Tourism Challenges Japan Needs to Address

Tourism Challenges Japan Needs to Address

The Japan Reporter

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@AleSlevin - 17.02.2025 17:54

I'm from one of the most touristic regions in Spain, Alicante, and it has become unlivable. Everything is noisier, dirtier, crowded and more expensive than ever.

Most tourists have no interest in the culture, the language or the people, why should they? They just want to eat, get drunk, take pictures and enjoy the weather.

Tourism is not sustainable.
Tourism turns places into theme parks.
Tourism makes locals poorer, benefits go only to big companies.

Get rid of tourists, your economy needs people who want to live in your country not visitors for a few days that treat the place as a doormat just because is trendy.

@alphaTrader.oo1 - 17.02.2025 18:12

Tobita Shinchi

@maquirlizarraga6829 - 17.02.2025 18:33

Through my experience, since I used to be in the service industry, the Chinese are the worst, they waltz in like they own everything, make a mess throw trash on the ground and are in general all around bad guests, I'm not saying all Chinese people are this way but I would say that in their grand majority they are the worst, north American European and Canadian tourists are well behaved, and unfortunately national tourists are also bad. FYI I live in Mexico.

@Joefromthevalley - 17.02.2025 18:34

When I was in Japan this month, I saw far more Chinese tourists than any other tourist there.
There's a stereotype that Americans are awful as tourists, but I think that's probably more so true in Europe.
There weren't many Americans that I saw there, and because I speak Japanese I got by pretty well.

That said, I think that Japan should go forward with a tourist tax, this would help Japan's economy and the burden that tourists put on the country.

@SyedWadud-j2c - 17.02.2025 18:52

Japan should be happy about this. Others countries would be happy if they get that numbers of tourists.

@crisjapopcris1564 - 17.02.2025 18:52

I believe that unfortunately Japan will have to issue tourist visas again and limit the the tourist influx.

@BQD_Central - 17.02.2025 19:41

There are many many countries who want more tourists, because they actually depend on it.
If Japan doesn't want them, Egypt will happily take them. The history is even older and the country can expand it's capacities if it needs to.

Japan whining about tourism is somewhat pathetic, escpecially because it was the goal of the government to have a big tourism industry.

@JeSuisKomé - 17.02.2025 20:50

We re at 40M a year right now but with some backlashes, I still think we can reach 60M but I hope tourists spread out to enjoy smaller cities with rich history or beautiful nature. Also it’s easier to accommodate more cultural (or at least culturally respectful) tourist than the fk heads we are having now like Johnny Somali and the other black dude, considering Japan is a very different culture and people from the rest of the world

@Vlican - 17.02.2025 21:35

Your channel is the best one regarding issues surrounding Japan. I really wish politicians and businesses take your knowledge and advice.

@jytan740 - 17.02.2025 21:48

tokyo is the most convenient place to travel. been to rural areas train comes every 1hour, and nothing much there, esp after 6pm.

@Onitzerk - 17.02.2025 22:05

you can't just expect someone coming to japan for the first time to not go to the most iconic spots, at most you can suggest to go there on specific schedules or seasons of the year e.g. suggest tokyo when japanese people travel to their families during golden week

@soulbasedliving - 17.02.2025 22:25

Maybe tourist should go through training first on how not to act like cave people before they are allowed to enter? A simple test to see if they were reared correctly by their parents and if they fail that then a training that the potential tourist has to pay for. The money can go to Japan to help find things in areas with heavy tourist traffic

@MrFfrenchh - 17.02.2025 23:06

You say wages, but I feel the high tax may be the real culprit or maybe the low wages, high taxes, the high risk of natural disasters and low birth rates are the real problems. The ones born in the countryside don't even want to stay there or even care to return there after being in tokyo or a big city with all the convenience and modern amenities, why would anyone want to go back to country living where your closest neighbors are like 80 and 90 year old old ppl who can't relate to the younger generation and maybe about to die.

@schnuffelhase1968 - 17.02.2025 23:51

For my next holidays I plan a trip to Japan but I'll avoid the "typical tourist spots" as much as possible 🤔

@AntiActionFox - 18.02.2025 02:02

Guess what ! If you are paying your employee 8 USD an hour in tokyo , you deserve to have you business fail 😋
. Housing is much cheaper in tokyo than compared to american cities like LA or NYC , especially if you are a student , but only paying your workers less than 9 an hour equivalent in Tokyo is just not enough .
Quit solving the labor shortage with immigration and start fixing your actual society !

@jonasp8920 - 18.02.2025 02:40

Japan invaded China and committed atrocities, and yet you have the audacity to turn around and demonize them? Japan has learned nothing since WW2 😢

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 18.02.2025 02:52

They also said the ice caps would melt , they said we would destroy the ozone layer

60,000 is still more Japanese than Canadians which 42,000 thanks to Justin letting millions of legal immigration since he took offfice

By dna and family history Uk is my native country

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 18.02.2025 02:54

I would work any job in Japan 🇨🇦❤️🇯🇵🫡 and my da t er wants to buy a cheap house in the Japanese countryside or move to the US

Canada has a low birth rate and immigration kept it up and now immigration has increased the population from 34 million to 42 million

I’m second generation Canadian and three of my grandparents are immigrants . My dad is from UK and and my mom is born in Canada.

