Arbonne is a Cult. | AntiMLM Rant & Rave

Arbonne is a Cult. | AntiMLM Rant & Rave


4 года назад

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münecat - 05.05.2020 19:22

YES I KNOW YOU THINK THE MUSIC IS ANNOYING you can stop commenting now!! Lol this was first long form video I've ever done. I've since improved. Check out my Lularoe videos or my other long videos if you want - music choice is less jarring. Thanks!

Cassandra - 08.10.2023 01:12

Their terminology structure is so similar to Scientology, that I wouldn’t be surprised if they used it for a reference

Roshni Patel
Roshni Patel - 29.09.2023 23:58

In my communication class, the first project was to make a presentation about business leadership and one girl did her presentation about arbonne. My friend and I considered signing up but I decided the the sign on fee, $360 (that was the discounted rate) was too much

Blah Anger
Blah Anger - 21.09.2023 05:32

The fact you remain so calm and collective whilst digging though this pile of shit is admirable

Luka Cvitkovic
Luka Cvitkovic - 17.09.2023 13:16

they don't want to be called a pyramid scheme yet their flowchart of ranks is a tree of pyramids

Missydcole Melissa Christensen
Missydcole Melissa Christensen - 16.09.2023 22:38

Then the whole world can be drinking arbonne shakes

jupiter - 27.08.2023 01:48

amazing video

Kevin Wordsworth
Kevin Wordsworth - 27.08.2023 00:47

Sounds like one of them pyramid scemes that generally means it's one big con .

Dušan Miletić
Dušan Miletić - 27.08.2023 00:27

This is literally like Avon Dama over here in my country, crossover between an opportunistic women cult and a small corp...

Lee - 20.08.2023 23:36

Shoutout to Arbonne for ruining every girl I grew up in the church with.

Diseased Revolutionary
Diseased Revolutionary - 20.08.2023 03:30

giant event with everyone wearing the same color is already a huge culty redflag

IAN 4000
IAN 4000 - 17.08.2023 22:08

Sent this to someone I know a while ago and she stopped posting Instagram stories about Arbonne after that!

Thanks Munecat! 😁👍

The Real Isaac Experience
The Real Isaac Experience - 07.08.2023 01:17

amazing how they drew circles around all the generational management levels or whatever, to hide the fact that it is extremely easy to draw a pyramid around them

WaterWoman - 06.08.2023 07:04

You mentioned a podcast on one of your videos I watched today. I’m trying to find it and I can’t. It was about MLM. Can you post it here.

Kelly Donaldson
Kelly Donaldson - 31.07.2023 19:17


Melissa Dawn
Melissa Dawn - 28.07.2023 21:12

awe your cat brought you food 😊

LucySnow - 24.07.2023 09:21

It's even worse when you consider that these "revenues" are pre tax and overheads, they are not profit so some people actually pay the mlm to work

Tobi or not Tobi
Tobi or not Tobi - 19.07.2023 06:20

Ok unironically, that white mercedes song goes hard in the way that it scratches the exmormon part of my brain that needed something to notice me. Maybe im drunk, but that shit touched my soul.

Tengo Hope
Tengo Hope - 05.07.2023 20:20

I feel like, you have honed in on a few interesting points, but the lack of evidence to back up some of the things you have claimed makes it difficult to believe much of this video. Did you actually do the business?

Bianca Quesada
Bianca Quesada - 05.07.2023 19:30

How is there not enough retail demand for the products?

Oliver Seiler
Oliver Seiler - 04.07.2023 16:17

Great video 😮

Schrödinger's Cat Playing With A Tesseract.
Schrödinger's Cat Playing With A Tesseract. - 04.07.2023 00:14

Super sad thing is a lot of MLM are tied with cultists and fake ass Christian wannabes.

Seen a few in action myself.

Bianca Quesada
Bianca Quesada - 03.07.2023 21:28

How do 88% lose money?

Poerava - 27.06.2023 12:35

You’re brilliant. Thank you 🙏🏽

liltonyabc - 24.06.2023 16:25

😂mouth to mouth marketing 😘😘

cr0nes - 19.06.2023 08:22

White party? Fucking basic cunts.

Kael Kay
Kael Kay - 16.06.2023 06:34

If I ever find myself somewhere where everyone is wearing white, I am LEAVING IMMEDIATELY

Thomas Garman
Thomas Garman - 15.06.2023 22:51

If a company has a comference about the company and it involves training, they comp your travel expenses and accomodations. If they dont do this, they are not a legitimate business and are instead a scam. I have never worked at a company that didnt pay for you to do training. If the company doesnt pay you an hourly rate as a salesperson, they are a scam and you should run not walk away.

