China's Making x86 Processors, But Does It Matter?

China's Making x86 Processors, But Does It Matter?


2 года назад

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Nickson Pinto
Nickson Pinto - 17.09.2023 18:05

I wish they could build chips for the pga sockets witth reverse compatibility.

Matt Starbase
Matt Starbase - 17.09.2023 06:00

And now, reports of them being so faulty to not even buy them anymore. Military and non-military.

Matthew Suffidy
Matthew Suffidy - 13.09.2023 04:58

I'm pretty sure x86 opcodes are pretty well documented in terms of affected registers etc per clock cycle, so I don't see why you can't just make your own that does the same thing...

Rixtronix LAB
Rixtronix LAB - 08.09.2023 03:24

Nice video shot, thanks for sharing with us, well done :)

OpenGL4ever - 15.07.2023 00:02

So Zhaxoin is producing Cyrix (VIA) processors?

TheHvk - 03.07.2023 10:34

Excellent video Asianometry. Great summary on what happened and how we got here.

leqiaop1 - 02.07.2023 16:47

It is better than "nothing" and can do the most import of stuff, like keeping chinese infrastructure and military equipments running.

rootbeer666 - 25.06.2023 08:26

The Soviet Union is ahead of them... By like 30 years. (The 8086/8088 clones 😆)

Andrew Roberts
Andrew Roberts - 21.06.2023 14:07

The TWENTY YEAR patent terms on Intel's, 1978, x86 architecture, started to expire in 1999, the patents on Intel's, 1997, MMX extensions will have expired in 2018, the patents on AMD's, 1999, x64 architecture started to enter the public domain in 2020, the patents on Intel's, 2000, SSE2 extensions in 2021, Intel's 2004, SSE3 extensions from 2025, Intel's, 2005, VT-x virtualisation from 2026, Intel's, 2006, SSE4, 4a, 4.1, 4.2 extensions from 2027.

No innovation, and a corporation with asset sweating accountants for CEO's, could result in anyone, anywhere, with the desire, brains, and resources to make a licence free copy of the corporations past inventions, free to do so two decades later. You could today pester a few fabs to see if any is happy to churn out and package in a Socket 754 compatible form, functionally identical AMD K8 clones (AMD x64), without violating a single patent. At the same time have the fab knock out some clones of a 2002, DirectX 9, graphics card, along with some 2003 DDR2 SDRAM, and you'll likely tick the boxes for a Windows 10 install, without having to licence any technology.

FreemonSandlewould - 18.06.2023 23:55

Made in Taiwan is same as made in USA.... ROFLMAO - that's not going to work unfortunately.

Taskmaster - 17.06.2023 19:23

it does matter ,in the short run,but with intel,amd and such switching to 64,well...

Justin Dressler
Justin Dressler - 02.06.2023 08:02

Intel is looking at scraping the x86 instruction set. They probably want to close the door on China. It wouldn't surprise me that Microsoft and many other key software vendors would recompile for Intel's new instruction set. China should avoid using any closed source tech.

MrTweetyhack - 02.06.2023 05:56

steal their way to success

supriadi Ramlan
supriadi Ramlan - 30.05.2023 04:55

competition always matter :P
how intel still selling celeron n4020 tell something abt there is room in the market

Hank - 29.05.2023 22:04

Purchase, reverse engineer, renege on agreements. The ChiComs do this to the Russians as well.

Thanh Le Phuong
Thanh Le Phuong - 27.05.2023 17:45


Sylar - 14.05.2023 23:59

Not when it’s just a cleaned and engraved P3 cpu….

The Owl Guy
The Owl Guy - 15.03.2023 01:45

Trump was right. China is nothing but tech thieves.

tyson hughes
tyson hughes - 09.03.2023 07:08

The ISA of x86 is now free to license, however it is not just x86 that make pc work......despite x64 patent is also expiring in this year(2023, 25 years after AMD initially patented x64 in 1998) it is very unusable if it does have any feature that come with modern processor. As the industry increasingly adapting AVX instruction in software use and the complexity of hardware design would surely rendering having Instruction of x86 become pointless. Making zhaoxin cpu literally garbage that is even slower than iphone 7

majic weather
majic weather - 02.03.2023 02:28

The Uyghur "genocide " myth was created by the U.S state department. There's no actual evidence for any of the claims.
What we do scientifically, quantifiably, irrefutably do know , however, as a matter of fact, is the US and it's western empire allies are the biggest terrorists in human history, with a track record you can verify through out classic and modern history.
The West has absolute zero moral authority or credibility.

Brett Hildebrand
Brett Hildebrand - 20.02.2023 07:23


Jim Jackson
Jim Jackson - 25.01.2023 12:43

So how much longer before an AI develops an instruction set which leaves x86 in the dust?

Jim Jackson
Jim Jackson - 25.01.2023 12:38

Inadvertent technology transfers.I like that sentence and can there be a technology transfer which doesn’t potentially have an inadvertent aspect?I have to think probably not.

Jim Jackson
Jim Jackson - 25.01.2023 12:34

I had a cyrix 486 knockoff back in the mid 90’s. It worked great and was much cheaper than an intel 486.

Marcelino Guarnero
Marcelino Guarnero - 25.01.2023 00:06

Chinese CPUs probly have Spyware built in it. and to collect info from Americans and others.

Doggeslife - 22.01.2023 03:53

The 6502 was the first desktop microprocessor I ever used. It was i the Pple 2 and the Commodore VIC-20, both of which I had experience with before getting an old 80286 in the shop in the early 1990s. The DX486 was the go-to machine at that time.

