THE BEST X-Men Game (So Far) - X-Men Legends 2 - Retrospective

THE BEST X-Men Game (So Far) - X-Men Legends 2 - Retrospective

Always Nerdy

3 года назад

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@CFHMatt - 05.01.2024 23:10

Awesome video and game they were made by people who loved the characters and you could feel that

@kidwajagstang - 05.01.2024 14:05

And a Ult Alliance 3 was made for Nintendo switch..

@JoseHC87 - 04.01.2024 02:43

I wish they would re-release the x-men legends games for the PS4 and PS5.

@elijahparks2417 - 18.12.2023 17:57

Storm had that GYatt in this game too

@Ozzymandius1 - 16.12.2023 18:05

I replayed Rise of the Apocalypse so often that I can still, almost 20 years later, remember — THERE WAS ONLINE MULTIPLAYER?!?!?!?!

@crystalias2546 - 15.12.2023 15:11

Another fun fact is that you can watch the cinematic cutscenes of this game and Marvel Ultimate Alliance on the DVD of the animated Doctor Strange movie released around the same time as MUA.

@calebbakker - 08.12.2023 06:00

The second one of the X-men is better I think but I got both games and marvel ultimate alliance 1 was the best game in the franchise

@Chilling_Charizard - 03.12.2023 18:26

I remember playing the mobile game for this. It was actually surprising how you could customize the characters, I remember respecting Cyclops after that because he had some crazy end game special powers.

@annaheartz4922 - 30.11.2023 19:58

I agree with the title. And the part 1 too. I wish they make these available in google play 🥺

@Kingkoopvh - 30.11.2023 02:43

Loved this game so much. Hearing the soundtracks gave me an almost emotional feeling of nostalgia! Back when life had no worries 🥲

@cruizlee214 - 29.11.2023 05:13

The House of M comics would make a great story line for an X-men Legends or Marvel Ultimate Alliance game.

@TranslatedAssumption - 24.11.2023 18:53

I played this game extensively for about 5 years after it came out and I remember using two teams primarily. At the beginning of the game it was the brotherhood team - Magneto, Jugs, Scarlet, and Toad - and then as soon as I got Iron Man I used him with Nightcrawler, Iceman, and Bishop. Iron Man and Nightcrawler were insanely broken characters by themselves but if you add in arguably the two best support characters in Iceman and Bishop you literally broke the game. I have so many fun memories playing this game with my friends back in the 2000s.

@justo1409 - 21.11.2023 01:31

I never knew night crawlers brother Abyss was in this game

@TheTokan123 - 19.11.2023 13:30

I actually got legends 1 accidentally, I wanted to buy the first X-Men movie tie in game for the GameCube but they put the wrong CD in the case

@AmericanKendoll - 12.11.2023 12:07

I got this game in elementary school 😢, and it still has an everlasting memory in my brain I remember in 2009 coming home from elementary school and playing this on my PlayStation 2. I really wish they would release another game like this. My four characters I always picked was storm, juggernaut, rogue, and nightcrawler.

@banditdawgs - 06.11.2023 06:00

Loved this game! I wish it was backwards compatible!!! I don’t have a way to play it

@Jeff_Guapo - 04.11.2023 06:39

I was literally 5 when this came out, I didn’t know much about the objectives and what to do outside of fight, my older cousins, sister and father played with me so I was able to get through objectives. Just good times.

@antonioenrico - 11.10.2023 18:35

why are the graphics so smooth? is this a remaster or a mod?

@gogetavsvegito - 09.10.2023 21:26

That mikhail fight made 11 year old me quit the game for like a half a year lol

@StrifeSoul990 - 21.09.2023 22:14

Personally I have issues plaything through the whole game. I dislike the roster and I feel like there's too much at times. But it's still excellent. I feel like why Toad and not Mysique or Sabertooth or someone else. It's just weird to me. And why Sonfire?

@direncloe1416 - 21.09.2023 13:26

Love sabertooth’s look in this, makes him and Logan look more like brothers

@thaboiinblue - 20.08.2023 19:53

Despite the game being awesome, I had (and still have) some minor issues:

They scaled down Jean and Storm’s power levels. In XML1 Jean was THE most powerful member with Psychic Shout and the Telekinetic Combat passive and was wiping enemies out with single hits. This felt right because Jean is usually the most powerful member of the X-Men.

Meanwhile Storm’s lightning Strike could hit enemies offscreen and became a Lightning Strike chain when upgraded, WAY more powerful than the “chain lightning” they did in this game. This too wiped out A LOT of enemies at a time.

I also bemoan the fact that the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube versions of the game only had four playable women characters. While happy to play as the Scarlet Witch for the first time ever when I was a kid (having always been a fan of hers), I was sad they didn't bring back Psylocke or Emma Frost (and improve her powers. She just needed some care). They could have also included Magik (with a new voice actress), Dazzler, Firestar, Monet St. Croix, or others. Even though Polaris shares the same powers as Magneto, they could have had different ways of using them, and I would have loved for her to be unlockable after beating the game.

I was also SHOCKED that there were only four playable Brotherhood members in the console games. Why wasn't Pyro available in all versions? He was right there! Where was Avalanche? Yes Mystique’s power doesn't really work for combat, but she has guns and fighting moves. And when we saw her turn into that creature to attack Garrok, maybe she could have done things like that as some of her skills (turning into monsters to attack the enemy). The Brotherhood also needed more women members, but it's hard to think of many of them outside of Mystique and Destiny. Maybe add Spiral?

