Living in Silicon Valley California | Pros and Cons

Living in Silicon Valley California | Pros and Cons

Living In Silicon Valley

1 год назад

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@bryanscott2126 - 14.08.2023 08:19

Silicon Valley is the place to
Be 😎

@grimsquad273 - 19.05.2024 08:19

Review it now! Like right now again. It’s hell on earth. You’ve got these wealthy people that are absolutely dreadful to be around. Traffic quadrupled and it’s full of rich idiots that drive like they’ve never been in America 🤦🏻‍♂️

I only need to get two miles to work and constantly dodging dumbasses that I swear are trying to kill me and themselves in Teslas and those EV mustangs and Porsches.

This place is too small for all these smug assholes trying to flex. And I mean literally everyone in this crowded area are trying to flex on each other.

That the kind of community you want to live in?

I’m a nice down to earth person oh but don’t worry you live here that will change
