Surviving the Suicide of Someone You Love | Timothy Mantooth | TEDxSavannah

Surviving the Suicide of Someone You Love | Timothy Mantooth | TEDxSavannah

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Shandra Morris
Shandra Morris - 06.11.2023 20:31

My husband died same way as the man in this video, summer of 2022. I found him. I will never forget that moment, and I will always feel the deepest sadness realizing he felt so low. I miss him terribly, but I’m grateful he no longer lives in the deepest sadness.

Poppy Chiquita
Poppy Chiquita - 18.10.2023 21:31

Lost my big sister in February. The pain and confusion is intense

Greta Pe
Greta Pe - 15.10.2023 22:10

A friend of our friend group commited a wweek ago. I just cannot comprehend him being gone. He was just 25. J, youll always be missed.

Chenara Seepersad
Chenara Seepersad - 13.10.2023 04:23

I found my husband last week deceased in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor. I miss him so much I feel intense feelings of sadness grief depression desperation. I can’t believe he’s gone…

Pepe Pupu
Pepe Pupu - 08.10.2023 04:47

Well, yeah - one “survives” another person’s death, because one isn’t the person who’d done the dying.

lollipopsi - 05.10.2023 23:20

Today in school a boy commited suicide by jumping of the window.
I didn't even know him that good, we just talked sometimes but today something happened inside of me.
I don't know how to explain it but I cried becouse you couldn't tell what was going on in his life, I feel so sorry for him that his life was so miserable that the only way to handle that was by killing himself.
He was only 17 he had his whole life infront of him.

John Etter
John Etter - 23.09.2023 07:21

My grandfather committed suicide in the taxi cab he drove for 35 years. That was in '77 and I wasn't born until '79. I was named after him. He was a great man who was loved by many. It effected my mother and her three sisters greatly for many years. RIP John Kriner

DJ's Real Talk
DJ's Real Talk - 18.09.2023 02:51

My neighbor committed suicide on Friday and her kids found her. I cut her down in front of them while calling the cops. I don’t know how to feel right now. Never thought I’d be in that position. I don’t know what to do

Gerrit Taylor
Gerrit Taylor - 15.09.2023 05:15

Lost my brother September 12th 2023 I’ll never understand

Shan Mitch
Shan Mitch - 13.09.2023 03:39

I lost my husband may 1 2023 to suicide and I don’t think I will ever heal I wish I could talk to him let him know everything is going be okay before he took his life he thought he killed me and said he didn’t want to go back to jail we have 5 beautiful children he was abusive but I also had some good times with him he was a provider he loved me and his kids a lot but he was also controlling and I couldn’t handle it any longer but this grief I’m going through is so hard I pray one day I’m able to heal from this trauma the image of his face Oo god my dear husband your wifey will forever love you miss you a lot please send me a message help me heal because I’m so depressed I keep telling myself I cause this but mental illness you couldn’t control any longer may you rest in peace 😭😭

Inter-Vertex Association - Education Committee
Inter-Vertex Association - Education Committee - 23.08.2023 17:00

I’m currently waiting for my friend to text back. It’s the only way I will be able to know if he is still alive. He texted me bye late at night, and I tried to keep him texting but soon he stopped. It’s the next morning and I can only pray that he is still alive.

Paul21 - 22.08.2023 23:10

I lost an aunty to suicide 18 years ago this past May when I was 11, I never really processed it at the time and wasn’t made aware of the circumstances of her death until I was much older. It still affects me to this day and I still get that pit in my stomach thinking about it, she was such a kind, caring person who loved having me and my siblings/cousins around. The rest of my family tried to make family gatherings happy and fun afterwards but there was always something lingering in the background, things just weren’t the same without her and my uncle(her husband) around. I just wish she could have done more to reach out for help.

Shirbear - 20.08.2023 17:18

My friend killed himself and I just found out recently. We grew up together and fell in love when we were kids but got distant. I still would check in, and I planned to check in with him but I’m too late. He’s gone. Suicide brings a different level of pain and what ifs. I just wish I was a little sooner. And I’m torn apart that I’ll never get to tell him what he meant to me and how I’ve grown. Man do I wish everyone in this comment section gets to see the person they’ve lost in another lifetime. I’m sorry this lifetime wasn’t too kind to us.

J s
J s - 06.08.2023 22:53

I dont think suicides of the elderly hurt to the same degree of imagined loss that comes with youthful suicidw

Hailey H.
Hailey H. - 10.07.2023 12:08

my fiancé just committed suicide this morning and died and then was brought back to life and i am unable to describe my emotions besides the most hurt i’ve ever felt in my life. his dads been abusing him and it’s been a lot on him and i’m still waiting to talk to him, he can’t really speak and he’s not in good shape. please keep me in your prayers.

