Halo Infinite is Fixed But MCC Situation is Worse! Is Your Data Safe? Halo News

Halo Infinite is Fixed But MCC Situation is Worse! Is Your Data Safe? Halo News


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@sprtnp19 - 08.08.2024 18:52

“We trade one villain, for another…”

@Titanos-vc6zh - 08.08.2024 18:58

Is this mostly a PC issue? Can I just turn off crossplay on Xbox and not have to worry about getting hacked?

@Spendingryan - 08.08.2024 19:04

Wait, "needle minder helmet helmet attachment can now be equipped to the air assault helmet again" I thought they already allowed that a little while ago, so they accidentally undid a change, again? I thought we were past this.

@Ricolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 08.08.2024 19:06

Not only do they have access to the server they also have access to your PC because of the anticheat having admin privileges. Therefore playing the game is completely unsafe because this opens the door to everything. Data breach, remote code execution, the works.

The anticheat isn't generally what protects the servers from being hacked. Usually it's from what we call back doors where there are places that you can inject code to allow full access. If they're using EAC to protect their servers we have really big problems.

@KC-bi9jw - 08.08.2024 19:10

I very much play this game everyday.

@LuccianoNova - 08.08.2024 19:15


@FabuBrik - 08.08.2024 19:28

No, expecting more out of Halo is not hating on it.
It's pretty sad to see the state the franchise is in, but if you're one of the few who is still okay with that, more power to ya I guess.

@ArbiterofChaos83 - 08.08.2024 19:29

When they put in more crosscore weapon coatings on this latest update, certain ones don’t work, also one of the eagle strike shoulder pads don’t come up, it’s like everytime they touch infinite something else breaks. Also if you’re on pc the easy anti cheat bug keeps popping up and you can’t start a game until you either restart or go to weapon drills and back out.

@HMC117 - 08.08.2024 19:31

I haven't played the game in well over a year or two but I still watch every video from you Mint and others! Lost but NOT forgotten haha cant wait for Halo to eventually it right again...

@gran_turismo_fan - 08.08.2024 19:32

The upper management and leadership 343i and MS have done this on purpose, they already know that halo as a franchise is sinking big time and they're milking it for all of it's worth. It's their masterplan all along to undo everything of what bungie did better and self proclaim like they're the ones who made this franchise from the ground up to which they aren't. It's time for a new developer for the halo franchise, 343i has done enough damage control and gaslighting to the halo fans and it's original creators for over a decade now.

@5446isnotmynumber - 08.08.2024 19:33

Fix custom games browser!

@michaelvaughn-walker5783 - 08.08.2024 19:39

So are these hackers on MCC also able to get your info off of your Xbox? Or is this mainly a PC issue? I only play Xbox

@FawxDaddy - 08.08.2024 19:58

Stop 👏🏼 supporting 👏🏼 343 👏🏼 and 👏🏼 Halo 👏🏼

@RealCeltySturluson - 08.08.2024 20:02

I literally don’t even play multiplayer on mcc anymore because 343 and Microsoft don’t care anymore. It’s not safe so i play campaigns over and over and I’m actually getting sick of them having done them for over a decade

@SocksFCGameArchives - 08.08.2024 20:38

I'm playing on Xbox and literally can't find games when everything was alright the day before

@doootuz - 08.08.2024 21:04

I was playing Halo infinite squad battle with eight friends last night. We kept getting easy anti-cheat authentication issues during the match where we all have to leave and then rejoin.

@sofaking1627 - 08.08.2024 21:11

RIP Halo

@derekgearlds806 - 08.08.2024 21:29

Just sucks cause MCC is about the only FPS I care to play as an adult and Microsoft/343 and other huge game studios can seem to do nothing to stop cheaters. FPS games has never had so many cheaters roam free.

@PerpetuallyTiiiiiired - 08.08.2024 21:52

Does it not seem a little weird that player numbers in halo infinite start to dwindle, MCC player numbers starts to rise and then suddenly MCC is bombarded with hacks like these? Like admin level stuff. I had encountered hackers flying around the map, sniping you when not even looking at you but it was all gameplay stuff and only here and there. But nothing like what is happening now...and look at the effect, i havent played MCC since heard about this out of fear of getting hacked. If im not mistaken Mint Blitz said his IP address was leaked when he encountered these hackers....so out of fear some pple are staying away...seems 🤨

@stormbreaker7373 - 08.08.2024 22:42

Seems like something that requires jail time if these hackers are ever caught

@CrownOverlord - 08.08.2024 23:02

This video isn’t in my subscription feed despite having all notifications on for you! Glad I found it in recommended

@freeziboi3249 - 08.08.2024 23:17

Is anyone else having that annoying ass problem with the steps on that one husky raid map with the snake statues on one side and eagle/bird thing on the other, where each have individual collision and you get stuck on the steps? Is something wrong with my game?

@JayImahara - 08.08.2024 23:18

Not like I was able to even find a match in MCC before this fiasco. Oh well

@HaloVFX - 08.08.2024 23:29

40k+ subs, Lets F'ing Go. Nice vid kevin as usual! :)

@cynicalsciguy9342 - 08.08.2024 23:41

Skipped the garbage part of the video with payloshit infinite. (Only fools,YTbers or children still support 343i)

On the MCC part, 343I has abandoned the MCC years ago and left it on autopilot (since 2022).
So no surprise to see hackers running rampant in MCC, I mean hell they mostly killed the MCC anyways when I rarely play anymore, with it taking 25 minutes to 1 hour and sometimes over 3 hours to find a single damn match made game in US(on xbox) with all game settings (all servers as well) and cross play turned on.
(Would say its udderly bullshit but its 343I so no real surprise)

343I has failed and fucked up too many times and the love for the future of franchise is dead for many people.

