Jordan Peterson - Use your eyes to overcome social anxiety

Jordan Peterson - Use your eyes to overcome social anxiety

The Wisdom Wire

3 года назад

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@tylerdurden4483 - 11.11.2023 14:46

It's like this video was made just especially for me.. and I love him for it

@kimlisa1810 - 17.10.2023 14:53

Ty that helped me

@lindinle - 21.03.2023 06:33

If its friends then the gathering is ok. But if not. Then it isnt. Its full of unkowns.

@roseisanartistist - 16.01.2023 04:43

How? That's my question, how do u just.. Lock eyes w someone whenever I try if they even blink I feel like I need stop staring, stop being weird and looking at them. Just. Idek what I should do. A problem I have no is non of my 'friends' understand because I could only talk to them because they had confidence, I could lock eyes w them n have a full convo ofc not the first time but idk they just arent that type of ppl bc when i see that type of ppl, ppl like ME I just like " great so now we're BOTH stuck.." like in school when they say if u get stuck ask ur partner but neither of u knows the answer so it's like great but now we're both stuck and we have no one to ask for help to bc we were ment to ask each other idek how ppl r do confident like that every day.. It's honestly astounding for me

@fsh2020 - 01.01.2023 15:52

I love your videos and you were right I did the same thing as you said I felt more light and I made a lots of friends thank you for your advice

@gamsty8433 - 29.12.2022 17:51

I really can't look someone's eyes something else comes to my mind😞

@John-thinks - 14.12.2022 08:00

"Listen to your enemy, because maybe they will tell you something that is true" -- I can just imagine now the communist that introduced JP to like juice cleanses or smoothies or some shit

@onthemarkhistory2436 - 05.12.2022 12:35

what science wow

@onthemarkhistory2436 - 05.12.2022 12:34

if they wanna be the cool dude why not 😎

@onthemarkhistory2436 - 05.12.2022 12:34

no one is forcing to brand dude you can look fine without doing much

@onthemarkhistory2436 - 05.12.2022 12:33

some ppl like to look at ppls styles dude too

@onthemarkhistory2436 - 05.12.2022 12:32

okay so someone doesn’t like to paint with a brush dude i get that

i know cause i chose not too since like 5th grade i’m fine with it it’s cool when they do it man

@ningen1980 - 19.10.2022 04:14

You're 100% wrong in your theory. Social anxiety is a part of empathy.

@gabrielguzman6018 - 09.10.2022 08:55

Idk I use eye contact and people fidget or look away

@salomonsarmiento6274 - 27.09.2022 03:36

When I go to the gym I get extremely anxious, especially when there are too many people. I found out that when I look people in the eyes I get more comfortable ( probably internally I realize no one is actually judging me)

@Christian12650 - 28.08.2022 09:28

I feel some in my eyes like when I try to sleep feel like someone’s going hit me in the eyes and It feels so bad I can’t even keep them close

@marcgruberlopez8458 - 20.08.2022 01:44

I'm still virgin with 22 because my socially anxious and my poor social habilites skills. How I change this? Sometimes I hate myself and my autism. (Sorry from my English I'm from Spain😅)

@foreskinpolice - 30.07.2022 09:22

Is he on crack loll

@proanimaluver6487 - 21.07.2022 15:01

Jesus can ease anxiety

@derellroswell7776 - 30.06.2022 13:48

If you don't have social anxiety or personality don't comment on this, this is for people like me can't go outside because I feel like people talking about me, focus on me have me on their mind, if everybody doing their own shit why do I feel like everytime I am in people presence they staring or mad like I did something to them, people would never know and I know similar people like me go thru those things they have no idea how hard this his

@ebadurrahman797 - 28.06.2022 18:39

I tried my best in my life to overcome this problem but I'm losing hope that i can't get over this 😔 I'm hoping that death is good .

@freezyourit - 08.06.2022 20:49

I'm socially anxious because I'm comfortable being myself. Most parties, or social situations require a little acting, which I can do well, if the moment arises.
The problem is I relax too much and work the party well. It takes the energy out of me. Thing is I end up into these deep conversations, get alot of positive feedback. I'm tired of performing and a person insists on conversing on making fun of others, plastic talk and just having to laugh in some sort of agreement or approval of what this person is saying. I can work wonders in these settings, but if the context goes to demeaning others, it's hard. Usually, the first person I engage with loves the attention and feedback I give them. Then they want me tag along all evening. If I excuse myself to engage someone else, then the first person changes, as if I left their wonderful company. This causes me anxiety. Like what should I do? Stay and comfort this one human being. The cycle repeats.
I'm so tired, is this what I have to do?

