being regular. Not to me. Men, if they don't value you as a man? Keep moving on.

@anitawalker1535 - 21.12.2023 19:35

Shit he said call and pay for a session, I will not call and pay you to verbally abuse me 😅😅😅😅 no sir not today

@shoyayahelisrael662 - 21.12.2023 06:49

But your f... Ma'am please don't make me say it...😂

@madlion9060 - 21.12.2023 03:49

Why is it that we're seeing black women who don't respect us as men unless we are making a certain amount of money?!... These types of women have a condescending attitude towards black men based on income.. yet they have toxic personalities and messed up attitudes..

@aw5347 - 20.12.2023 19:36

I dated a woman just like her..I have my own business and she has her own business..she said the same things this woman said.."I can help you with your business". My response"I didn't ask nor need your help...I had my business 15 years compares to your 3..😂😂😂 talk about angry😂😂

@Vrodify67 - 20.12.2023 02:26

Thank you for your service of letting delusional women face reality.
I've never had an issue of getting married at any stage of life. My problem is I either fall out of love or I get bored. The problem, except for a few is me.

@suec8337 - 20.12.2023 02:12

She’s a 3 at best in looks.

@drttcd - 18.12.2023 23:22

Man, KS was EXTREMELY patiemt with this disrespectful BIMBO with everything on her fake from hair to toe!

On her phone while he was giving her time he cannot get back. I would have went off on her a LONG time ago. She appears to be a bit mentally challenged saying a bunch of NOTHING!!!!

@MsCyrus - 17.12.2023 10:28

Maaammm ....please don't make me say it

@jolo4036 - 17.12.2023 00:44

I own a business and run it the way I want. Do you think I want a wife because I desire a business partner and a woman farmer? lol

@Karimi1able - 16.12.2023 23:52

Her being on the phone is so disrespectful.

@jaycemoore344 - 16.12.2023 17:26

“Umm can i ask you a question “ 😂😂reality almost krept in 💀 it malfunctioned the denial

@jameswillett2403 - 15.12.2023 19:32

As soon as she picked up the phone she tuned him out. Embarrassing.

@user-wr9fo6bz6s - 14.12.2023 06:38

Wow you men are really in yr feelings aren’t you?? CHILL CABALLEROS!!

@kimberlyreed5236 - 13.12.2023 07:41

She wants a business partner, not a husband. The best she thinks she has to offer is “helping him with his business and planting.” If a man is making six figures, he doesn’t need a prospective wife’s help. She does need to work on herself cause she has more to offer than what a man doesn’t need.

@jaykirk4548 - 12.12.2023 03:34

American women are spoiled and ruined.

@darylneptune5170 - 11.12.2023 05:22

thats a big ass dog.... corso she said, she aint getting no man

@maryannanderson2213 - 11.12.2023 04:20

Her problem became obvious in the way she phrased her question to Kevin. She said she "dated down" so clearly, she thought she was better than the men she dated because she "owned her own business". I wish Kevin had asked her how many employees she had because if she was the only employee, I think it's a bit of a stretch for her to say she owned her own business. She groomed dogs. Period. Nothing wrong with that but I fail to see how that makes her so much better than all the men she dated. Men, if you see this lady.....RUN!

BTW, when she picked up that phone, she was not only rude in contacting him for an off-topic call but she was also rude in that she was fiddling with her phone while she was supposed to be concentrating on what he was telling her. I'm really surprised that Kevin didn't immediately end the call.

@karmicsoul4444 - 11.12.2023 01:06

Kevin unfortunately got triggered at the end and let his guard down showing his unprofessionalism. It was truly disheartening. If you are in a 'business' you must remain professional especially Kevin because he is dealing with peoples lives & you never know how badly it can affect someone. The swearing at the end was uncalled for & dimmed my view of Kevin BUT I will still watch his videos because I am 'professional' & intelligent enough to know that this man makes sense. RIP....

@karmicsoul4444 - 11.12.2023 00:54

Interesting session. However, the most good looking guys & millionaires have 'average looking' wives. Why? because they are 'no competition' & both know their place.

@phoenixtoash2396 - 10.12.2023 16:28

Says alot about my brothers raising and teaching me. I accept im a loser. And a -10. I agree with the less than pond scum label. I got it. Im worthless. That is why i never tried. It was apparent I was never going to find love. Never going to be loved. So i am 57 now and i was absolutely correct and so is this man about women.

@fredshorty402 - 10.12.2023 04:09

I gave her a 2

@C_71 - 09.12.2023 01:47

a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
"narcissists who think the world revolves around them"

If you don't know what it looks like, watch this video more than once. She fits the description and definition!

@CaptCanuck4444 - 09.12.2023 00:52

This was painful to watch. I feel for her too, as she's been brainwashed by angry single women to believe that she deserves a higher value man than she has any hope of getting.

@URaggedybetch - 08.12.2023 22:21

I think if she just fixes her eyebrows, it will help. She seems sweet.

@jayohhbeats4886 - 08.12.2023 20:52

A national treasure.

@missvegan1967 - 08.12.2023 19:39

She knows she mot a looker, its sad people get their self worth from the money they make.