@Bobaluga9 - 08.08.2024 23:53

Mcc has more players, 343 should probably focus on that first...

@oscarbjorck2946 - 09.08.2024 00:55

Halo Infinite killed the franschise, I played 10 hours after release then put it down and accepted the fact. The franschise is never coming back again, they can try do dig up the corpse to rape it again bug it’s never ever going to work. It’s really sad, and even worse that people still play that casino garbage and support it

@lysanderxx1664 - 09.08.2024 01:21

My data may be safe, but Microsoft doesn’t want me to access it anymore.

I got an email saying my account has suspicious activity and was locked. Unfortunately, my 2-way verification simply cannot send the text message code to my phone. I can't change my number on my account to try a different phone, and the account recovery process (which is more cumbersome and complex than a hospital or back account recovery) only works when you do not use 1 factor (it doesn’t say that until you go through the whole process. Phone support says to use chat support, and chat support says they can't help.

So, that's it for me and Halo.

@Supr3meCommandR - 09.08.2024 01:57

Comment for the algorythm

@athan336 - 09.08.2024 02:47

infinite is far from fixed

@gtrblackhawk - 09.08.2024 04:40

Infinite is definitely not fixed. Maybe you can join a match quicker but I constantly get kicked or have latency issues more than ever.

@javierisaai - 09.08.2024 04:55

It’s important to mention, the FLEETCOM update had nothing to do with the server outages. I logged my support ticket days before the Tuesday update as I was just unable to play throughout the prior week and weekend. If anything I was expecting the update to contain A FIX but it did not…

@fazda8073 - 09.08.2024 06:12

Mcc came out with a massive ban wave today. They are now implementing hardware bans

@massid3774 - 09.08.2024 06:53

Fire 343

@DuttyDan1 - 09.08.2024 07:37

Halo infinite's server issues didn't start with the fleetcom operation, they started before that with the Microsoft crowdstrike thing. And 343 did acknowledge it a couple weeks ago. They said they were aware of it, were looking into it and urged people to report it via support ticket on halowaypoint.

@thejamesdee - 09.08.2024 11:51

It would be hilarious if someone manages to file a lawsuit against 353 Industries from the hackers on mcc because of the security breach

@Santanazation - 09.08.2024 13:52

With every update it was always like that, they fix something, they broke something

@E-w1z - 09.08.2024 19:39

it was never fixed and will never be fixed. You're literally reading the patch notes about the cosmetic fixes and wondering why all the other issues get no attention.

@East_Coast_Toasty_Boy - 10.08.2024 18:05

So it isn't just an MCC problem, this is spreading to all gaming in general.

@TheAsh56 - 12.08.2024 12:08

i need to know why cheaters in halo mcc try to kill the game
just why why just kill the game just why kill halo

is bc of SP or XP hell mix level

@vaktra - 12.08.2024 12:11

They have done it with HALO INFINITE too.

Its called MiDNiGHT.
They are very well able to do it an i know that.
Because both of the games Addresses aren't hidden well soo.

I think what 343 should do is go after MiDNiGHT and find away to hide there ingame RUNTIME addresses that allow MODDERS to make cheats.

I know this cause its very easy and pretty much anyone can do it without Any knowledge Of coding or so.

@aliensquid - 12.08.2024 21:00

I couldn’t back to MCc the moment in Infinite is too fluid!! I felt like I was never crouching and couldn’t crouch walk it felt so weird I can’t explain it 😢

@Nikzmat - 15.08.2024 11:37

I dont have to worry about this since i didnt even finish ce😂

@cheporestrepo - 15.08.2024 23:14

Halo infinite is bad af because of the delusional dirty fanboys that support 343 for everything they do and clap like trained weak seals.

Halo infinite is the only game that had 9 years of continuous developement and still has desync, terrible and mediocre maps, the worst store ever, the worst prices and no legacy modes since day 1 but added 2 years after release,
-5 years of mediocre dev
-1 extra after craig
-almost 3 since launch💀 there you go

Want a change? Stop playing the game

Crowd of halo sh1lls like hidden xperia, kevinkoolx, mint blitz, ubernick, the simp army with 0 self love nor criteria.

Thats why 20 M people left halo infinite within weeks before y’all delusional blind slav3s quit this sht. We have self love, y’all, dont

Enjoy your 10 years of HalO iNfiNitrAsh!💀😭 y’all dont deserve any less than what youre getting from 343:

@tbonebrutus7299 - 28.08.2024 03:33

Any latest videos on fastest way to rank up in halo infinite or mcc ? 😊

@Sara-lo9cc - 04.09.2024 08:04

Plot twist, its Microsoft employees doing this shit.

@Fatliberal94 - 27.11.2024 11:13

I cant find any games for mcc

@connormcgregor4578 - 19.01.2025 23:33

Tylenul cheats on his stream, and my videos prove it.

@KevinKoolx - 08.08.2024 19:01

Are you going to play Halo MCC or wait until this hacking issue is resolved?
