Use these 5 Mods to make Greed Mode better!!!

Use these 5 Mods to make Greed Mode better!!!


2 года назад

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@benchester2709 - 18.07.2022 03:19

I play on nintendo._.

@MangaManifaction - 18.07.2022 05:48

"No mega fatty on basement floor".
Yeah, I'm definitely installing that one

@keinkanal7382 - 18.07.2022 11:41

Personally all greed mode really needs is not being able to spawn enemies on top of you

@cain960 - 19.07.2022 19:00

I hate how mods aren’t on consoles

@toxdz_quack8466 - 21.07.2022 20:59

Cathedral mod is making it a better choice than normal sheol, and the alt paths mod is kind of a let down, but everything else is amazing

@akazumiii9281 - 22.07.2022 21:15

You missed the 5th option in your survey: I cheated the unlocks and plan to never touch Greed Mode again

@eternalvibe9083 - 27.07.2022 06:37

I feel like a weird window shopper, since I don't have a PC, but love seeing these cool mods.

@jiln3hb - 28.07.2022 18:20

вы угараете играть с модами ёпта

@Talking_Ed - 31.07.2022 09:50

Just finished all greedier mode on all characters, I did not enjoy this but I was using all this mods and they made the experience less miserable for sure.

@FortexVize - 31.07.2022 14:38

I love greed.

@ToxHic - 02.08.2022 13:36

Nothing in this really improve the greed move in itself. Sure a little bit of variety is good but that's clearly not the problem with this mod..

@PirataNaArea - 02.08.2022 16:09

Only one mod was missing, the amazing SENATOR GREEDSTRONG

@CartoDarko - 05.08.2022 17:38

People don't like greed mode?? I love it :(

@impetuoso4622 - 08.08.2022 13:28

Honestly the last One shoud be actually add to the game

@ceering99 - 11.08.2022 15:14

Normal greed mode was fun because it was easy and kind of silly.

Greedier mode is just the purist challenge with more telefragging enemies.

@skinwalker930 - 14.08.2022 03:04

I thought it was to make the greed mode easier...

@Jakepearl13 - 14.08.2022 20:28


@MisterIncog - 15.08.2022 11:07

I love secret rooms rework in gm improved, think it’s the best part of it. Like, how often do you even get bombs in gm? This resource is super scarce. And all you can get for them is a couple of chests in shop if lucky (throughout the game), raise angel room chance (with a cost of fighting angel) and secret rooms that suck ass with just idk 5 coins or 3 tear downs. And you usually can’t know where secret room is so you have to spend let’s say 2 bombs on average to find it, and it very well may be through cursed room so bye to your health as well!

@thepukeproject7759 - 19.08.2022 00:04

Best way to beat greedier mode is erasing it. That mode is ♋♋♋

@lucas_oreki5287 - 19.08.2022 10:27

Forgot the best one of them all, Senator Armstrong as Ultra Greed. Havent had a single boring Ultra Greed fight since then, always felt like a spectacle.
To be fair, I'm one of the people that actually enjoys Greed Mode anyway

@eggsnham. - 23.08.2022 02:51

Greed rainmaker, my beloved

@irons880 - 27.08.2022 04:24

Ayo, don't confuse greed and greedier modes! Greed is pretty balanced and can be pretty fun! And greedier mode is absolute bullshit and most of the time requires breaking the game in order to pass it

@Lyriss_ - 27.08.2022 10:57

ehh no alt-floor enemies is the best reason to go greed for me

@Hopecaster - 27.08.2022 22:24

Is Greed Mode Improved compatible with alt path?

@jenniferdunstan5065 - 03.09.2022 18:41

I'm sad I only found you just now

@Fomkaezhi - 07.09.2022 23:45

Interesting, but does them affect the Greedeon mode?

@0002pA - 14.09.2022 12:01

Please tell me there is a mod that removes curses from greed mode...
It's so an idiotic idea to leave them in for that mode. Not seeing properly in the huge arena or not knowing what items are in the shop is just obnoxious and aggravating.