I have one Canadian mother and one Scottish/ English Canadian grandmother

@neonnwave1 - 18.02.2025 03:11

I actually agree that there should be a way to disperse tourists around in order to avoid overcrowding. It could also help boost financial gain in other areas, like Tohoku or rural towns or other cities, if tourists are convinced to go outside of the three major cities. I suggested to my family that when we go, we should go to Sendai, Aomori and Sapporo since there's going to be WAY less tourists. Also, a small tip for anyone going to Japan, especially in Tokyo: Go to the tourist spots during the weekdays. It'll be less crowded because most people are working. The weekend is when it gets extremely crowded.

@Queltamas - 18.02.2025 04:47

Same issues in here in Vancouver. City government keeps on saying there's a labour shortage when everyone knows its actually because minimum wage isn't enough to afford living in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Its gotten so bad that the government is giving businesses incentives, which of course leads to massive corruption and exploitation like at Tim Horton's.

@matthewjay660 - 18.02.2025 05:43

I COMPLETELY agree with Kana Shindo-san. 🇺🇸🤝🇯🇵

@azzam6532 - 18.02.2025 12:53

Its very sad that tourist try to ruin not just Japan culture and aub culture like otaku culture but in real life culture too

This is one of the side effect for being too populer i think

@peekaboo1575 - 18.02.2025 17:49

They have turned their country into a theme park. I hope it is worth it.

@GenesRapture - 18.02.2025 20:22

Japanese restaurants have to increase prices whether they want to or not. That's basic economics. By increasing prices like going from $3 ramen to $7 would still make it affordable (the cheapest ramen in NYC is $17 that I've seen now).

And if I was going to Japan, actually, I wouldn't go to Tokyo unless it's off-season.

@apollyon4529 - 18.02.2025 21:40

Ironically Tokyo adapted to tourists and ended up drawing in way more. Where else in the country can you get away with not speaking Japanese? You reading this might be willing to try something new or break out a translator app or even learn a little Japanese but the average tourist (whether they're american, chinese, or otherwise) is stupid dumb and lazy.

In tokyo / other big tourist spots everything is served on a plate for you, employees that speak english, signs in your language etc If they want people to visit other places you have to A) Have interesting places B) Advertise said places and C) Make them accommodating for the average idiot.

Another really good comment also brought up how this isnt really a tourist problem but a Japanese problem, if your economy is in the gutter tourists are going to flood in to take advantage of the cheap prices, businesses want to make money so raise prices to accommodate for relatively rich tourists, now everything where tourists go is priced for tourists and the average Japanese is screwed over by their fellow Japanese. Getting mad at tourists wont fix this though, improving the yen will naturally dissuade people from visiting Japan.

@adcaptandumvulgus4252 - 18.02.2025 21:53

Well if it keeps it up Japan can start angling for disaster tourism

@rafae5902 - 19.02.2025 04:41

I will say the obvious solution, promote remote work and have less people commuting to work.

@AZ-hb7tp - 19.02.2025 06:27

Heaps of these tourist are just going there for prostitutes. The fact that japanese women are now easily throwing themselves for money is such a let down.

@jarnahmaxux7187 - 19.02.2025 10:51

Imagine being an average overworked Japanese salary man who probably hates his life and seeing hordes of foreigners coming to your country every year because they think it’s a paradise.

@Hachi-Roku86268 - 19.02.2025 21:23

Perfect eggs.

@magu787 - 20.02.2025 05:08


@fangiscool1 - 20.02.2025 07:19

I hope Japan just makes a quota instead of trying to manage the increasing tourist numbers. My wife is japanese and visiting my in-laws was crazy last time I went. Very crowded compared to just 2 years ago when I last visited. It's really flooded with chinese tourists. Some areas are entirely chinese tourists.

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 20.02.2025 09:51

Canadians had a postive view of immigration until Justin Trudeau in created the population from 34 million ton42 million

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 20.02.2025 09:52

Canadians visted us 20,000 times and now Canadians are boycotting us

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 20.02.2025 09:52

It’s simple…low birth rate means no new customers and current customers are dying off

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 20.02.2025 09:53

Japan is xenophobic and hates gaijin and will not give non-Japanese Japanese citizenship however its thier country and they run thier country how they want too

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 20.02.2025 09:56

Japanese people hate peoplethat suffer from mental illness and Japanese hate becuase inhave bipolar studying for years just they could talk behind my back was a waste

Anime was a mistake and wasted years a studying Japanese language, history and culter just to be treated like a human trash by the Japanese

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 20.02.2025 09:58

i studied Japanese to watch anime and read manga not to talk to Japanese as they can’t stand me becuase I talk too much but i failed to learn enough j’ai es to watch anime and read manga because I am pathetic loser

@raijin7707 - 21.02.2025 11:39

Good video Nobita, that last lady had some great Ideas she's on to something, put her in front of a politician or city counsel, someone needs to hear her out to make some policy changes.

