Dynamic Content for Elementor | Flexible Content Fields

Dynamic Content for Elementor | Flexible Content Fields


3 года назад

14,728 Просмотров

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The Joker
The Joker - 28.04.2023 16:58

you amke everything looks so complicated. we now live in era straight forward for dummies ... it was why Elementor was created..

Mike E
Mike E - 10.02.2022 18:38

Need some help with ACF Flexible Content. I set up 3 layouts and they work great when only one of each layout is in use. Once I add a second block of a layout both blocks take on the same styling. If block 1 has a background image set and block 2 does not, block 2 also has the background image on the front end.

Anil Agrawal
Anil Agrawal - 15.08.2021 08:53

Would this work with MetaBox instead of ACF Pro?

Zack Kendall
Zack Kendall - 01.06.2021 02:41

Hey Paul how do we get in touch with you about our own plug-in??

Strahinja Živković
Strahinja Živković - 29.05.2021 01:22

Seems rather complicated. Correct me if I'm wrong but we can achieve this through the repeater fields? One of the downsides is not having a proper preview working with Flexi templates, it seems that you should go back and forth with every styling.

Mr code
Mr code - 28.05.2021 17:40


Morpheus Interactive
Morpheus Interactive - 27.05.2021 22:04

Orrrrr. Now stay with me folks. We use ctrl-c & ctrl-v.

Possibly useful with regular blog posting... But the time savings seems super minimal. Would sooner just open a second tab and copy and paste the sections needed. Or just save the blocks into something like Envato and pull those blocks into the pages accordingly.

Feels over-engineered to me. Thanks for the in-depth breakdown though! I would bet there are some Blog writing Agencies that could benefit from the tool.

Muttaqi Ali
Muttaqi Ali - 27.05.2021 21:16

I'm wondering if there is a similar feature in Crocoblock..

Clever Clues Malayalam
Clever Clues Malayalam - 26.05.2021 20:26

Good content, as always 👏

Silent Phil
Silent Phil - 26.05.2021 19:24

First Boom
