Stack & Tilt Troy Matteson Mike Bennett | Anchor Left Rotate Shift #stack learn on line #certified

Stack & Tilt Troy Matteson Mike Bennett | Anchor Left Rotate Shift #stack learn on line #certified

Paul Gorman Golf

1 год назад

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@garrymajor7528 - 23.08.2023 23:49

I agree paul Runyon great short game I use his chipping technique really keen to see if I am doing it right.

@steveperry1344 - 24.08.2023 17:18

i've had the paul runyon book for years and still refer to it.

@steveperry1344 - 29.08.2023 16:29

i tend to stack up too much on the left hip and foot and the ball goes too low. i'm gonna try the anchoring left and and a bit more tilt back like you said, thnx.

@scottsanders2641 - 03.09.2023 08:24

Majorly flawed swing technique for driver and longer clubs. Mac may have used this pattern from 120 and in, but P and B tried to implement as a full swing pattern.
Failed miserably when on full display w Badds in the US Open…

@nepheshr290 - 17.10.2023 03:51

What about Padraig?

@mont9380 - 13.11.2023 03:45

Stack it ! It works !

@markme3259 - 30.12.2023 01:43

…your picture of your hands on the backswing about a foot above your head eliminates 90% of golfers…whereas some of your swings are in normal range…otherwise the video was explained very well…

@stevedriscoll2539 - 24.02.2024 04:49

You know the golf swing inside and out!

@cluman1 - 08.05.2024 17:17

Love stack and tilt for 7 irons to wedges. Especially with my wedges. Great contact, trajectory and accuracy. When it comes to my longer clubs, I rely on the traditional pivot method. It just feels right when I'm speeding things up. I advise people to try stack and tilt....especially with wedges and short irons and go from there. Be open to all swing techniques and find one that works for you. Both seem to work for me.

Usually shoot high 70's low 80's. I probably won't ever get to par but I play decent enough to where I keep coming back.

Pro tips:
- back to target at top of back swing is key to distance and great ball striking
- have drills when practicing. Performance and feel drills are vital. Split hand grip drill is one of my top 3 drills
- get to the golf course early and warm up before a round. Never give the excuse of I just got here. You pay money to be there. Why sabotage your round? Plus, i think it's a form of disrespect to the game.

@rickegan4096 - 25.05.2024 00:29

Can’t find online lessons with Paul. I’d like to:have them.