@Banshee523 - 15.09.2022 02:59

Hey Slay, even at the time you made this video, Mega Fatty doesn't appear in Basement waves anymore in vanilla Repentance. You wouldn't need to get a mod for that.

@GreatPastabox - 16.09.2022 22:00

I was wondering which mods allows you to still complete achievements and which doesn't, anybody knows?

@timmyreobed5043 - 08.10.2022 23:33

I like regular Greed mode and despise Greedier mode. Definitely only playing Greedier on other save files with mods like this.

@sayorikeychains1847 - 11.10.2022 01:12

i do wish the alt paths were natively integrated into greed mode

@artsyvids2563 - 23.10.2022 12:02

I liked the trollbomb waves because it didnt spawn enemies haHAA

@azoreaneve4777 - 26.10.2022 19:21

I might try the Improved mod tbh. I kinda like Greed mode as a breath of fresh air but I despise Greedier. Which sucks since you only really have to do Greedier for the unlocks because you get both with one win.
I like the Greedier final boss but I hate how you can barely buy anything and maybe the waves are worse or it's the lack of items but i find myself much more often struggling to handle all the enemies in one room, especially on the first floor. With this added difficulty I also find myself less likely to even dare enter the curse rooms because it feels like a waste of HP.
I personally actually like the troll bomb waves, it's a free wave where you clear all the other enemies.

@mrkeyboardmashed - 10.02.2023 13:12

ultra greed ass

@Jake_YT140 - 19.03.2023 22:09

hey i feel like Edmund Mcmillen likes the devil more because there is no cathedral in greed mode you get more curses every time you beat the cathedral boss and in the shoel when you beat satan you get judas
I hope that does ring a bell :\

@Artr69 - 23.04.2023 01:03

Greed mode with lilith is rly fun but with every other char its just boring and frustrating

@HeroRareheart - 07.05.2023 01:11

"You may find yourself enjoying greed modw again"

...or at all. I despise greed mode.

@wujekwie4788 - 12.05.2023 15:58

thank you for helping me greed mode improvment is rlly helping

@gingun95 - 13.07.2023 10:45

About planetarium. They just can replace silver door with planetarium with guarantied item. It may be more balansed, than spawn another door on floor.

@theguy5855 - 26.07.2023 03:46

still wondering where is greediest mode

@Doruk1344 - 14.08.2023 01:17

Guya i dont know this game i just searc it up cuz the man on the şnternets greed lrichys why is everyone just pointing at a stone butt

@frenchfrywaffle7082 - 24.08.2023 08:07

There's another Alt Path Greed mode Mod that's different from the Alt Path Greed mode Mod you showed. It's made by the same person who made Cathedral and Planetarium in Greed mode and it let's you go through the experience of doing the steps of getting to the knife ending and it even lets you fight Mother at the end of the corpse section.

@STRAWMAN_SB - 01.10.2023 07:05

Not with that thumbnail

@cmb9173 - 24.01.2024 00:49

the only way of fixing greed mode is removing it entirely

fuck you edmund

@kert1239 - 06.05.2024 19:56

I really can't believe no one has made a mod fixing greedmode biggest flaw. When you play enter the gungeon, sometimes enemies spawn in the same room after you kill previous enemies, mechanic very similar to greed mode, however, there is one simple change that makes it from unfair shit show to a fun challange, indicators showing where new enemies spawn so you won't randomly crush into an enemy... WHY ISN'T IT IN GREED MODE? I'M TRYING TO GET GREEDIER MODE WITH T LOST AND I'M SO TIRED OF LOSING GREAT RUNS BECAUSE SOME STUPID SPIDER RANDOMLY APPEARED IN FRONT OF MY FACE.

@flarpoflarpo - 30.05.2024 15:20

i love greed mode and i have fun with it, but i really dont love greedier. its super unbalanced and not fun and winning is completely item dependant or you have to spend 30 minutes managing a wave because you cant buy more than one item a floor

@helloworldmasteredmusic - 16.01.2025 20:55

Dripped out Rainmaker has to be the best Isaac boss ever modded.

@SlayXc2 - 13.07.2022 21:28

Should I make a video showing ALL the Boss sprites?
