Deus Ex: Invisible War Review - The Worst Sequel?

Deus Ex: Invisible War Review - The Worst Sequel?


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@trippedoutvisuals - 20.08.2016 21:09

loved the review man, you always ahve the perfect combo of seroiusness and funny anologies... im satrting to get interestedf in playing these games

@MmokozPlayz - 20.08.2016 21:17

Haha backstreet boys

@GinkaAndRyuga - 20.08.2016 21:40

Noice job man :D

@kelvinnguyen9170 - 21.08.2016 03:02

LOVE THE EDITING!! what d you use to edit?

@TubGamerzzTubGamerzz - 21.08.2016 23:38

Awsome Channel and Great Video, Keep Working Hard ;) Hopefully You Get Big!!

@ToastyGamer - 22.08.2016 06:24

can't wait for the human revolution review. You of left us at a cliffhanger at the end

@TheMikeWithaD - 07.09.2016 17:03

This is a good review, but you gotta be careful with taking ideas from other reviewers. Not trying to be rude, just some honest advice cuz you have a lot of potential.

@Rashaed - 13.09.2016 03:12

Universal ammo in Deus Ex: Invisible War: Bad!!!Universal ammo in Mass Effect 2 & 3 get a pass?!?! WTF!!!

@MightyRyan1337 - 07.10.2016 09:57

got tired of waiting for a HD remake so i just ordered a brand new Xbox copy off amazon. >.> it's not a bad game. just not as good as the other deus ex games. still got me feeling the nostalgia though

@gamersinger5118 - 21.10.2016 06:50

Invisible war is one of the greatest games I have ever played. I actually prefer it over the original. NO JOKE. But they are both great games without a doubt.

@MrSoulChives - 19.11.2016 00:11

you copied a lot of words and footage from gggmanlives

@drone124 - 06.01.2017 09:47

this game isn't bad at all but it's definitely not that good. some plot points and factions are totally not cohesive. just got tired of it knowing I'll never love it. I never needed the combat to be great or anything either so whatever about that. I'll stick to the first and third one.
will you ever review the new one?also decent review keep it up. good editing just keep it about the review

@AsianTheDomination - 09.04.2017 01:31

Screw this game. I dont get how you can screw up so much in one game. It feels a lot more like mass effect than deus ex. You wak through a tunnel the whole game doing fetch quests for one dimensional characters. It would be nice if you could decide who to side with at one moment in the game, instead of the other side constantly trying to get you to defect, even though you never help them once in the entire game. So much missed potential.

@AintPopular - 08.06.2017 00:23

at least this character has some fun personality than denton. i like both but this was a good change

@ItsVeryComplex - 11.02.2018 22:40

The game mechanics were awful (universal ammo is the dumbest concept ever), I didn't like the endings and the maps were small but other than that, I liked IW. Definitely doesn't hold a candle to the original but it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.

Up until the end, I actually like the story progression of IW. The only thing about the story that doesn't make sense is why Tracer Tong is aiding Helios. Both JC and Tong go from being borderline anarcho libertarian to supporting this all seeing AI that controls all aspects of society. What? This is also why the Helios ending didn't make sense for me at the end of the original. I never pick that one. Anyway, cool story other than the endings which I hated.

I wished they had gone a little more in depth with some of the characters in the game. I suppose the original didn't do much in the way of character development either but they did with Paul a little bit so maybe they could have done the same with Leo Jankowski and Klara Sparks. Maybe have Leo and Klara follow in your footsteps and go solo after they become disillusioned with the Omar and WTO respectively. I guess Billie Adams kinda filled this role but I liked Leo and Klara more than Billie.

I actually hope they make a sequel to IW. Seems like a shame to end the story like this. Plus, I prefer the concept of biomodification to mechanical augmentation. I don't know why... I just like it better. Some people say that the endings were too definitive and mutually exclusive but I would argue that the original Deus Ex had the same issue and they still found a way to make it work... otherwise maybe just pick one as the canon ending.