Alaa Batarseh
Alaa Batarseh - 02.07.2023 15:26

reading the comments with so much sadness for the travesty in the world, and most of those people could be alive just if they reach out for help. anyways I reach that point of helpless and hopeless, my Ex-fiancée tried to give me all the love I need but it seems nothing proved successful, I can Imagine the pain they lived in but what I know, there is always hope if we want that, Now I am full of gratitude for being exist and for myself. because I wanted that.. I never lose.
and sorry for the people who lose their loved

Naveah Queen
Naveah Queen - 17.06.2023 20:04

I lost my daddy this morning,
I can’t believe he’s gone I can’t process it at all. It just hurts

Life in Delhi@180°
Life in Delhi@180° - 14.06.2023 22:35

My brother committed suicide on 25 April 2023. He was about to turn 18 on 6 July 2023.

He was the younger one and we were only two.
I don't know how to get over it

Ian Barker
Ian Barker - 30.05.2023 20:47

“I don’t like these types of lectural talks of suicide, because the ones who are still alive seem to lecture and talk about themselves on the true meaning of being alive….instead of speaking more profoundly of the ones who made a decision, that you’ll never make in your lifetime…”-ib😈🌬

Fairuz Kagui
Fairuz Kagui - 16.05.2023 11:04

thank you

Indrajit Majumdar
Indrajit Majumdar - 13.05.2023 14:03

My mentor and Hero is also dead 3rd of may 2023 by suicide

jbfreshh - 06.05.2023 04:18

I just lost my mother yesterday morning, came here for some sort of hope and light. how do you move on? how do you cope?

Robbie Anderson
Robbie Anderson - 23.04.2023 23:32

I lost my son to suicide last year, the pain indescribable, some say selfish as they’re not in pain anymore, they leave an incredible amount of pain behind, guilt, anger, resentment, and so many more emotions, people should never choose this path, if you TRULY love your loved ones like you say you WOULD’NT do this to them!

Lexi - 22.04.2023 18:06

My friend killed herself yesterday. I don’t think i can get over this and i desperately want to be angry at her for leaving us, but it’s not her fault. She went to a boarding school that i still go to, and it’s their fault. They knew she had depression and didn’t care

Lexi - 11.04.2023 21:55

My mom committed suicide on August 19, 2022. We were in no contact for the previous year and a half before she died. I have this unspeakable pain, I cannot explain it.

Naethan Giritharan
Naethan Giritharan - 10.04.2023 23:19

Abynaya, I wish I met you earlier

Regina - 10.04.2023 09:10

Just lost my uncle. I wish I would’ve visited more.

Jane Joseph
Jane Joseph - 03.04.2023 15:12

My son tried to kill himself after we had an argument on Sunday just gone . I never thought he was that far in a dark place. I don’t what to do from now.

baby the bunny
baby the bunny - 16.03.2023 22:53

my gf's brother killed himself, I never met him but I just want to comprehend her better

Nyko Ezekiel
Nyko Ezekiel - 05.03.2023 08:40

I just recently lost a friend in January of this year and I’ve never felt so disturbed in my life. The sadness is deep and when I think of him all I hear is a deafening silence. I have so many regrets of not reaching out to him more and being a better friend. I’m still in disbelief and feel like this feeling is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

Will - 20.02.2023 02:52

My big brother ended his life on his birthday this year, 21/01/2023. I always looked up to him and he was loved. So much so that he was given the nick name, Smiler.
I miss him. I can't help but think I should've been there with him. He knew I was coming to see him that day, maybe he wanted to be found? So many questions, so much pain. I've started drinking again after being sober for a few months. My mind is loud with a million thoughts but I can't focus on any single one long enough for to work it out.
My girlfriend has moved back to her dad's because my drinking is affecting her.
I beg anyone thinking about ending it to reconsider and speak to someone.
There's no way for you to know how your suicide will affect those you love

Abi Ward
Abi Ward - 09.02.2023 01:12

My coworker committed suicide today. She was so amazing. She was the strongest person I will ever know and no one will ever fill the void she left. Her boyfriend found her in the house they were moving out of due to their separation. My boss got the call today and we closed the store. Tell your coworkers you love them. Be grateful for life. Please. It's so hard losing someone so strong, so amazing, so passionate. She's gone. She hung herself. I wish I would have told her I loved her just one more time. I don't want to believe this. I can't get the image out of my head. What she must have looked like. I'm sorry, Anna. I'm sorry we couldn't help you. I hope you are at peace.

Silv - 05.02.2023 05:34

An hour ago I got the’s like I’ve been pushed into a vat of depression.I miss him so much it’s unbearable.

Jenna Keller
Jenna Keller - 05.02.2023 05:19

I lost my Uncle, who was a police officer for 32 years, to suicide on December 31st, 2022. It is so extremely difficult.

