Elder Scrolls Online in 2021... is ESO worth playing?

Elder Scrolls Online in 2021... is ESO worth playing?

Bunny Bouncer

3 года назад

6,058 Просмотров

Despite my history with Elder Scrolls Online, with the addition of the Warden class and personalization with your character, I'm enjoying it!
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My history with ESO | 00:35
My feelings on it in 2021 | 2:10


~ But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
| Romans 5:8 |

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Alex Fiore
Alex Fiore - 04.01.2022 00:50

I recently started playing elder scrolls, Got tired of long ques on ffxiv since dlc safe to say it's just like oblivion. Pretty fun :) also templar is the most (OP) Character starts off slow however but stamina templar can easily solo entire game + bosses at max lvl if done right.

shawarma conqueror Penaldo
shawarma conqueror Penaldo - 21.11.2021 20:14

it depends,if you are pve player absolutely yes,the maps huge,loads of trials,dungeons,crafting,housing,marketing and etc,overall good experience,

on the other hand,if you are into pvp like me,lemme tell ya,stay away from this game,here’s why:

each update they release new broken stuff,you are forced to switch each few months to be able to fight back,last time it was convirgins all over the place as example

next stop the game is so buggy,unresponsive and laggy that after 6pm uk time it’s literally impossible to play since you smashing button 5 times and nothing respond

you can write full page of bugs and mess in pvp,the game a parody when it comes to cyrodiil😂

so at the end,if you are pve-get it,if pvp-stay away as far as possible 😅

Dave Terry
Dave Terry - 20.11.2021 09:28

too easy

Caleb Davis
Caleb Davis - 23.10.2021 20:45

I totally feel your initial comments and I’m trying to get back into it!

Akofena - 06.10.2021 09:28

i started playing ESO yesterday for the second time, i love it, its a little easy to fights with regulars npcs but i love my orc.
Greeting from argentina and good luck with your channel
Sorry for my english xd

Oscar Bear
Oscar Bear - 05.10.2021 19:47

You look like, you smell good lol

Taylem Games
Taylem Games - 17.09.2021 17:12

Smart take, lovely face, perfect smile ... +1

Myrk Fælinn
Myrk Fælinn - 15.09.2021 19:08

I just break the monotony and play a verse nightblade. Both stam and mag and I do whatever I can do. Solo, pvp, questing, dungeons.... My second option is necromancer as high elf and I'll develop it after my vamp nightblade

Elric Francis
Elric Francis - 14.09.2021 09:22

Until one tamerel eso wasn't worth squat. Afterwards I been mostly on it since. Course helps it's the only decent subscribe optional out there.

Sam - 12.09.2021 20:50

“Lightness and whimsy” is such a great way to describe Warden! I really love that class so much— Warden and Necromancer are both so excellent to me, I wish they weren’t considered extra content anymore bc I think they’d really encourage more people to try playing!(I’ve been trying to get more friends into playing with me and interest in those classes but needed to buy them as DLC has turned several people off unfortunately.)

PainfullyAware - 11.09.2021 04:31

Power leveling by doing only dolmens, dark anchors, or by any other method is monotonous for sure. If you're going through the game for the first time, you should really do the quests. All the quests in this game, each and every one from beginning to end, side quest and main quest, are part of a story arc. Not the main story arc necessarily, but a story arc That's something you just don't see in MMOs other than ESO. Ignoring the quests is ignoring one of ESO's most unique features.

Also, in ESO there's no need to rush to end game. What you're doing at level 3 is pretty much what you'll be doing at level 50, so just enjoy it. Besides, end game in ESO is all horizontal progression, pretty much just a collect-a-thon and a grind for CP. Enjoy the vertical progression while you can.

I'm burned out on ESO, at present, but I played for a lot of years; was in the beta, in fact.

Reta Janse van Vuuren
Reta Janse van Vuuren - 08.09.2021 19:40

My fav classes is Warden, Necro and Sorc, have major issues to get into DK and Temp.

Ditronus - 08.09.2021 15:36

Just came back to ESO after a long time gone. Enjoying my time with it. I love exploring and taking quests slow like a single player RPG; most mmos are just about rushing the mundane leveling experience to get to the endgame.

TarnishedLifter - 08.09.2021 10:28

The fastest way to level rn is the first 4 rounds in the first arena in black rose prison, second to that is skyreach!

Tavaro Evanis
Tavaro Evanis - 07.09.2021 20:30

I was in your position at the release of ESO. The game was a shitshow, to be frank. I gave it another chance when Elsweyr dropped, and I am so glad I came back. It's virtually a new game compared to the 2014 version.

Xezqez Nunya
Xezqez Nunya - 07.09.2021 19:11

Dolmens are definitely not the fastest way

Exalted Gaming
Exalted Gaming - 07.09.2021 10:04

Favorite part of the game for me has to be the memories I made. Still remember being pulled into a group with a random guy after a dungeon who taught me a lot and invited me into my first guild. Sadly none of them play anymore but I’m still holding out hope that one day I’ll see some of them back on. After they all left I kind of just play solo and run pug groups in dungeons, bgs and cyro. Still got some of my best memories running vMoL at midnight and failing horribly since none of us knew about the sun and moon mechanic. Great times dying lol

Queen Helebron
Queen Helebron - 06.09.2021 18:42

I dont agree with you.I think you lied about your "experiance".
Think all you care about is atention and its ok,but I prefere honest search for atention...
I do agree tho ESO is worth playing for sure,specialy housing my favorite segment.

Calste85 - 29.08.2021 19:42

ESO is barely playable right now and with the current Dev team not only will it not get better but no meaningful content will be added(think about 2 years "performance years"). The Dev team isn't prepared to take performance seriously even if they had the will(community has been very vocal about performance). The game has turned into zenimax's cash cow(it's honestly embarrassing that anybody believed they'd actually do anything effective for performance this second consecutive "performance year") "performance year" has become their go to excuse for stale content with nothing meaningful. It would surprise me if next year or the year afterwards saw anything more than more reskins, cosmetics, and broken sets. Even broken new classes seems to be beyond the creative abilities of the current dev team.

timothy moore
timothy moore - 29.08.2021 14:27

I love the Necromancer class the best, followed by Sorc and Warden. I like Dragonknight and Templar, but I'm not a fan of Nightblade. It took me awhile to warm up to the Warden class, but now I can play with it as well as I can with the Necro and Sorc.
