My Entire Minimalist Wardrobe

My Entire Minimalist Wardrobe

Minimal Ease

1 год назад

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@user-ih6fd7py8n - 21.10.2023 09:09

I like how e mentioned that you would forget and move on about the items not on your list. I find that if i take a picture of something and tell myself i can come back tomorrow for it, I don't want it anymore. I usually don't even look at the picture for days because i forgot about it, every once in a while something will stick to my mind and if i want it for several days and it fits the budget ill go back for it, but this has cut down my impulse buying more than 99%

@mar.jam.esquire - 21.10.2023 23:18

I need my lawyer suits for work and my ice skating outfits for the rink. Otherwise I live in really relaxed and plain LL Bean & Lululemon

@ruthiebaugh4996 - 22.10.2023 05:14

I did a purge once, a few moniback and got rid of so many clothes! Fixing to do it again!

@arzeymahraqib2215 - 22.10.2023 16:40

I love the individual pieces you chose but I am looking for an overall statement in my capsule. Also it feels like you have abandoned your curves. It's hard to find both comfort and fit. Size down.

@laurellynn8496 - 23.10.2023 00:39

I love the white T shirt with the strings and I love your color palette….. just inspiring!!!!

@shoppingislifeuk - 23.10.2023 17:25

So inspiring

@katarinafarley7959 - 24.10.2023 03:05

Where is the green Sherpa fuzzy jacket from?!

@jellib.110 - 26.10.2023 23:35

Hmm, you made me reconsider buying tees online. I wouldn't have guessed that tees were easy to find in good condition secondhand because I, like you, wear them out and often. Thanks for the tip! I'll have to go thrifting now!

@MoorUnityFarms - 28.10.2023 16:11

My problem is I want to know why every paycheck I need to order from Amazon. So, I have decided to come up with a list and after that I am done. The problem is that I am trying to switch over to reusable. So I know once I finish doing that I'll be done. I just want to be done sooner than later. I want to get paid and not have to worry about Amazon.

@Tamietwist - 29.10.2023 14:19

Its difficult. I want a wardrobe I love. One of my goals is to just keep the clothes I always use.

@eightyninetreasure - 01.11.2023 22:27

I love mustard/golden yellow. 😀💛🌻 Before I step in the store I know Why and What I’m shopping for. I take photos of items that I’m leaving behind. I usually forget about them days after or return to the store 1-2 weeks later if I’m still interested. If I’m shopping at Marshall’s it’s usually still there. This is harder sometimes at thrift stores, still having a budget keeps me in check.

@jackiebennett3762 - 04.11.2023 13:31

51 I've got 20 pieces

@joycewright5386 - 05.11.2023 16:55

I do the same thing with catalogs. I pick out what I want to buy and put the Catalog down for a week. If in a week I can’t remember what I wanted to buy in it then I simply throw it out.

@CrryKp - 05.11.2023 22:21

Love the video! Where is the black longsleeve with the zipper from?

@garycollingwood4002 - 25.11.2023 10:23


@N332 - 08.12.2023 02:54

I created a digital wardrobe of everything I own on an app called acloset. It completely changed shopping for me, because I can see if I own something similar or can recreate an outfit with other pieces. If I truly don’t own something like it then I can buy it. I love the app it’s like walking with my closet in my pocket and it helps me curb my shoping

@alisonfarrell70 - 05.01.2024 15:54

This was very helpful! Thank you for sharing❤

@WeAreBullets - 14.01.2024 19:01

i dont have kids but i too would be stuck in the stuffed-animals and polly-pocket isle. essentials

@estherp9817 - 17.01.2024 15:58

Can I ask u where do you live? It seems like The weather is quite The same all’ The year… am I right?

@tambran14 - 18.01.2024 04:11

Excellent points about brain capacity!❤

@Bill0102 - 20.01.2024 03:55

Remarkable work! This content is fantastic. I found something similar, and it was beyond words. "The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Living Guide" by Matthew Cove

@RachelinNorthernIreland - 26.01.2024 11:13

I have an almost identical coat and it was bought for the same reason ❤ love your video thank you for sharing

@nocturnal1097 - 15.02.2024 05:54

I love watching videos like this
seeing everyones priorities in their clothes is fascinating to me because its often so different from me and from each other! this wardrobe seems fantastic and very versitile. I have to agree about fall not being fall without denim on denim, its just so cozy

@lauracastelli4776 - 16.02.2024 23:45

LOVE the belt - do you know where it came from

@ellenherman9543 - 05.03.2024 20:25

I have 3 pants...2 good shirts and 7 evetyday shirts. 2 winter coats heavy light. 2 slippers...2 shoes....7 undies etc. Thats it! Love it❤

@Yosoy00000 - 23.03.2024 07:59

Honestly, you have a lot of repeated clothes, I don't see the point of having so many blouses in the same color, it's not your base piece because you have quite a few in other colors.

@Draco_7 - 09.04.2024 04:53

OMG please where did u get the white tank top from??? I have been searching for it and no luck, If u can't remember tell me the brand. Thanks

@jessica0321 - 01.05.2024 03:55

Did anyone else try this and then realize they almost immediately needed to do the smallest load of laundry...of life? Haha. It's the only time in my life I started viewing daily exercise as problematic.

