NEW Everton FC Stadium at Bramley Moore Dock. A Full Weekly FlyAround!

NEW Everton FC Stadium at Bramley Moore Dock. A Full Weekly FlyAround!

Mister Drone UK

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@jasonhindle2900 - 02.02.2025 14:05

By now you will all know 4-0,COYFT. Another great video Nick ,Looks cold out there, but you looked nice and worm but your mate had a thin jacket one.Ta mate.

@JPD1878 - 02.02.2025 14:08

Why is there a crane back on site?

@YewDuct - 02.02.2025 14:08

Looking very good. Loads of scaffolding on the SE corner roof now too but none at the west side. My guess is that it will be erected along the east side as soon as the naming rights have been sold and the signage needs to go up. I've heard suggestions that it's going to be Qatar Airways. Please NO! I boycotted the Qatar World Cup because of that country's institutionalised bigotry and inequality. Everton is "The People's Club" where all are welcome, not straight white males only. Qatar Airways would not be consistent with our values. Fingers crossed that Friedkin Group can do a really good naming deal using their connections.

@PhillipJBlastock - 02.02.2025 14:08

Hi Nick great video as always , we'll you proper battered us but tbf we were woeful we made you look good mate only joking 👍👌⚽️⚽️

@JimLightfoot-h1c - 02.02.2025 14:10

Hard to believe that this time next year this will be our new baby and our beloved Goodison Park will probably be being demolished.

@thebagfather4633 - 02.02.2025 14:36

looks great .

@alexanderbrydone9873 - 02.02.2025 15:00

Thinking about the statues what about Harry Catterick Everton legend 2 league titles 1 F. A. Cup died at goodison 1985 same year as legend big Jock died at Cardiff two football greats.🏐🍀🇮🇪👍🏻C. F. C.

@christophermcneill926 - 02.02.2025 15:05

It's 2025 lol not 2024 but great work tho mate 👍🏻

@gfrears1 - 02.02.2025 15:09

Good one fella

@mattseddon1151 - 02.02.2025 15:13

Feels good to be a blue atm . Long may it continue. UTFT!

@steve19721 - 02.02.2025 15:44

Stadium looks horrible tbf

@Leon-whu73 - 02.02.2025 16:13

If the games no good you can go have a fish out back.

@jurgenvoogt1638 - 02.02.2025 16:22


- 02.02.2025 16:31

it looks brilliant,pity about the scruffy,dirty bastards who think its acceptable throw rubbish on the streets of our city

- 02.02.2025 16:45

thats going to be for concerts and events

@anfieldroadlayoutintheloft5204 - 02.02.2025 17:15

great fly round of ground thanks for vlogs

@petercarey7456 - 02.02.2025 17:21

Mt moy8

@kevalino2 - 02.02.2025 18:22

A red from mossley hill… I don’t like the cladding but understand why they done it that way, everything else is great. It looks completely different ‘in the flesh’ especially the view when you walk from town along the front until the roundabout by the itialian bakery. That wrap around of the cladding looks fantastic on the south stand and will surprise a few seeing it for the first time. But, the best thing for me is inside and how it looks like a pure modern football ground. Pleased that you can now enjoy the finishing touches without the Championship worries. Good luck you bunch of meths 😂

@franki7 - 02.02.2025 18:40

Nice meeting you today Nick and seeing how its all done , thank you mate .

@paulacaplen6758 - 02.02.2025 18:57

Wow the new lady is looking beautiful.thank you mister drone.whats she gonna look like with a sea of loyal blues. Just beautiful.

@chriskeller4563 - 02.02.2025 19:20

Another superb video Mr D keep up the good work 😊 UTFT

@grahamhollingworth8253 - 02.02.2025 19:21

Great stadium, shite team 😂😂😂

@scotfree21 - 02.02.2025 19:29

What is it with the pink & black stripes around the outside?

@alisdairbarrett3766 - 02.02.2025 20:39

It's 2025 buddy 😂 great video again

@StephenStephen-ry1ee - 02.02.2025 21:40

Hi Nick
Another amazing video, I see they are getting on well with the name plates along the "Everton Walk", also see they are getting on well with the fitting out and what is the wet area from the old dock wall to the east side doors.


@blueheart1946 - 02.02.2025 21:49

Nick, youve been tremendous at keeping us blues informed with your tireless work.. i hope the club appreciate your selfless efforts. You deserve at least a free stone on everton way.

