The burger king is a handsome man though
ОтветитьIf a guy with 300 hours is new in scared of what i am with 12 hours
ОтветитьI’ve recently only been toxic to a killer who was tunneling my girlfriend, even still I don’t wish people death or to have cancer, that’s just not cool for people to say
ОтветитьSome people take gaming way too seriously. You have ppl who are in silver ranks cursing and screaming at people for not being better and bringing them down, like bro its not that serious. Your whole value isnt a rank in a game. Its just a game, enjoy it and have fun. Some people say the only way I have fun is by winning, and to those people I say you got issues brother.
Ответить“I bet your kids look like victor” is wild
ОтветитьJust tell them to cry more and ignore them. Those types of people do it cause they’re desperate for attention.
ОтветитьGod this is why video games were better in 90s none of this online bulling sh!t because you lost a game to get people banned move on and get a life
ОтветитьThis is why I don't play DbD because of toxic crap like this. Perhaps play with friends and only that.
ОтветитьSomeone wished me death because i’m over 30 and gaming idk am i supposed to die for having hobbies after 30? 😂 weird people everywhere.
ОтветитьNgl i might check this dude out now
ОтветитьMan this makes me wanna reinstall DBD and play Knight or Skully again xD
Ответитьim gonna try dbd im kinda nervous cause im special needs 😊😊😊
Ответить❤❤❤spooky such a sweet person
ОтветитьThe fact that anyone is surprised by their insults or attitude after losing is what's wild to me. At this point, getting post game chat abuse from people who legitimately think they are absolte pros at a game yet still keep losing is so prevalent that it's a feature of the game. The worst part about this game is the community.
ОтветитьI actually found this video by searching for "dbd toxic killer" lol
ОтветитьHad a similar experience a couple of days ago where I was playing wesker on midwich and a David kept just camping by pallets and dropping them anytime he could, now I had fire up and brutal strength so I just ate the pallets and eventually got him out.
And at the end he just kept calling me a baby killer for not playing around the loops and I was like
“yea I mean u dropped half the pallets at 5 gens maybe I am a baby for breaking them instead of looping”
All he said was “nice mentality” and then left.
There’s no point in arguing with literal brain damage
You should expose the toxic ones, because how can we know who is who to ignore
ОтветитьNah, it's not called: "I lost to you so i'm gonna go into your chat and call you bad even though you beat me" Let's make it Smooth, yeah? I mean yours is Just too long and sounds unofficial. From now on It's called: "Yes, I lost. But I convinced myself that i did not actually lose"
P.S. No offense i was Just trying to joke around.
P.S.S. The "Yes, I lost. (...)" Is borrowed from AbsolutePixel
i like to go into twitch streamers chat after and say gg :D i love when twitch streamers can stream their reactions cause its better than me. I can't deal with most lobbies but mad respect to the happy streamers who can just enjoy the game
ОтветитьRusty is an amazing person and handled that well he put that mad child in his place, people telling someone to get cancer actually dont need a therapist but going to the mental hospital instead
Ответитьyay Germany mentioned :)
ОтветитьWhat is a ttv ?
ОтветитьI had a guy come into my stream today and threw a hissy fit because he got mori'd without any hooks. He told me he was 46 and had 13,000 hours in the game like it was a brag. Spent almost 15 minutes in my chat trying to convince me that I need to always let the last person have hatch and calling me toxic.
Ответитьoch ne this is even a german streamer ach muss das ? xD
ОтветитьIt’s rare that I don’t get a start game DC when I play pinhead, just saying. They hear the bells and they’re done.
ОтветитьAs much as I love this game and wanted to try and play it for so long since 2018, holy hell the community is so petty and entitled.
ОтветитьDead by daylight players cannot fathom the next game lol
ОтветитьThis is just so sad. It's just a game. You win some, you lose some. I had a streamer last night say that i put out fat energy only because she couldnt get a pallet flashlight save on me when I was knocked down. It was disgusting.
ОтветитьThey act like looking like the Burger King is a bad thing.
Ответитьcould have ban him tbh
ОтветитьAre you trying to steal spookyloops name by doing something similar?
ОтветитьI'm showing my age here, I just know it, but "only" 300 hours in a game is crazy. like, I think I popped 300 hours myself recently, and I've had this game for years.
Ответитьhes so cutie too omg
ОтветитьI love this game and all, but good lord this community is one of the most immature, toxic, smelly, entitled and bipolar fanbases i have ever in a video game, some people that play this game really need to touch grass and get a job.
ОтветитьThis dude is not even 20 and is more mature than so many tbagging manchildren I've encountered in dbd community. Great dude, :D
ОтветитьDamn, I wish I could be as chill as this Rusty guy.
ОтветитьIts about ego
Ответитьngl some people like this TTV dude are mentally ill ngl
Ответитьit's crazy i played the game again with 1 year break almost
i had 5 games and the one i lost (others were 4k's) they told my nice hacks 😂😂
i played nurse and i was bad
it was my main before and i was very good tbh but i got rusty af and messed up
I play a lot of games and when I lose I might trash talk in game but I just let it go and move on to the next it's only a game so why fret
Ответить❤❤Jesus can give you happiness Hey I don't know how to describe you how much happiness Jesus can give you except saying that that is a very promise of God himself that he would never leave nor forced us and that he would be with us through every trial and tribulation in every difficulty I just wanted to say jesus loves you he's changed my life and all the better he can change yours to because he loves you and died for your sins come to him and be saved and experience his love he'll always be by your side embrace christ as he wishes to know you god bless You are valuable and your life does have a purpose God made you perfectly in his image and he is a plan for your life Jesus loves you john 3:16 fear THE lord he died for your sins so that whoever believe in him will not perish but have eternal life and escape hell no one will enter heaven by living a good life but though true faith in him we will be saved We've all sinned and deserve hell but jesus paid the pricePLEASE PRAY THIS PRAYER FORM THE HEART AND TRLUY MEAN IT AND YOULL BE SAVED Prayer for giving your life to Christ Lord I recognise I am a sinner In need of the Savoir And I trust in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Who is God come in human form to die for my sins And I confess my sins to you Asking for forgiveness Asking that you would make me a new creation and fill me with the Holy Spirit Lord I want to live for you from this Day forward Asking you would guide me To live and follow your commandments So I trust you Lord in Your life death and resurrection from this Day forward In Jesus name Amen
ОтветитьThe best way to deal with such moron is to not answer them.
If people are so frustrated that they can't even understand that it's a game and that a game is to have fun; there is nothing to do.
Those kind of people will only have sadness and stress in their life and they kind of deserve it.
I'm nurse main with more than 3 k hours in this game, so i almost always hook everyone twice before 3 gens are done.
So i never need to tunnel or play dirty, in fact, when i see that players are pretty new to the game, i scare them the most i can and most of the time, i let them go.
This way they have fear and tension (which is what we are searching with this game) and a happy end.
Lot of players told me in end game chat that it was the best match they had since long time.
But when i encounter bullies, i have no pity and always got the same reaction in chat (hope i die of cancer, etc...)
I often answer : Bro !! I'm so happy to see you mad like that! :D your anger is feeding me of joy! Hope you will have a good life. bye.
Idk how people are tolerable with others who say "go kill yourself" even if it is a joke. Like that is some deep rooted problems to tell someone to end their life. It's sad
ОтветитьThe Burger King is a Trickster main confirmed?
ОтветитьI got like 20 hours on this game and still get harrased in dms by people that. Got like 1k 💀