Prepared for 8.1? | BFA | PVE | PVP

Prepared for 8.1? | BFA | PVE | PVP


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@Tuljan123 - 24.10.2018 09:45

Im oneshoting people on live currently with 1 trueshot azerite trait and 2 focused fires, pop trueshot let it stack cast aimshot into double tap trinket and rapid fire, it just melts people, when 8.1 hits i reckon its gona be op

@Neil-teamBrigade - 24.10.2018 12:18

You are now my one and only WoW YT subscribe. Don't let me down! ;) I'm looking forward to your 8.1/PTU PVP vids.

@alecwolf5109 - 24.10.2018 16:26

Been watching you lately and appreciate you putting in the time! It's been helpful for me and giving me new content into BFA

@ZuKeZ316 - 24.10.2018 17:41

Love the vids. Especially wide angle for phone. Keep up the good work.

@BigD_McGee - 30.10.2018 03:01

Hey man, saw your channel in a comment section on one of Selwens videos, and i'm glad i checked you out! Switched from BM to MM and you are helping me get to know this class pretty nicely! Keep it up.

@wuwi5833 - 24.10.2018 08:18

Here are some of the Azerite Traits that I am anticipating on using on the release of 8.1. Let me know what you guys think!