@Michelle_gonzalez222 - 08.05.2022 18:10

I agteee with this

@ForgedTony - 26.04.2022 21:36

My social anxiaty is looking at womens clevages. I had porn addiction and am slowly trying to change, but clevage is the thing i feel like im always staring at.

@kinginferno2664 - 05.04.2022 06:31

I tried and failed I can't look people in the eyes

@victorianeastender - 02.04.2022 17:53

How would you know if you need behavioral therapy? Thank you:)

@dhruboshahriar3959 - 22.03.2022 15:10

Where should i look between the eyes ( at the bridge of nose) or just at one eye while having normal conversation. I am so confused 😭

@TheLucky994 - 20.02.2022 00:03

This doesn't work because if you look at them, it will seem like you are somebody who stares (and you can be alone so it's stupid). And if you want to look at them you need to have high confidence to keep looking at them. If you do, it will seem like you are challenging someone. If you are like me, you don' t have confidence for eye contact even with close people. So it may be better to mind your own business, drink beer and speak with close friend. We should not care what others are thinking.

@portlandrestaurants - 14.11.2021 19:58

I am INFJ and have so much trouble looking at people I don't know. I have trained myself to over many years though.

@alpinisme07 - 19.09.2021 09:36

thank you professor, that was very interesting..

@0oohnegative - 12.09.2021 00:10

As a woman going into a social situation I am anxious about being sexualized, not being lower down on the dominance hierarchy/sexual select hierarchy.

@Finance_Hub0 - 04.09.2021 16:17

My brain is so stupid that I can stop thinking of a white elephant when ppl say it

@garettclement6671 - 18.08.2021 01:07

Hi, what application do you use t create these videos? Kindly lemme know

@arnolddean5754 - 15.05.2021 11:53

This is great

@ncp3077 - 02.05.2021 14:57

But how long do you look at them, I find I cant look people in their eyes and hold conversations.

@raernian6026 - 23.04.2021 04:23

I zone out every time he says white elephant and ironically do not imagine a white elephant bc I don't hear it until I come back and hear him repeating it. Also it takes some effort to imagine a white elephant the first time around.

@paulrath7764 - 20.04.2021 06:49

I’m at that party and thinking: can I have one of those burgers on the grill?

@heusker - 19.04.2021 06:02

This doesn't work at all for me. Looking at people?

@yourrelaxationgenie - 10.04.2021 15:53

Who is doing this animation - the drawings? Is this software of some sort or is it a person who was hired to do this - can you send me a link to their site? Thanks.

@loxarloxi4958 - 08.04.2021 14:00

im so tired of reading shit like "nobody cares about you, everyone just cares about themselves." thats a fucking lie.
i always judge other people. other people also judge everyone around them. thats something everyone does. your goal is to stop caring, instead of lying to yourself.
accept the truth. everyone is judging you. everyone always will. to tell yourself otherwise, only builds an ignorant and wrong perception of this world and every human.
to judge others is human. to not judge is beyond human and your goal should be to be this one person that doesnt judge others.

@permanentlydisappointed6594 - 27.03.2021 04:29

I'm very much an introvert and haven't had the best luck in life, I have trouble dealing with people and can't deal with groups. But I CAN if I can help others with something, something they specifically turn to me for. Then I have something to aim for, to think about and a problem to solve giving me no time to think about my issues. But I can only do that for so long before I break down and just deflate into mind chaos.

@monsoon410 - 16.03.2021 22:08

Most people don’t need behavior therapy. They need f**king advice from someone or something they trust. Wanting to be ready is 75% of the fight. Change: “It’s rough. Doesn’t matter. Life is rough.”

@aureycox7990 - 01.03.2021 23:36

I wish I’d heard this before high school lol o was so awkward because I had no idea about how to perceive people or talk to them

@theSPUK901 - 21.02.2021 10:09

“Life is rough.” What? Thanks but I knew that, that’s why I’m here. This video should be cut, because the last part isn’t helpful

@Salamander676 - 21.02.2021 06:30

Let’s talk about Epstein

@josedelcid2508 - 20.02.2021 08:30

Sexual Success

@Annelies022 - 19.02.2021 00:11

I feel like this doesnt work for me at all, I like to think that I'm pretty social in the right groups, I talk and make eye contact and all that stuff. I'm not socially awkward, being social in (big groups particularly) just makes me anxious.