@terryhomer1427 - 02.02.2025 22:01

Hi Nick, again 2/2/25 not 24 Birmingham Blue Keep Right On

@Ted_RBLXoff - 02.02.2025 22:09

What an incredible looking stadium, As a chelsea fan I am slightly jealous 😂. Brilliant drone footage 🙌

@malky101 - 02.02.2025 23:00

It's one of the best looking stadiums I've ever seen, looks like a museum or an art gallery.
Impressive design, looks nothng like a typical photocopied stadium designs, bravo.
I worry about the narrowness of the egress paths around the sides at fulltime though, they look so narrow.
Very unique. Bravo Toffees

@RussellFrost-vh7ro - 02.02.2025 23:18

Iy looks like there's work to be done at SE corner too. Scaffolding piled up on roof already

@adrianm976 - 03.02.2025 00:55

Fab as always, Nick. Thanks! UTFT!💙

@warrenlesueur6714 - 03.02.2025 03:21

Stadium is looking great in the sunshine mate isn't it. Massive thanks for consistently getting down there to film it all and show the rest of the world the progress over time of our beautiful new stadium. Certainly keeps us scousers in Jersey, Channel Islands up to date. 👍 Thanks Nick. Much appreciated.

@stevenjones3167 - 03.02.2025 04:54

Hi Nick. Great vid as always. I imagine the bar licence will be to cover them for functions etc in the suites and lounges. Also concerts may go on quite late but mainly the functions like weddings, birthdays or any kind of party really.

@bradesmaen - 03.02.2025 13:29

Assumption of the 3am licence may be for events and the like hosted in the club rooms.

@watty2702 - 03.02.2025 13:34

Mr Drone, you are Boss Mate. I am Lifelong RED but for me you are such a massive credit to the Blue half. You must be chuffed with Mr. Moyes coming back and giving things a Big Shake up. So if anyone deserved a seat in your Amazing new stadium it was you. Your better half should have had one as well. You are Blue Supporter of the year. Thanks for all the Amazing Vids all winds weather your out there. Best of all you even did Anfield Road and Main Stand for us. You are Brilliant mate.
My only reservation about Bramley Moore, it is too close to the Mersey which is an incredibly dangerous River and the Dock. Get some moronic fights and it could get very ugly very quickly? Everton Security will have to be top notch. Do you know if they will erect any Fencing to guard against this?
Keep up your great work. I even enjoy the amazing shots of Dock area and the amazing Mersey. Gateway to America such massive of the City born of the River. Cheers Mate enjoy next season in your posh seat you deserve it!

@Toffeeman77 - 03.02.2025 14:15

Just had a thought do think where they are digging Laing o rourke huts were will be an extension of Everton way?

@D.I.JacquesBlueso - 04.02.2025 00:13

Cheers Nick. 9am to 3am. Just realised what those heritage railway tracks are for. Its to cart all the unconscious away from the stadium in the early hours isn't it!😴

@crisand77 - 04.02.2025 01:41

Will there be a second LED light ring?

@SuperDad58458 - 04.02.2025 02:04

Who paid for it? Is that why Everton is always at the bottom of the EPL ?

@davidwilson2016 - 04.02.2025 09:37

Can you please fly really close around the Pumphouse to see if Everton have begun fitting it out for any purpose and whether the new shop on premises has been fitted out? To hopefully something better than the crap shop at Goodison. Thanks Nick

@davidwilson2016 - 04.02.2025 09:38

Have you thought about doing a joint show at the new ground with Ped and Baz from ToffeeTV?

@davidharrison6310 - 04.02.2025 14:55

Stadium just looks better and better each time you post Nic! COYB💙

@kwame5818 - 04.02.2025 17:05

Fellow bluenose. Don't get to games nowadays, but went and got some drone pics myself with my mini 4 in the afternoon, but was flat and drab by then.

@Lythamjimbo - 04.02.2025 23:29

Great looking stadium….BUT not much room for fans on 3 sides….how on earth will they manage the flow. I can see problems.

@philuglyphilugly9680 - 05.02.2025 19:43

Hi nick..been with you from the beginning, well done mate..couple of questions.. where will the Everton badge be on the outside of the building? Are they waiting for it to be completely finished or are they not putting any on the outside..?

@philuglyphilugly9680 - 05.02.2025 19:45

Also I ride a bike along the prom most days..will I ever be able to ride past the new ground or will that part be always blocked off..thanks mate..Phil..

@StephenHarland - 06.02.2025 15:47

Hi Nick, great result at the weekend, we are on cloud nine at the moment Hope we keep driving on till the end of the season. I was at the match on Saturday and dropped down to Bramley Moore before the match. Had a couple of pints in the bramley Moore and while in there I noticed a brand new Chimney pot on top of the main Pillar outside the stadium. Keep up the video work. Regards Stephen Harland.

@stevenchu2613 - 06.02.2025 23:20

A couple of questions nick if you don’t mind. Why is there no Everton crests anywhere even on the dug out seats? It could be anyone’s stadium. Also, the process for selecting seats was a joke. Despite bringing my two lads, the next generation of blues, I had to wait until they were eligible and they got no extra tenure as they’re over 28. The club apparently gave the likes of escla preferential treatment. You should make this public
