Ken Gentry: Understanding the Book of Revelation - Session 2

Ken Gentry: Understanding the Book of Revelation - Session 2

Craig Dumont

11 лет назад

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@DavidParker-cf2km - 20.06.2016 17:44

Let yourself not be deceived! The disciples of Darby and Scofield and all things sensational and mystical are highly agitated by your exposition of Revelation! They are once again rising up to quench the plain unvarnished (and financially unprofitable) truth lest it interfere with their heresy made into future spectacular movies and profitable end-times books. Just as Joseph Smith, Jr., Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy, Rutherford, et al., depended on ignorant followers, so do the premillenial dispensationalists. If everyone understood that Revelation was the prediction of the fall of Israel in AD 70 and the persecution of Christians in the first century, imagine what would happen to the movie and book sales! Disaster, LaHaye would have to work for a living as his sales of really bad fiction plummet to zero and thousands of hay-seed "pastors" would find they have no congregation to bamboozle with their brain-dead "Jesus could return at any moment" non-sermons.
Thank you Ken for preparing this address and Craig for posting it for the world to see that Christians are not Left-Behind by the Late Great Planet Earth.
David Parker

@Apex_wolf - 03.07.2016 12:17

u, you can't have the women sitting on 7 hills rome then throw it all way back to isreal , also isreal has BLUE in it and the babylon the great harlot doesn't have it , and also there was no 2 great prophets slain in that time and layed days no historic evidence , also proper way to see revelation non Jesuit teaching is historicism true started in John day but throuout history the papacy is the beast system and popes that son of perdition , I agree on other videos rapture is the resserection and ppl alive be gathered with them

but you don't mention beast of earth just 2 , revelation is a war manual but not all by 70 ad

@ByHisGraceChannel - 24.03.2017 07:49


@biblehistoryscience3530 - 13.06.2018 07:12

Jesus said false teachers would claim he already came but to not be deceived, and he gave us many specific prophesies of the future that never happened. If you believe Jesus returned invisibly and is ruling the world secretly, you’re deceived.

@zachwaddill7801 - 25.06.2018 17:06

Daniel's 70th week... You are talking nonsense.

@michelhaineault6654 - 22.03.2019 21:14

Much better then the sionist dispensationism

@LeeRoyKmusic - 24.03.2019 16:42

Fantastic work. I look forward to reading your books.

@peterskovoroda5173 - 29.04.2019 22:36

This is an excellent teaching! Glory to GOD!!! I wish this news spread all around the world!!!

@leroybrown7695 - 16.09.2019 20:02

seems like the devil is working hard to divide the body of Christ. maybe we should focus on salvation and the redemption that Jesus offers through his sacrifice.

@mr.e1220 - 30.01.2020 21:05

So is Amillenial position go together WITH Preterism? I believe Torah is still for today. This is why it's hard for me to understand full preterism I believe partial preterism is more in line with the truth.

@chessman483 - 27.02.2020 03:26

I do like your thought process. But one thing that seems a bit of a stretch is: where it states 5 were 1 is and 1 to come for a short time. Why would it stop at 1 to come for a short time. The Caesarean emperors didn’t finish the . After Galba comes Otho . Galba didn’t do anything of huge notoriety. If Galba was the final emperor of the Caesars then it went to the Flavian dynasty, that would be cool. But the one to come is odd. It would need to read 3 to come ie end of the dynasty. Insightful thought would be appreciated.

@sinfulpirate - 05.04.2020 08:37

“I better quit before I get fired” lol

@GodsTruthMinistries - 28.06.2020 09:57

Every Christian, especially every dispensationalist should carefully listen to this. It's clear that this is the truth about Revelation and the end of biblical Judaism. The "rabbinical" Judaism of today is merely a continued rejection of God and His Messiah. An utter contempt toward THE Christ. Thank God for Ken Gentry and this message very well explained.