Witness - 15.01.2023 10:20

My best friend took his life a few days ago by gunshot to the head. Was with him the day before it happened. Wondering where I went wrong :(

Halliday - 01.01.2023 02:04

Thank you. My brother took his life on his birthday last year and I’m having a hard time finding people who can understand the relentless pain.

Batman - 24.12.2022 10:53

My best friend committed suicide infront of me I’m still traumatised till this day.

Teresa Snook
Teresa Snook - 15.12.2022 07:38

I just lost my husband of 30 years to suicide five days ago...i just don't know how to cope and go on

DJ Batman
DJ Batman - 05.12.2022 12:31

From 2004 to 2018 I've lost 7 people to suicide my mother was the first I lost in 2004 two years after losing her mom my Nana to level 4 cancer and the last was my soulmate in 2018 and 5 friends in between mentally it only made it harder to deal with and two years after losing my soulmate I had to put my cat down from cancer and it now the hardest for me I have no one left for me and I'm all alone and I don't know what to do anymore

Kirk Clearidge
Kirk Clearidge - 21.11.2022 06:35

I lost my cousin to suicide in September 2010 caught his girlfriend cheating on him with another guy the shock of it must of what set him off and I went down a very dark path for 2 years , guilt , confusion, sorrow , regret it affected my entire family for nearly a decade what I didn't realize was in 2016 my cousin's girlfriend took her own life in July 2016 she couldn't bare to forgive herself for her own actions her family her friends everyone close to her abandoned her due to the cheating and death was her only way out . Word of advice infidelity in a relationship is a bad decision the cheater will suffer as well as everyone else please dont cheat on your partner if your not happy in a relationship end it on good terms

J vG
J vG - 20.11.2022 22:30

Please don't blame yourself if this has happened to you. It's an illness that many people can't control and which influences all their thoughts and decisions. It's a fight against an enemy that knows every weakness and uses them against you without mercy. It's a fight you can't escape and that draws all your energy. No matter what you'll try, you're going to make huge losses. It forces you to isolate yourself, when you desperately need the company of others. It keeps you from asking for help, even if you know you could get it. In the worst phases, it occupies every thought in your head and lets you forget everything you have and everything you're going to lose. It's an extreme mental pain, and you just want it to stop. I can't justify if someone makes that decision, I just want you to know that it's often beyond our control what happened.

Samantha Fall
Samantha Fall - 07.11.2022 18:57

Lost my husband on Oct. 13, 2022 - we were in the process of divorcing after he became physical after going off meds, but we fought his depression for over six years. I tried everything to get him help...EMDR therapy to heal childhood traumas, psych evals, on meds but he would go off randomly, men's retreats, etc....Sometimes no matter what we do, that disease/illness is so strong. I hope all of you are healing and taking time to be kind to yourselves as we mourn. I'm trying to keep it together for our six year old son <3 I think the worst has been dealing with his family's blame...they weren't aware of his battle with a persistent depressive disorder nor that he got physical. They told me not to come to the memorial, so our son and I had our own beautiful memorial. People die from depression, just as they do from is a disease and I have to keep reminding myself of that otherwise the sadness is just too much to hold.

mim.r - 05.11.2022 16:39

I experienced the same extreme traumatic words can describe that

MadiMc - 05.11.2022 11:20

My Dad, who I was very close to, committed suicide when I was still living at home. I found him. I dealt with everything and after the paramedics took him away I woke up my family members one at a time and told them what had happened. My brain and heart broke that morning. I kept living, but as a completely different person. My life and entire being is like that Japanese broken pottery art. There is no hiding the damage, so I try to make it useful and beautiful where I can. But there is no hiding what I am. Broken and repaired inside, it’s nice when people can overlook the scars.

We see each other.

Soul-Centered Age
Soul-Centered Age - 01.11.2022 01:32

my fiancé committed suicide in 2015 and I just can't get through the grief - someday i'm not so bad, but other days I can't function. we were together since 1990 and finally decided to tie the knot - he went through some tough times at work and i knew he had tried this before in 1992 - but i never thought he still had it on his mind. now i know that he was suffering from bipolar disorder but he was so productive it has hard to "label" him.

Randy Woodworth
Randy Woodworth - 31.10.2022 00:13

I lost two friends to suicide, we grow up together, more than 20 years of memories, I think about them everyday.

Rodolfo Huncho
Rodolfo Huncho - 25.10.2022 19:56

I lost my lil brother my best friend this year on march 11 since then I been so depressed and lost I miss him words can’t describe wish my brother could have meant his nephew 💔

KindaJustWanna_Splat - 22.10.2022 04:27

Finn, I am so sorry. I miss you so much.

EK - 21.10.2022 03:01

These comments let me know that I’m not alone… lost my brother to suicide 2 weeks ago. I feel so empty, lost, heartbroken, he was my best friend.. my only sibling.
😢 please pray for me and my parents, we are so traumatized and so empty now