@spectator4786 - 22.02.2025 07:45

Worlds worst tourists:

USA UK PRC Russia not in any order rude as fuck.

India , Pakistan , Afghanistan, Iraqi, Kuwait, Iran not in any order. They come, they stay and never leave and hate the country they've invaded.

Best behaved tourists;

Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, Kenya, Germany, South Africa.

@soyosugawara2658 - 22.02.2025 11:59

Man I think government.

@PresidentWORLD-h3o - 23.02.2025 02:21

J! RESPECT Comrades ALOHA! Ukraine I'S USSR! Hi! NATO's GO HOME NOW! 👍 Really Luigi! Free! Your Respect & You're Teams! Looks / Intell System / = I'S ! Super integrators USSR special for Charity Fund Pioneer. It I'S a Best Technology'S in The WORLD... It's I'S !!! Don't War$ Not$ !!! Voiceover Americans! !!! Mr.Don !!! We! help You're in The World & Made Now New USSR President !!! Children's 👪 need Peace in WORLD'S !!! Well !!! I'm President The 🗽WORLD'S !!! We help !!! Generations Freedom People's Back 🔙 The future it's USSR Best Stability control Country in The WORLD!!! Good Luck WORLD'S PEOPLE'S & Welcome back 🔙 in The USSR !!! LENINS WIN IDEAS 💡 WINS WORLD'S PEOPLE'S IN THE WORLD!!! Free Luigi! FREEDOM USA NoW Guys NoW! 👍 THANKS Beauty Strong Military GIRLS! Yes! MAGA needs MEGA Lady's! Respect for The USSR Military Man! Welcome Soviet Union !!! Well !!! We Made World's Peace! Happy! You Lady's !!! CHARITY FUND PIONEER Don't wars Mr. Don! 1°Lady need help I'S Made personal preference Projects informations community international performance! I'S it's Strategy PEACE politics Soviet Union for Next Generations The Best PIONEER'S NoW activated Special Space Technology's "INTELL _ I'S _ SYSTEM" Start Perspective Stability Program Socialist Revolution Make Great Again Communism World's Forever! !!! WE This !!! I'S !!! NEW LEADERSHIPS WORLD !!! O.K. ENJOY NoW President WORLD!!! 尊敬的塔克·卡尔森先生 我们非常高兴地欢迎您来到莫斯科!拉夫罗夫同志有普京先生的口信要转达给您,您需要将其转达给美国总统唐纳德·特朗普先生……不要犹豫,向拉夫罗夫本人询问俄罗斯总统给美国总统的口信。你好,美国!非常感谢 您可以在贝加尔湖放松身心。我们将为我们的贵宾安排好一切,尽我们所能 Aloha PEACE People's! We are very happy Your Welcome in Vladivostok USSR! Dear Lavrov has a message for you from Mr. Putin, which you need to convey to Mr. DJ Trump, the President of the United States… Do not hesitate to ask Lavrov himself questions about the message of the President WORLD to the President of the United States!
You can always relax at Lake Baikal! We will arrange everything for you at the highest level &...

@PresidentWORLD-h3o - 23.02.2025 02:23

EurAsia & Japan's needs NoW PEACE politics USSR for Next Generations The Best PIONEER'S NoW activated Special Space Technology's "INTELL _ I'S _ SYSTEM" Start Perspective Stability Program Socialist Revolution Make Great Again Communism World's Forever! !!! WE This !!! I'S !!! NEW LEADERSHIPS WORLD !!! O.K. ENJOY NoW President WORLD!!! 尊敬的塔克·卡尔森先生 我们非常高兴地欢迎您来到莫斯科!拉夫罗夫同志有普京先生的口信要转达给您,您需要将其转达给美国总统唐纳德·特朗普先生……不要犹豫,向拉夫罗夫本人询问俄罗斯总统给美国总统的口信。你好,美国!非常感谢 您可以在贝加尔湖放松身心。我们将为我们的贵宾安排好一切,尽我们所能 Aloha PEACE People's! We are very happy Your Welcome in Vladivostok USSR! Dear Lavrov has a message for you from Mr. Putin, which you need to convey to Mr. DJ Trump, the President of the United States… Do not hesitate to ask Lavrov himself questions about the message of the President WORLD to the President of the United States!
You can always relax at Lake Baikal! We will arrange everything for you at the highest level &...

@slapsoilceres - 27.02.2025 08:06

I'm excited and positive for Japan's future. can't wait to go back this year.

@jasonmoser8957 - 28.02.2025 07:22

Japan is turning into Disneyland - sad to see.

@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 28.02.2025 11:32


@Matthewgeoffreyknight - 28.02.2025 11:36

I’m just watch some of your other videos for “research purposes only” 😂❤

@markuskoster2580 - 06.03.2025 01:49

You look very serious in a suit. That is good in formal settings. Excellent addition to your repertoire. Have confidence in yourself and please continue your good work.