@profvnsibiya5387 - 20.07.2020 16:00

Great Insights

@TheBrotherOfPeter - 07.08.2020 23:06

Great stuff. The "forehead of a harlot" verse is actually Jeremiah 3:3 not 3:8. Still mind blown 🤯

@dscheuerle - 19.08.2020 10:54

Ken is one of the best speakers I have ever heard about Revelation , plus a great author on this subject.

@alanraikes3645 - 31.08.2020 19:14

My goodness! Why does this teaching on revelation make so much sense. 😱

@elijahboswell1979 - 03.09.2020 02:21

Can we get these notes from somewhere ??

@Okieshowedem - 06.09.2020 21:19

May Father YAHweh bless your understanding. Google YAHshua Messiah.

@robertcain3426 - 16.09.2020 15:54

The beast 'out of the sea' is a reference to the Gentiles. It is to say, 'out of the sea of Gentiles', with the 'sea' representative of people, nations, tribes and languages. The 'seven' in the seven heads of the beast is referring to the whole or complete beast throughout history. It is an expression of the chronological record of Gentile kingdoms in the world - the number seven representing whole or complete as in seven days is a complete week, in this case it is the complete beast. In chapter 12, the beast is represented by Rome - the Roman Empire at the time of the birth of the church through Christ sacrifice and the destruction of Jerusalem and end of the age which was characterised by the Old Testament, ushering in the New, better, Covenant which was to extend to all the world.
Chapter 13 deals with the beast in the latter days. How do we know this? Well in chapter 13, 'the ten horns of the beast had received their power to rule for one hour'. How do we know this? Because now in chapter 13, the beast that was first described in chapter 12 has now one difference. It's ten horns are now said to have ten crowns/diadems. Crowns represent power to rule. These are the ten kings who for one hour will rule in the last days. It represents the world government of the last days - the number 'ten' representing government.

@pamelawherey4583 - 01.10.2020 03:07

The Jews had to depart from the written Word of God because it condemns them, and they then wrote for themselves another ( gospel )as it were, they named the Talmud.

@bellie888 - 14.10.2020 11:52

Thanks, Revelation was once confusing to me. Jesus bless you.

@daviderasmus7713 - 21.10.2020 22:22

What absolute garbage. You are a fraud. To suggest that the scroll of Rev 5 represents God's divorce of Israel is ludicrous. Never heard such rubbish in all my life. How anyone can applaud this heresy is staggering.

@Okieshowedem - 08.11.2020 01:25

May Father YAHweh bless your understanding and show you His Resurrected Son. Praise Father YAHweh.

@theartsaint9766 - 10.11.2020 15:41

Glory to Jesus!! Beautiful exposition, the spirit of God led me to this... thank you for letting God use you

@Okieshowedem - 09.12.2020 17:46

May Father bless your understanding

@lakevacm - 27.12.2020 06:10

The truth unlike bad doctrine has a nice ring, and isn't off-putting to the non believer.

Even if we were to float up to the clouds to meet Jesus, doesn't mean the spectacle would prepare our heart.

Jesus performed many miracles, yet such did not deter his contemporaries from sentencing him to death.

Sadly, Zoroastrian astronomers were more in tune with the First Advent than the spiritual leaders of Israel.

@derekbirmingham9534 - 04.01.2021 06:37

Considering the book of revelation was written in 95 AD and the language is futuristic, I doubt it was written about the events of 70AD. The early church placed revelation last in the canon for a reason. Its about the end of the world.

@timmorales1569 - 13.05.2021 07:27

I think u have to look at revelation and the book of Daniel to understand most of revelation. How can he think that the book of revelation has already happen when all eyes didn’t see Jesus coming in the cloud and the two prophets and much more. The 6th head was Rome and it did have a head wound but who got their power Catholic Rome by Constantine

@shellyblanchard5788 - 18.06.2021 09:21

According to the law , Jesus had to die to the law before he was freed from the law of the old covenant. It said in the law they a husband was bound to the law until he dies. The scroll was the punishment of the harlot , not a divorce , God said he would make new covenant with Israel in the days that were coming. He would be merciful to sins and iniquities, he would remember thier sins no. It wouldn't be same covenant like made with their fathers. Jesus the reason why he allowed them to write a bill of divorce was because of the hardness of their hearts. I think the woman that was caught in adultery the pharisees wanted to stone i think it was a type of israel he showing, for he told her he didn't condemn her. Every jot and tittle had to be obeyed to be fulfilled before it would pass.