@lorraineJoseph-f1z - 04.05.2024 13:14

i invested in a winter coat 3 years ago. I washed that coat once and is still as new. I invested in jewelry 18 k gold. I wear the same things almost 3 years everyday and a few black dresses that i wear on and of. But something that is a must in my wardobe is a navy blue pair of trousers. Those are my go to item when i am on the monthly and i can wear it when i am on a visit. They are something i buy every year because they are so washed out a lot.

@bobchevallier8456 - 18.05.2024 19:10

Thank you so much for listing some items and where to purchase them very thoughtful

@MyCozyLife-Lisa - 19.06.2024 23:46


@ikrobiee - 27.06.2024 15:52

I regularly go through my closet and declutter items I haven't worn. I find it easier to leave a hole and take time to fill the spot.

@1stJohn3.9-10 - 07.07.2024 07:53

I always make a list and I estimate how much it's all going to cost and I only take that much cash with me.
When I used to use a credit card for everything, I'd just swiped the card without even knowing the amount, but since I try to pay the exact amount, I was shocked at how quickly things are adding up, so I often put things back. I always ask myself is it a Need or a Want?
My statement used to always be at Least $800 but now it's $200-300🎉

@DaylynDraws - 13.07.2024 02:44

I just counted everything I own (including boots, coat, and 2 purses) and I have 33 items for the entire year (I live in Michigan!)

@romyfleurs - 21.07.2024 07:09

Nice video! ❤ I'm a new subscriber from Northern VA 😊

@brannand12 - 21.09.2024 15:30

I think this was your best video yet!!! I have been watching you for a while now and I am so in love with the evolution of your wardrobe!!! It's beautiful, simple, and chic! I too, love neutrals so I think that is why I am so drawn to your style! And I have been on a minimalist journey as well and I feel like our style and number of things are starting to align which has been cool to see! Sending much love to you and your fam and thanks for the beautiful video! ❤

@AnotherBadyoga - 24.09.2024 02:32

Years ago – – I read that the best way to save money is to stay out of stores, that helped me so much. I just quit going to stores and went out riding my bike a lot and walking, saved money and got more fit.

@faragraf9380 - 09.10.2024 06:46

what we think, we need.

@alcenealcene - 10.10.2024 15:41

Your body is beautiful ❤ Thank you for the tips🎉

@Lil.Mrs.C - 16.10.2024 16:02

good grief, I'm not even a minimalist and I have less clothes.

@rara-m6k8b - 17.10.2024 01:48

i have a lot of clothes, ive been working on limiting my consumption in other aspects of my life for years, i own only the makeup i need, only the hygiene products i need, only the stationary and other little things i need, and so much more u get the point. Clothes have always been my weak point as im very much a teen thats into fashion and i constantly catch myself buying more clothes but never have anything to wear. Ive recently started listing a lot of my wardrobe on vinted - and it got super overwhelming and thats when i realised thats only half of what i own and that im overconsuming. the total i can get from not even all my clothes listed right now is almost 2000€… and my prices arent even high. I hope to sell most of my wardrobe and with that money invest into pieces that will last me a lifetime and that i actually like and can style, Thanks for sharing your wardrobe this is really inspiring💕

@jacquelinetaylor3595 - 22.10.2024 18:41

When we found a new puppy one day, we knew she was right. As time went by, we knew she was more than right! From that day forward, we knew we had discovered “the dog feeling”. Now, we don’t buy so much as a pair of socks, unless we have “the dog feeling”. Call it what you want, but when you have to take it home because it’s what you truly love or truly need, go for it. Also, I think in my mind where I will put the new item so that I know I have room for it. Unless it’s the right puppy, then it stays in your heart forever. 💕🐕‍🦺💕

@sairasairasaira757 - 11.12.2024 18:19

hi just curious what do you do on bdays/special occasions? would you go buy a new piece and add to it? or curate with what you have…purchase and sell? thats where im a bit confused with in regards to my wardrobe as im in the process of decluttering, thanks

@ritastutler1470 - 06.01.2025 07:27

Everytime I go to Marshall’s I put all kinds of things in my buggy. Then I think about it, I usually don’t buy but one thing or maybe nothing . ❤❤❤

@Texasgirl10Growing - 12.01.2025 19:00

This video really helped me. I’m down to 98 pieces from 302. Not going to talk about the shoes. 😂😂😂

@MelissaMelissa-ge6jx - 28.01.2025 02:01

It’s funny you go for tees second hand. Where I live that’s the hardest thing to thrift in my stores. They are always stretched out, stained, holes, etc. Couple that with the stores starting nearly the price of buying new somewhere like Target I just skip that section usually.

@lpanayi6954 - 19.02.2025 19:16

I love your relaxed colour palette and it really suits your colouring. Personally though, my clothes are all very different from each other or else I'd just wear the same thing all the time. I make sure the colours all match with each other to sone extent, and I have a large variety of styles and colours to match my mood.