@SageO6PathzGON - 20.08.2023 09:10

FUCK MAN. i remember that opening sequence as if i legit played it today. will NEVER forget it

@SageO6PathzGON - 20.08.2023 09:06


@susanstorm7910 - 16.08.2023 02:22

I miss Leigh-Allyn Baker as Jean, what a loss :(

@shonenhikada9254 - 14.08.2023 14:12

why was there no xmen legend 3?

@susanstorm7910 - 14.08.2023 02:21

Jean’s Dark Phoenix move helps in the Madri Temple 😊😊😊

@pedropenaforte1893 - 13.08.2023 16:33

I don't get why people love this game so much. They had access to the whole X-Men universe and managed to make it boring, with long colorless dungeon-like levels, tons of redundant powers that you will never use, some enemies clearly reused from some cancelled cheap fantasy game and ugly, overly dark graphics. You're always on some tunnel or sewer and sometimes it's pretty hard to even see what's going on, something that makes no sense considering how colorful the X-Men are. Even if this saga was supposed to be, well, apocaliptic, Madureira designs for the Age of Apocalipse heroes were colorful as fuck in the comics.
But we were in the 00's, when everything had to be grim, dark and "realistic".

At least the combat system was much better than Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

@AthleteSteve. - 09.08.2023 05:17

Spent a summer playing this with 2 friends. We all had our own characters we got to play as and level up. It was good times.

@MrMastaPlanna - 09.08.2023 03:14

The only issue I had with X-Men Legends 2 was the lack of characters in the roster. The first had a well enough balanced cast that may have only had like two abilities to use but works nonetheless. The fact that we couldn't use both previous and new selectable characters was a bit of a setback

@almostagod - 04.08.2023 16:09

I could never finish the psp version of this game…no matter if I played a disc version or a downloaded iso my game would freeze at the exact same spot near the end…

@Conv1cti0n - 02.08.2023 06:55

ice man sounds like the voice actor for the old spiderman series.

@phillipjones8999 - 31.07.2023 18:09

This and Ultimate Alliance 1, best ever. All crystal dynamics had to do, was build or even Bite, off these.

@Oldschool1943 - 28.07.2023 20:44

x-men legends 2 is overrated i rarely play it i prefer x-men legends 1 over 2 and it's too bad raven software the creators of x-men legends and ultimate alliance wasn't able to a trilogy to both games and no ultimate alliance 3 he Black Order does not count and it's not canon to 1& 2 on top of that it barely even have a story and it was developed by team ninja the developer's behind: dmc, ninja gaiden and doa. anyway, my point is it's just disappointing that activision threw all that away to only focus on call of duty

@thomasleongeorgerobertglad7560 - 26.07.2023 21:21

Hope X-Men Legends 1 and 2 get remakes from the ground up for the new generation to lead into a X-Men Legends 3 (for X-Men Legends 2 give us all the characters introduced in the comics before Grant Morrisons era as X-Men, taking Armour, Beak, Quintin Quire off the table but have them as NPCs protecting the mansion when it's attacked in the first game make them playable and proper X-Men in the 2nd game along with The Brotherhood in the 2nd game also give us all the characters costumes from the comics, have a mixture of couch multiplayer for that classic nostalgia issue but meld it somehow with the option of online multiplayer (maybe have settings for single player, couch multiplayer, online multiplayer and couch/online multiplayer, that way if you need reinforcements you can get more X-Men, so if your team is Cyclops, Jean, Iceman, Beast, you can call in Angel, Havok, Mimic, Polaris and Xavier if you want the full 60s team, you can make comics accurate teams, film accurate teams (plus costumes) or your own with a blend of costumes.

@jaelynhawkins1761 - 20.07.2023 10:13

Played on psp Xman was op

@mattjindrak - 18.07.2023 23:50

Somehow i completely missed these games

@MrDreadEnd - 17.07.2023 20:33

Is deadpools body yamcha posed?

@hipsterdoofus1332 - 17.07.2023 05:57

How come these ones didn’t get a ps4 release like the ultimate alliance games?

@kyngou - 17.07.2023 05:48

I overly played this game as kid. I think my main team was
Iceman (ranger character)
Gambit or Bishop (energy and movement )
Rogue (brawler and flyer)

@KINGJA92 - 16.07.2023 21:10

One remake I’d really look forward too

@MrEmmanueltorres1 - 15.07.2023 07:26

Wolverine bringing his claws out and switching to the single one lives rent free in my head.

@Dave-te5bs - 14.07.2023 07:51


@rpscorp9457 - 14.07.2023 06:15

Hmm.yeah i dont care about marvel douchbags retcons, Quicksilver and SW will always be Magnus's children.

@khuongpham6163 - 14.07.2023 05:20

Best X-men game ever !!!

@firesdust - 13.07.2023 02:27

We need an x-men legends 2023!

@pistilxgaming - 12.07.2023 19:40

1 >>>>>> 🤗

@TheFlyingV2 - 12.07.2023 19:16

I loved this game

@Phantomsbreath - 12.07.2023 13:30

Slight nitpick, but Collossus's brother is pronounced Mikh-isle. Plenthy of H in that first syllable. (Russian is as russian does)