Nicolas Kolossos
Nicolas Kolossos - 09.06.2023 01:35

Damn again, I almost forgot to subscribe!

Placebo Mandingo
Placebo Mandingo - 08.06.2023 13:51

It's not often mentioned that these schemes appeal to people who a have shallow relationship with others and tend to use people habitually. There are no shortage of jerks who are looking to avoid heavy lifting or actual useful work.

I have no respect for any person who "succeeds" in MLM. Almost all of the very bottom layer have been hounded or hoodwinked into the scam, but the ones who continue are almost all just scum, who would still be scum with or without MLM's. This type of business model recruits predators to prey on desperate people, an causes real suffering to families.

Drescher86 - 08.06.2023 09:35

I was in Amway for about a year or so. I actually did like some of the products. I stopped because I started school, but I was still convinced that it was a viable way to make money.
Took me a long time to realize that is absolutely not viable. Been to several conferences.
Looking back at it now it really seemed like I was part of a cult.

oogie googie
oogie googie - 08.06.2023 08:49

Why don’t these people just actually start a little business for real? Just pick something you like doing and start doing it for other people who pay you. You will probably make a lot more money per hour that way.

Nic Gard
Nic Gard - 04.06.2023 03:23

that Model D throw pillow on the couch tho

Brett - 25.05.2023 20:24

I have a marketing degree and I find the entire field very tedious and boring but today I learned about mouth to mouth marketing and I have a renewed interest and an reignited passion. Thank you. Sorry you don't get money from this video but at least they get paid in mouth-to-mouth revenue.

J Kmil
J Kmil - 23.05.2023 20:50

I have two exceptional experiences with MLMs the first was working in a theater for two days of an Amway event.
A one thousand seat venue, filled ten times in two days.
It seemed more like a religious gathering than a corporate event.
They chanted, they danced. They told stories of their success and shamed participants who didn't have "the right stuff" to be higher level distributors, not that they were ba people, just not Gold or Platinum or Tridium level distributors.
The other brush with MLMS was when actor friends of mine had joined one and wanted to recruit me.
When I balked at becoming a distributor they got angry but were willing to just sign me up for a one hundred dollar a month subscription but none of their products were suitable for me.
Not willing to let it go, they pressed me on why I would pass on the opportunity to be a distributor.
So I had to break out the math and explain the Ponzi scheme to them.
They company only allows seven levels of seven reps for each rep.
So seven raised seven or 5,764,801. The company limits you to only having five point seven million people under you.
That's more people than live in Montana, Alaska, ,Wyoming, Vermont and Washington DC combined ccording to the 2020 census.
They were disbelieving the husband acted like I was personally attacking his intelligence and that was the last time we spoke.
Seems like they were just following the play book.

Elisa G
Elisa G - 22.05.2023 20:50

It's been fun to go down the rabbit hole of watching all your videos. Really impressed with all your research and work!

Simon Lindridge
Simon Lindridge - 21.05.2023 12:13

That rap is straight fire.

The Most Sentient Bot
The Most Sentient Bot - 19.05.2023 06:13

I didnt realize until I saw the sister thing that ultimately, they prey on insecurity.

R W - 18.05.2023 20:35

It's a food version of Amway!

Józan Máté
Józan Máté - 17.05.2023 14:46

I am watching this video, after the one about the manosphere, and their manipulations are very similar. Except in the manosphere they drag others down and get fueled by hate, while mlms use careful mixture of a false sense of pride, and a very real sense of shame.

Rich Gerow
Rich Gerow - 16.05.2023 03:37

I swear the smoking gun of all pyramid schemes is the promise of a white BMW/Mercedes within a year if you, "Work hard enough." 😉

Pauline Florsch
Pauline Florsch - 14.05.2023 02:53


Kaylinatka - 12.05.2023 14:24

we should also not forget the ginormous amounts of trash/garbage MLMs produce. products noone needs are being sold in extravagant (probably poisonous) packaging

Avalon Kitterman
Avalon Kitterman - 12.05.2023 13:48

I saw Hasan cover your Manosphere video, and now I'm binging your old content 😭 It's so fing good! 💙 x

Natalia K
Natalia K - 12.04.2023 16:06

Eating 1,000 calories a day is perfectly fine. ‘Mess up your metabolism’: what bullshit is this?
