Capitalism And Monopolies: How Five Companies Control All US Media

Capitalism And Monopolies: How Five Companies Control All US Media

Second Thought

3 года назад

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Second Thought
Second Thought - 28.08.2020 18:57

Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoy the video. A couple quick corrections: Dreamworks is owned by Comcast, and Disney now owns the majority of Hulu. Like I said in the video, properties change hands all the time and it's difficult to keep up, but the trades/mergers/acquisitions are always between those five giant mega-corporations.

loh - 27.09.2023 22:25

Free market capitalism 😂

Darja Truth
Darja Truth - 20.09.2023 17:05

Oh yeah, there are twisted ravenish devils behind it, always evolving new ways of manipulation

Johann Johann
Johann Johann - 14.09.2023 00:11

It may not be Communism, but with so few "mega-companies"/conglomerates owning 95% or more of everything, it sure falls into Socialism. Now I see Mr. Putin's perspective of "the west" for the first time. Their still bat shit crazy in Russia, but corporations over communism any day in my book. But in truth, I now know why civilizations fall. Atlantis didn't sink in the ocean, it consolidated into one mega corporation running everything, then the monetary system failed.

Heisenberg🥸 - 02.09.2023 18:08

This is matrix reality

Filthy Filter
Filthy Filter - 28.08.2023 23:17

You are talking about monopolies... what about Blackrock? Make a video about them!

Small City Homesteaders
Small City Homesteaders - 24.08.2023 04:20

Education!......i love it

Cjthemaa111 - 18.08.2023 23:01


Nes Meme
Nes Meme - 18.08.2023 11:03

Yo check this OUUUUUUUTTTT!

Whank McSockpuppet
Whank McSockpuppet - 18.08.2023 03:04

They are called "shadow monopolies". On paper they are separate, but in monetary entanglement and cooperation they function as one entity.

Hannah Naylor
Hannah Naylor - 16.08.2023 17:00

Tv man

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker - 16.08.2023 01:04

It is not so much “companies” as it people. Global American Hating Elites own the companies but it’s the people fooling the other people. I would watch the news ever unless I wanted to see come comedy.

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker - 16.08.2023 01:01

Crazy how the author tries to blend Capitalism and the News networks as if they are on the same side. The media is owned by liberals who cants stand capitalism. They are using their networks to destroy it. It like saying republicans are for the rich. Lol. Then why are all the rich extreme liberals who hate conservatives????

Declan Windsor
Declan Windsor - 08.08.2023 18:00

So just to summarize we are fucked
Every movement eco project is controlled to make us think things are changing we are fucked the political system is a lie the every president is a puppet nothing we do will matter because they control what goes viral free speech is a lie and the rich get richer as the planet dies

Paige Desprez
Paige Desprez - 01.08.2023 22:53

Comment, like, what have you

John Wright
John Wright - 31.07.2023 13:03

The UK media ownership is similarly concentrated, except the BBC whose senior execs are politically appointed. Guess what? The Tories appointed political favourites so now that has been undermined. Murdoch controls about 60% of Australian media.

Sylph Moon
Sylph Moon - 27.07.2023 03:46

Just remember that all these companies exist at the beck and call of the government (the unelected one that works in the shadows). Remember that Microsoft didn't have lobbyists til the US government came calling wanting their cut.

Anika Parvati
Anika Parvati - 25.07.2023 21:35

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money. I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family.

greendesertsnow - 06.07.2023 19:42

So you have 5 choices. What more do you want? 😅

stormtrooper - 02.07.2023 19:52

Oy vey✡️

Andy Green
Andy Green - 27.06.2023 12:46

Just don't watch tv and read news in internet. You need to travel more ,do sport and read books. News,tv, social network it's pice of shit ,don't spend your time on these shit ,spend your time on self- improving .

SF - 18.06.2023 21:11


SF - 18.06.2023 21:11


Draco Galboy, Vellichorian
Draco Galboy, Vellichorian - 09.06.2023 04:33

And all of those (and damn near every industry) have majority stakeholders by the name of blackrock, vanguard, and state street

Joshua Gharis
Joshua Gharis - 07.06.2023 02:40

Noooo....I can't believe nat geo is Fox. Such great documentaries now seem evil

Ruth Marquis
Ruth Marquis - 02.06.2023 16:10


S.M.G.21 - 30.05.2023 15:51

Oy Vey Cool it With the Antisemitic Remarks!!!!