@wretch1 - 02.09.2021 07:30


@Jesusexplains - 05.09.2021 09:14


@email2danielt - 05.09.2021 09:43

THIS is a GROSS MISUNDERSTANDING of REVELATION and related scriptures!

@derickfronterasgmail - 04.10.2021 01:25

Is there a study notes on this 3 part sharing? Thanks. 😊🙏

@joshnelson3344 - 24.10.2021 15:56

I feel like Neo waking up from the matrix!

@nathanlidgett5688 - 24.07.2022 08:22

the beast with the 7 heads in revelation 17 is the 7 high holy days or feast days the head that was heald is the Passover. this Session 2 may be too old for you to read

@asawood4726 - 17.09.2022 17:14

God is a druid name not appropriate for Yahweh

@Charles73358 - 17.02.2023 02:23

I am enjoying this message but I couldn't help but notice a sorority symbol on the wall that is a symbol of idolatry from the roots of Greek Mythology that was the main problem with the 7 churches in Asia Minor
But the preachers interpretation of Revelation is great and powerful

@byronrhodes1659 - 03.06.2023 23:05

Why are Christians so resistant to this view!? People hate talking about it. Do they think it’s too divisive? Do tempers flair too easily and that’s what turns them off? I don’t get it. I try to explain this to my wife and she says, “too much information!” What is the deal!?

@harvestworkers626 - 24.07.2023 16:00

Right out of the gate this man puts down another brother just to get a laugh out of the audience. This man should be marked and avoided regardless of his biblical knowledge.

@jameslogan6286 - 04.11.2023 23:52

Only 59 more likes to make it the number of Nero. Come on let’s do it!

@AristotleOnlineYT - 14.12.2023 03:00

Wow. Nothing has been like waking up from the dispensational dream. These things were so plain to me every once in a while, fragmented, when I would read revelation on my own, but they were beaten back by the dispensational pastors, and I could never see the true picture.

@larrybedouin2921 - 20.12.2023 04:48

The symbolism of the seven seals are (seven) signatures as per — The ketubah, (“is written”) a Jewish marriage contract. 

The seven churches of Revelation gives us clues as to who the witnesses to the contract are.

Ephesus > Adam
Rev 2:5 " Remember therefore from whence you art fallin"...

Smyrna < Noah
Rev 2:8 " These things said the first and the last"...

Pergamos > Abraham
Rev 2:17 ..."and in the stone a new name written,"...

Thyatira > Jacob / Israel
Rev 2:28 "And I will give him the morning star".

Sardis > Moses
Rev 3:3 "Remember therefore how you have received and heard,"...

Philadelphia > David
Rev 3:7 ..."He that have the key of David"...

Laodicea > Jesus Christ the Bridegroom and his bride, the Israel of God.

--All pointing to dispensations of time in order of their time on earth.

"He that have an ear, let him hear what the Spirit [singular] saith unto the churches" [plural].
(Repeated seven times, one for each church)

“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the church[es]. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”
{Revelation 22:16}

--One body of Jesus Christ having seven dispensations of time (the spiritual condition of Christ church, and judgments....prophetic continuance) during the dispensation of Grace.

@michaelfalsia6062 - 09.03.2024 03:16

This ought to be how to misunderstand the Book of Revelation. Post mill interpreters are so clever and deceptive. What a surprise it will be when Jesus finds them asleep and unprepared at his second coming in glory and power. Jesus words are clear as a loud bell on eschatological matters.

@aerosmith7569 - 29.05.2024 23:43

dispensationalism has given us the LDS church, the Jehovah's Witnesses and countless other cults. in the mainstream dispensationalist world we have an entire business around selling books and films that turn the word of God into Hollywood sensationalism. We see generations of people preparing for the downfall of society and watching it rather than living in the victory that God has won for us and is winning through us.