@GabbertEvergreen - 23.04.2018 23:40

I actually really enjoyed Invisible War. I agree it's a pretty "eh" deus ex title in comparison to the first and the two newer ones, but its still a lot better than a lot of games that come out now in my opinion. But I feel like I enjoy it more cause I didn't play a deus ex game until 2015, so I wasn't on the hype train when this first came out. I'd say if you're going back to this one view it more like the star wars prequels and enjoy it more for it's over the top cheesyness (seriously stealth is broken in this game with the invisible cloak, silenced footsteps and infared cloak). Despite all the flaws, I say its still a gem of a game.

@gtas321 - 26.04.2018 19:16

I personally enjoyed Invisible War more than trying original.

@ruffrack737 - 01.07.2018 17:27

The reason why the game is bad gameplay wise was never due to consoles, it was because the dev team did a shitty job with the engine and due to the lighting effects it was even more of a mess. Also just a side note, the universal ammo tactic is actually pretty smart, since you can use one weapon only for a specific area instead of having to change weapons when you run out of ammo for that weapon... also that was just an example.

@rockstarchris88 - 22.02.2019 22:12

The biomod options always bothered me the most. I feel like a lot of them are mostly useless, and the game just forces me to pick the same ones every time (hacking, silent step, strength). Somehow though I still like this game more than the newer ones. The rag doll physics and lighting were impressive for the time.

@maxwarfield6699 - 20.02.2020 02:51

The opening sequence... I mean, what is wrong with the back of the head, of that red-haired girl, it makes no sense... is she a mutant? Also, as a complete NOOB to this game, HOW MANY TIMES do I have to shoot these "Order" devotees for them to DIE! Why is my side-arm so weak?! Or, are members of the "Order" wearing some kind of heavy-duty armour beneath those robes? Questions... so many questions

@Mako-zg3yb - 21.03.2020 11:24

For me this game has one of the best atmospheres, just listen to the menu soundtrack, its about 1,50min long... i still have goosebumps from this! for me one of the best games, just becau of teh atmosphere, music etc

@BaNgInHeAdS - 04.04.2020 20:09

I played and beat the first one in 2002 or so and I really loved the game. I never have played it again though.

I tried Invisible War briefly when it came out and put it down for some reason. During our current situation of social distancing I picked it up again and played it to completion. Very good game. The story was pretty good (and seemed pretty relevant to our current situation) and the whole biomod system was good too. Combat was pretty wonky but that was the case in the original game too.

Yes, I still think the original was better. Human Revolution was also better. I haven't played the newest game. Invisible War was a really good game that fits right into the series. I am glad I finally played it.

@oneactoneda4393 - 05.02.2021 07:43

What a overhyped game for 2003 after the first one... This is probably the worst dx game I ever played. A years after finishing the first dx, I borrow the disc of this game from my friend and then installed it. I then, played this one and it is totally the huge step backward compared to the first one.... Level design is just mediocre at best. Too restricted, small and less versatile. Rpg element has been rather simplified. Universal ammo system is one of the worst ever. All I can say the game has less complex, lack of depth, character were dorks and over simplified. Fuck this game and fuck the devs decisions on making this game and what main platform in their mind they focused for. It would much more better to make this for PC version first and simplify it for Xbox LATER. (they did that exact thing for the PS2 port of Deus Ex and it was quite good). Deus ex that supposedly to be an immersive sim with ARPG element, just turn to be a generic casual corridor sci-fi/cyberpunk shooter with lack of everything else from what make Dx1 great. So Im Not gonna consider this as "underrated gem". LOL even Eye divine cybermancy and Anachronox have been done and played much better. That's an underrated title I can consider rather than this overhyped trash. E.Y.E is better than mankind divided for sure and it was 5 years old before that. The only great Deus ex for me is has to be the original and HR one
