RTX 3050 vs RTX 4050 - Laptop Gaming Test - How Big is the Difference? | Tech MK

RTX 3050 vs RTX 4050 - Laptop Gaming Test - How Big is the Difference? | Tech MK

Tech MK

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@weler1806 - 21.03.2023 22:11

Okay quick the 4050 uses 20% more power for 20% more performance, that makes 700 Dollars when thank you.

@hagenkukla5463 - 21.03.2023 22:37

Its sad to see such a minor increase in performance. I expected the 4050 to beat or be on par with a 3060 at least. Im rocking a 2070 super from 2019 and it outperforms a 4050. You can get a 2070super on the used market for around 250-300 Euro. It may need more wattage but it seems worth it when you want to upgrade/ build a Desktop. Seems like Nvidia starts scalping their own cards and even start downgrading the overall performance of whole new generation of cards, except for the top tier models.

@Momentoman - 26.05.2023 12:11

Not a big difference

@0kipullup0 - 15.12.2023 21:59

there is no freaking optimization in terms of temperature in the new one whatsoever judging by this video