Sean Hunt
Sean Hunt - 04.01.2023 07:19

It was a ploy to make them put crapy chips in their military equiptment so they woukd be unreliable. As for chinese x86 good luck to them, nothing wrong with trying to make thermir own version, apple does worse

Leigh Brown
Leigh Brown - 01.01.2023 05:30

If I could I would buy Australian made since I can’t I buy American when I can and if the only option is Chinese I go with out I refuse to support any country/ government that is as evil as China is, then I prefer to show my discontent with how I spend my money !

v8pilot - 07.11.2022 14:43

In the 1970's I had to do some assembly language programming. I was appalled at the ugliness of the 8086 architecture and impressed by the elegance of the Motorola 6800/68000 architecture. It always surprised me that the 86 architecture survived and prospered despite its ugliness.

John Gordon
John Gordon - 28.10.2022 07:49

Hygon seems to be making weak versions of Microsoft laptops that run Microsoft software but can’t run servers or high level programs.

ephoenix7 - 25.10.2022 09:37

Competition breeds lower prices and innovation

Edward135i - 20.10.2022 08:53

I wish China would start pumping out GPU's

Eleina Edelweiss
Eleina Edelweiss - 10.10.2022 12:20

Honestly x86 probably would lose to ARM chipset.

MaverickBlue - 09.10.2022 02:09

Better to buy cheap used chips in north america than to buy underperforming chinese chips with zero support. Comparable used chips are around the same price as new chinese ones, and are probably available locally without any shipping costs on whatever buy/sell/trade website is popular in your town or city.

Bernt Steinmetz
Bernt Steinmetz - 08.10.2022 20:31

thank you very much for speaking so perfectly understandable in your great videos !

Poopin Finoopin
Poopin Finoopin - 05.10.2022 19:39

china ain't gonna succeed or by the time they succeed in 30 years, it won't matter. they don't have an innovative gene in their body nor the ability to do anything with any standard of quality. their solutions will be highly buggy and low quality for a while.

Mads Madsen
Mads Madsen - 14.09.2022 16:33

Excellent title

John Gordon
John Gordon - 27.08.2022 09:13

Remember intel once had patents that belonged to IBM which has gone through several innovations and locations but still remains a force throughout the world.

John Gordon
John Gordon - 27.08.2022 09:04

No! China has its own operating system and soon the ability to design and eventually fab chips in large numbers at will.

Bot - 19.08.2022 03:56

The audio is terrible.

RustyGates - 18.08.2022 17:00

There isn't going to be a moment in my life I'll be using a computer with a Chinese processor, that much is true.

Patrick yoon
Patrick yoon - 17.08.2022 14:07

The CPU mainly consist transistors arrange in number of logic circuit. Namely. And Gate. Or gate. Not gate , exclusive Nor gate , so...on. By adding , substraction, rotate , adding, move ,many functional signals can be made and store on the RAM or external magnetic storage devices, for retrieve when needed for processing Anyone study electionic can made small CPU if they read and study hard. With determination, the Chinese has already equiped themselves with knowledge to make the CPU . If they are united , share and cooperate research they will succeed . With gorvernment encouragement, making a CPU is a reality now . The Chinese had done it without US helps. Well done China 👍👍👍

Patrick yoon
Patrick yoon - 17.08.2022 13:47

CPU are dumb device. It needs program to use it. It consist of 0 and 1. Represent by presence of voltage (1) or no voltage.(0).

Neon Tetr4
Neon Tetr4 - 13.08.2022 17:24

Forgot to mention that chinese equipment spies in every possible way.

Stephen Doherty
Stephen Doherty - 10.08.2022 01:07

Why would China be worried about X86 from AMD. It makes the cpus in Taiwan and there is no chance Talwan will cut off supply unless its being invaded. Intel cannot stop AMD (its spent too much lawyer cash to open that box again) plus Intel has to show it has X86 competition. AMD is much stronger now with its Zen architecture but it may not care much about "old" X86 CPUs. Intel does as this is still its cash cow. I doubt the Citrix-Via is much use. The Citrix CPU was always slower and sold for very cheap laptops. The other issue for China is software/drivers. Making a new CPU needs software to exploit every watt of performance. China has yet to crack good software design and without that, it might end up with a CPU that nobody will use outside China. ALso who would want a cpu controlled by potentially Chinese government and military interest? The other issue is the performance gap. Great for meeting the global chip shortage (if you can trust Chinese CPUs) but its likely that Chinese companies who want to compete with non chinese companies in China or in the west, want the latest CPUs as well. GPUs are also a bigger problem. Intel wont sell this part as it still needs to embed them alongside their CPUs and Nviida never will as that is nvidia. AMD owns the other GPU expertise in Radeon. If I was China I would do what Apple did. Make a ARM CPU (or take one of their best smartphone CPUs) and run X86 in emulation with the raw ARM power to overcome any performance loss in translation. Apple does this with its own RISC CPUs from ARM already.

Jg235 - 08.08.2022 10:39

They disrespect western copyright patents and copy everything without shame and then enrich themselves illegally with the copies they made taking advantage of super cheap labor, it’s time to take this tyrannical paper tiger thief down!

hassanbahzad - 08.08.2022 07:58

Having comppetitors in the world market leads companies to compete and produce better and higher performance and higher quality chip. Also patent life should have limited time and not open for ever

Silver Vens
Silver Vens - 06.08.2022 12:03

Remember. Taiwan is a real country. A good ol' fashion comment reminder.