Craig Keidel
Craig Keidel - 26.05.2023 18:01

That's why Hulu is still around despite literally being the worst streaming site by any metric! It's owned by 3/5 of these bastards! They can't let it fail!

Falcon Trothrim
Falcon Trothrim - 19.05.2023 20:36

So the big 5 are just like 5 departments in "one" company All with the same agenda

HumanOddity69 - 16.05.2023 01:08

Face to your core what it is that you really believe down to the level of the pillars that are principals and then peel back a layer to find your tenant. How much of that jives with what all of the media is constantly trying to brainwash everyone into thinking is normal? It's sick and it's artificial. If you were getting the real news from anyone then they would run out the clock talking about all of the non politicized violence and disasters that occur every single day in this country. Vet yourself and then breath in the fresh air because that is the key to the first door on the road to freedom.

Gabe Robison
Gabe Robison - 15.05.2023 08:25

New monopoly statute. If any company, including it’s subsidiaries and any venture it has investments in have a market share combined that exceeds 20%, the executives involved are subject to summary execution

Gabe Robison
Gabe Robison - 15.05.2023 08:23

The rich better be afraid. My generation grew up watching SWtCW and is well aware of what a fascist totalitarian state ran on laissez faire capitalism is and we LOATHE it

23e chromosoom
23e chromosoom - 14.05.2023 19:49

Just dont understand why or how people dont see the illusion...Its just insane....Stop buying, looking, listening to all these networks...have some dignity goddang...

23e chromosoom
23e chromosoom - 14.05.2023 19:45

Super Power of media.....they can be detroyed just by not listening or tuning in to them...We hold the power...Power of percepction and need.

sahar1213 - 13.05.2023 14:26

where are your sources?

Steve Joseph
Steve Joseph - 10.05.2023 18:43

BuT iN cUbA tHeY dOnT hAvE a "FrEe MeDiA"....

Dragonking1995 - 04.05.2023 04:50

I don't really don't see what's wrong with corporate imperialism. It's just a necessary evil at worst and the source of all modern conveniences at best.

Rita Marie Kelley
Rita Marie Kelley - 03.05.2023 23:54

Bill Clinton really help this monopolization in 1996. Clinton moved the Dem Party to the right.
CNN is moving right. The best thing we could do for ourselves is not to watch any news and stick to indie media only.

AudiosomatikA - 02.05.2023 07:15

In doing research and really trying to get away from the Microsoft Monopoly I tried to go with Linux... What I found was that the Microsoft monopoly stuff from the 90's became BS they either broke the company up and rebought them but what is the most sus in my findings is that with modern anti cheat software you need to have a copy of Microsoft internet browser installed to be able to access this level of security for gaming thus making all Linux system unable to access this and making all consumers not able to access multiplayer support if they wanted to play on Linux even though the system and OS are able to... Microsoft is still a Monopoly with government intervention I really think yell have no idea how powerful all this crap has become..

B Wasman
B Wasman - 29.04.2023 14:29

Again there is nothing in place to stop mega control by corporations. So we have the gov't control by them using Biden as a stooge who doesn't know or care what he is doing!

Youtube University
Youtube University - 24.04.2023 20:13

Oligopolistic... just a monopoly that technically split itself into 5 chunks.

youtuber - 20.04.2023 04:10

- As we view the achievements of aggregated capital, we discover the existence of trusts, combinations, and monopolies, while the citizen is struggling far in the rear or is trampled to death beneath an iron heel.

Corporations, which should be the carefully constrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters.

Grover Cleveland

Dyortos - 16.04.2023 19:01

Thank you for posting this <3

Charlie Pea
Charlie Pea - 06.04.2023 15:27

Monopolies feel like a battle royale, eating competitors while reaching to the top. Wonder who gets to win among the top 5 in the future. Pretty sure there's gonna be a monopolistic megacorp soon similar to WallE (which is owned by Disney lol)

Tom Guillermo
Tom Guillermo - 02.04.2023 16:33

It's hilarious that Disney now owns News Corp (minus fox News). So it's basically the big 4 now 😮‍💨

William ⳩
William ⳩ - 22.03.2023 06:18

Hmmm, I wonder what all the executives of these companies have in common...

Gee Bee
Gee Bee - 19.02.2023 02:24

Liberal Zionist ashkenazi Jews

suicune2001 - 11.02.2023 17:54

